Title: Earthquake triggering, stress changes
1Earthquake triggering, stress changes
Seismicity in Southern California
3Earthquake clustering
- Seismicity in Southern California with m2
- Symbol size rupture area 10m
- Color represents longitude -120 -116
Northridge M6.7
Joshua- Tree, M6.1
Hector Mine M7.1
Landers M7.3
4Earthquake clustering
- Seismicity in Southern California with m2
- Symbol size rupture area 10m
- Color represents longitude -120 -116
Joshua- Tree, M6.1
Landers M7.3
5Foreshocks, mainshocks, aftershocks
? average over many sequences ---- 1 typical
6!! Non-conventional definition of
mainshocksand aftershocks
- Mainshock any isolated EQ
- Aftershock EQ within the influence zone
(T,R) of the mainshock - can be LARGER than the mainshock
- Motivation can we explain the triggering of a
large EQ by a smaller one using the same laws
as for a small EQ triggered by a larger one?
7When Relaxation of number of aftershocks with
timeand scaling with mainshock magnitude M
P(m) GR law
- Aftershock rate decays with time as N1/t0.9 for
all M (Omori law) - Only the number of aftershocks increases with M,
N rupture area 10M
8How are large EQs from smaller ones?
- theyre larger L100.5m
- but same stress drop
- static coulomb stress change ?(r/L,?)
- so the number of aftershocks fault area L2
10m as observed - small and large EQS collectively as important
for triggering and for stress transfers between
EQS if P(m)10m (GR law)
M5, L3 km
9How big are triggered events Distribution of
aftershocks magnitudes for different mainshock
size M
Southern California 1980-2005
- Same mag distribution for all M
- Only the number of aft increases with M
10Where Spatial distribution of aftershocks
mainshocks M7-7.5
? aftershocks --- background
- relocated catalog for Southern Califorina
- Shearer et al., 2004
- Triggering distance increases with M
- Max triggering distance
- R 2 rupture length
- 0.02x10m/2 km
Number of aftershocks
mainshock M2-2.5
Distance from mainshock (km)
11Where Triggering distance as a function M
- triggering distance d(m) 0.01x100.5m km
rupture length
12Summary earthquake triggering, observations
- Aftershock rate decays as N1/t0.9, for t
between a few sec and several yrs, independently
of the mainshock magnitude M. - The number of aftershocks increases as N 10M
L2 , for 0ltMlt9. - Small EQs collectively as important as larger
ones for EQ triggering - The size of a triggered event is not constrained
by the mainshock size - The typical triggering distance L 0.01x10M/2
km. - The maximum triggering distance is 2L
- These observations can be explained by several
models of earthquake triggering by static stress
changes, such as the rate-and-state model of
Dieterich 1994.
- static (permanent) coseismic stress change
stress weakening - - rate-and-state friction Dieterich, 1994
- subcritical crack growth Das Scholz, 1981
Shaw, 1993 - damage rheology Ben-Zion Lyakhovsky, 2005
- or stress relaxation with time
- - fluid diffusion Nur Booker, 1972
- - postseismic slip asperities Schaff et al.,
1998 - - viscous relaxation (?) Mikumo and Miyatake,
1979 - dynamic stress changes (seismic waves) ?
- - does not explain long-time triggering
- Gomberg, 1997 Brodsky et al., 1998, 2003
14Models for EQ triggering and forecasting
- Epidemic Type EQ Sequence (ETES)
- Kagan and Knopoff, 1981 Ogata, 1988
- Empirical model, based on Omori law GR law
- Seismicity rate depends on time, location and
mag of past EQs - Rate-and-State
- Dieterich, 1994
- Physical model based on rate-and-state friction
law - Seismicity rate as a function of stress history
rate-and-state friction
15Epidemic Type Earthquake Sequence (ETES) model
- Input
- Probability that an EQ (t,x,m) triggers another
(t,x,m) -
- Results
- Multiple interactions between EQs
16Definition of ETES model
- Seismicity rate "background"
"aftershocks" - Magnitude distribution G.R. law
- Aftershocks Omori law and increase of
aftershock with magnitude
17ETES model, foreshocks and aftershocks
Aftershocks Aftershocks of aftershocks
global Omori law Rg(t) 1 / t p
with p p Rg(t) Rl(t)
Foreshocks Inverse Omori law R(t) 1 / t p
with p p
18Foreshock, mainshocks , aftershocks
- same properties F?M and M?A
- - in time Omori, aftershock duration and p
exponent indep. of mM - - in space rM-rF LF rA-rM LM
- - in magnitude P(mA) G.R. law indep. of mM
- NA(mM) 10?m
- same physical mechanisms for F?M and M?A
- from nucleation, critical point model, or
rupture experiments
19Rate-and-state friction law
- Friction law Dieterich, 1979 Ruina, 1983
- ? ?0 A ln (V) B ln(?)
- d?/dt 1 - ?V/Dc
- steady state
- ? const. (A-B) ln (V)
- stable if AgtB EQs AltB
Dieterich Kilgore, 1996
20Rate-and-state friction law and EQ triggering
by a static stress change
- without perturbation V1/(tc-t)
- (nucleation phase)
- Initial population of faults with uniform pdf of
rupture time - ?? increases V and moves the fault closer to
failure - Clock change ?tc depends on initial state
- Increase of seismicity rate and Omori law decay
Dieterich, 1994
21Rate-and-state model of seismicity Dieterich
- Relation between seismicity rate R and (Coulomb)
stress history - and
- For a static stress change constant tectonic
loading rate
22Coseismsic slip, stress change, and aftershocks
Planar fault, uniform stress drop
Slip Shear stress Seismicity rate RS
23Spatial distribution of aftershocks
Map aftershocks Landers, 1992, M7.3 S.
California tlt1yr
Aftershocks within 1 km from the fault plane
24Spatial distribution of aftershocks
- Most aftershocks occur on or close to the
fault plane, where the shear stress change
decreases on average - Shear stress change must be very heterogeneous
to explain on fault aftershock triggering with
the rate-and-state model - - fault roughness Dieterich, 2005
- - slip heterogeneity
25Shear stress heterogeneity due to fault geometry
26Slip and shear stress heterogeneity
- Stochastic scale-invariant kinematic slip model
Herrero and Bernard, 1994 - Large kgt1/L U(k) 1/k2
- Large EQ sum of small ones
- Small klt1/L U(k) const.
- Random phase
- Reproduces the 1/f2 power spectrum seismogramms
(displacement) for fgtfc - Shear stress power-spectrum ?(k) 1/k for kgt1/L
- - infinite standard deviation!
- - small scale cutoff
- - or U(k) 1/kn with ngt2
27Slip and shear stress heterogeneity
- Modified k2 slip model U(k) 1/(k1/L)2.3
- Stress drop ?0 3 MPa
28Slip and shear stress heterogeneity RS model
- Synthetic aftershock catalog generated using
Dieterich 1994 model - (without multiple interactions between
29Stress heterogeneity and aftershock decay with
- Aftershock rate from RS model with modified k2
slip model - R(t) ?fault R(t,?) P(?) d?
- assuming A?n 1 MPa
Stress distribution Gaussian
30Modified k2 slip model, Off-fault aftershocks
- On fault
- - for kgt1/L
- - slip
- U(k) 1/k2.3
- - shear stress change
- ?(k) 1/k1.3
- Distance dltL
- from the fault
- ?(k) exp(-kd)/k1.3
Distance from the fault d/L
31Stress heterogeneity and aftershock decay with
- RS model produces Omori law with p1 for an
exponential pdf P(?) - P(?) exp(- ?/?o)
- R(t) ? R(t,?) P(?) d? 1/tp for tta
with p 1- A?n/?o
32Stress heterogeneity and aftershock decay with
- Aftershock rate for P(?) exp(-?/?o)
- p 1- A?n/?o for t ta
- p decreases if heterogeneity
- ?o increases
p0.9 Stacked aft sequences in S. California
33Aftershock decay for a Gaussian stress
- stress distribution
- P(?) exp-(?-?0)2 /2?2
- aftershock rate close to Omori law
- with effective exponent
- p 1- A ?n?0 - A2?n2 log(t/ta) /?2
Omori law with p0.80
34Inversion of stress changes from aftershock rate
- Deviations from Omori law with p1 due to
- stress decrease / increase with time
- Dieterich, JGR 1994 Nature 2000
- or heterogeneity of coseismic stress change, due
to - - fault geometry Dieterich, 2005
- - heterogeneity of coseismic slip
- hard to distinguish between small scale stress
heterogeneity and temporal variation - We invert for P(?) from aftershocks rate R(t)
- Solve R(t) ? R(t,?) P(?) d?
- assuming stress does not change with time
- problem RS model with instantaneous stress
change cant explain pgt1
35Inversion of stress pdf from aftershock rate
Test on synthetic RS catalogs
modified k2 model
Shear stress change
Rate State Dieterich, 1994
Aftershock rate (model)
EQ catalog ti , i1,..,N tminltt lttmax
Aftershock rate (simul)
36Inversion of stress pdf from aftershock rate
- Complete distribution P(?)
- - solution of R(t) ? R(t,?) P(?) d?
- - fixed ta, Rr, A?n
- Gaussian P(?)
- - fixed A?n, Rr
- - invert for ?, ?0 and ta
37Inversion of stress pdf from aftershock rate
Synthetic RS catalog - input P(?) N150000 -
inverted P(?), fixed A?n , Rr and ta A?n1
MPa - Gaussian P(?) ?0 3 MPa ?20 MPa
fixed A?n and Rr , invert for ta , ?0 and ?
38Inversion of stress pdf from aftershock rate
Synthetic RS catalog - input P(?) N230 -
inverted P(?), fixed A?n , Rr and ta A?n1 MPa -
Gaussian P(?), fixed A?n and Rr , invert for ta,
?0 and ? ?0 3 MPa ?20 MPa - Gaussian
P(?), fixed A?n , ?0 and Rr , invert for ta and ?
39Inversion of stress pdf from aftershock rate
Synthetic RS catalog - input P(?) N3857 -
inverted P(?) not constrained A?n0.1 MPa -
Gaussian P(?), fixed A?n and Rr , invert for ta,
?0 and ? ?0 3 MPa ?20 MPa - Gaussian
P(?), fixed A?n , ?0 and Rr , invert for ta and ?
Omori p0.993
40Parkfield 2005 m6 aftershock sequence
- Fixed
- A?n 1 MPa
- ?0 3 Mpa
- Inverted
- ? 11 MPa
- ta 10 yrs
- Loading rate
- d?/dt A?n / ta
- 0.1 MPa/yr
- Recurrence time
- tr ta ?0/A?n
- 30 yrs
Data, aftershocks Fit RS model Gaussian P(?) Fit
Omori law p0.88
41 Stacked aftershock sequences, Japan (80, 3ltMlt5,
Data, aftershocks Fit RS model Gaussian P(?) Fit
Omori law p0.89
- Fixed
- A?n 1 MPa
- ?0 3 Mpa
- Inverted
- ? 12 MPa
- ta 1.1 yrs
- Loading rate
- d?/dt A?n / ta
- 0.9 MPa/yr
- Recurrence time
- tr ta ?0/A?n
- 3.4 yrs
42Landers, 1992, M7.3, aftershock sequence
- Fixed
- A?n 1 MPa
- ?0 3 Mpa
- Inverted
- ? 2350 MPa
- ta 52 yrs
- Loading rate
- d?/dt A?n / ta
- 0.02 MPa/yr
- Recurrence time
- tr ta ?0/A?n
- 156 yrs
Data, aftershocks Fit RS model Gaussian P(?) Fit
Omori law p1.08
43Hector Mine 1999 M7.1 aftershock sequence
- Fixed
- A?n 1 MPa
- ?0 3 MPa
- Inverted
- ? 438 MPa
- ta 80 yrs
- Loading rate
- d?/dt A?n / ta
- 0.012 MPa/yr
- Recurrence time
- tr ta ?0/A?n
- 240 yrs
Data, aftershocks Fit RS model Gaussian P(?) Fit
Omori law p1.16
44Morgan Hill, 1984 M6.2, aftershock sequence
- Fixed
- A?n 1 MPa
- ?0 3 Mpa
- Inverted
- ? 6.2 MPa
- ta 26 yrs
- Loading rate
- d?/dt A?n / ta
- 0.04 MPa/yr
- Recurrence time
- tr ta ?0/A?n
- 78 yrs
data, aftershocks Fit RS model Gaussian P(?) Fit
Omori law p0.68
45Inversion of stress - Conclusion
- Stress drop not constrained if catalog too short
- We can estimate ? (width of P(?)) for a
limited catalog if plt1 - And if we know A?n
- - A?n 1 MPa ? A0.01 (Lab experiments,
Dieterich and Kilgore 1996) - ?n100 MPa (lithostatic pressure at
5km) - - A?n 0.1 MPa ? (relation between ta and
recurrence time Dieterich, 1994) - Effect of secondary aftershocks?
- - increase ref EQ rate Rr Ziv and Rubin, 2003,
but does not change p or ? ? - Heterogeneity of A?n? (does not change R(t) if
A?n less heterogeneous than ??) - Post-seismic stress relaxation?