Title: LBGs at z1, LIRGs at z1
1LBGs at z1, LIRGs at z1 the evolution of
Ldust / LFUV with z
Denis Burgarella Observatoire Astronomique
Marseille Provence Laboratoire dAstrophysique de
Marseille In collaboration with Véronique Buat
(France), Emeric Le Floch (USA), Jiasheng Huang
(USA), George Rieke (USA), Tsutomu Takeuchi
3Do we live in a dual (UV / IR) Universe ?
- Rest-frame UV e.g. LBGs Rest-frame
SCUBA (Hughes et al. 1998)
Sawicki (2001) The amount of dust in LBGs and
its effect on the inferred SFRs remains
uncertain. It is unlikely that a consensus about
the amount of stellar light intercepted by dust
will be reached on the basis of rest-frame UV and
optical data alone.
4LBGs form the largest sample of spectroscopically
confirmed high redshift galaxies
- BUT they remain (statistically) undetected in FIR
and sub-mm - Knowing more about them means either
- Increasing the size/sensitivity of telescopes
Herschel / ALMA / Spica to get dust luminosities - Observing nearer LBGs (say z 1)
5Wealth of data available(from X-rays to FIR) in
the CDFS
1 '
R (COMBO 17)
24 ?m (SPITZER / MIPS)
6Definition of the 0.9 lt z lt 1.3 LBG sample
- 420 Lyman Break Galaxies in CDF-South
- 15 are detected at 24 um (Red LBGs RLBGs)
- 85 are undetected at 24 um (Blue LBGs BLBGs)
7Quantitative morphologyMost LBGs are disky
- Morphology extracted from Lauger et al. (05)
galaxy sample 75 are spirals 22 are mergers 3
(1) is a spheroid - Morphology consistent with other works at
0.6ltzlt1.2 (e.g.Wolf et al. 05, Bell et al. 05) - Morphology consistent
- with LIRG studies
- (e.g. Zheng et al. 04)
8Morphology of z 1 LBGs
Interacting system
1 arcsec ? 8 kpc _at_ z 1
9Interesting population of hi-z galaxies
- Blue galaxies
- Dusty galaxies
- Ldust / LFUV 5
VV 114 (Vavilkin et al. 2007)
10No effect of the InterGalactic Medium at z 1
- This figure from Madau et al. (1996) presents the
effect of the intergalactic absorption. Magnitude
increments ?U300 (dotted lines), ?B450
(short-dashed lines), ?V606 (long-dashed lines)
and ?U814 (dash-dotted lines), are derived by
integrating transmission over the corresponding
bandpass, as a function of the emission redshift.
Note that below z1.5, there is no noticeable
By detecting LBGs at z1, we want to detect
UV-selected star-forming galaxies
11UV and IR Data
- UV from GALEX (FUV and NUV)
- IR from Spitzer (IRAC/E-CDFS and MIPS/GTO
12Can we use deep fields (DIS) magnitudes from
GALEX pipeline ?
- Confusion limit
- In deep fields, blending with neighbours can
give UV magnitudes wrong by up to 1.5 mag - PSF fitting photometry needed we used DAOPHOT
valid for point-sources (z gt 0.5 is OK, de Mello
et al. 2007)
gt 20 beams per source
13Characterisation of z1 LBGs
14Luminosities of z1 LBGs
- LFIR estimated from 24 um
- Chary Elbaz (2001)
- Takeuchi et al. (2005)
- LBGs can be LIRGs and even ULIRGs
MIPS GTO limit
15Comparing LBGs at z1 and at z2
- From Reddy et al. (2006) at z2
- Same range of bolometric luminosity at z1 and
z2 - SMGs seem to extend RLBG trend
16The Spectral Energy Distribution of LBGs
from UV to sub-mm.
17Median SED of Red LBGs
18Median SED of Blue LBGs
19SEDs of LBGs _at_ z1 galaxies at _at_ z3 (Forster
Schreiber et al. 2004)
20SED fitting by Bayesian method
21- Blue objects (?RLBG -1.6) can be U/LIRGs
- No major differences (continuity ?) between Blue
LBGs and Red LBGs - Similar Optical IR SED (no AGN)
- About the same Star Formation History
- RLBGs more attenuated than BLBGs
- massRLBG gt massBLBG
- UV-optical SED of BLBGs at z1 and LBGs z3
similar gt high-z LBGs should have a low dust
attenuation in average
22- The total Star Formation Rate
- at z 1
24z1 LBG Statistics ( 420 LBGs)
At ? 1150Å Ldust gt 1011 Lsun and LUV gt 5 x 109
Lsun gt L L(z1) or 0.1 L(z3)
25Evolution of Ldust / LFUV with redshift
26Evolution of the ratio Ldust / LUV vs. the
redshift for UV-selected galaxies
Buat et al. 07 see a decrease in an IR-selected
sample AFUV (z0.7) - AFUV (z0) 0.5 /- 0.1
- The universe is very likely complex
- e.g. from z0 to z1
- Globally IR/UV ?(Takeuchi et al. 05)
- On a galaxy per galaxy basis IR/UV ?
28A model for the high redshift universe
- We can conclude that we have two (partially)
opposite but complementary sides seen in
rest-frame UV and in rest-frame FIR - That stresses the need for multi-? surveys
29Merci / / Thank You
CDFS UV Data from PSF fitting available for
45000 sources Burgarella et al. (2007, MNRAS
380, 986)
30A dual universe ?
31Spectral Energy Distribution of Red Lyman Break
32Spectral Energy Distribution of Blue Lyman Break
33Akari 15um open time observations of CDFS
OT Akari IRC 15µm (fov complementary to
Teplitzs with Spitzer at the same ?)
Spitzer IRAC 3.6?m
Spitzer IRAC 8.0?m
34Questions (non exhaustive list)
- Does it exist two completely disjoint galaxy
samples at high redshift UV ones and IR ones
in other words, do we see the same universe ? - If yes, how much do they contribute to the total
star formation density (redshift dependent ?)? - What are their physical parameters (mass, Star
Formation Rate, Star Formation History, Dust
Attenuation, Metallicity, etc.) - Could we evaluate the total Star Formation
Density (SFD) from the UV population and/or the
IR population (redshift dependent) ?
35U-dropouts to detect z3 LBGs
- Galaxies at high redshift might appear as
- bright, hot, sunny (full of stars) objects as
in the HST rest-frame UV image of the HDF-North
(Williams et al. 1996) - Dark, cold, shady (full of dust) objects as
in the SCUBA rest-frame FIR image image of the
HDF-North (Hughes et al. 1998)
37Can we correct LUV to estimate Lbol ?
The amount of dust in LBGs and its effect on the
inferred SFRs remains uncertain. It is unlikely
that a consensus about the amount of stellar
light intercepted by dust will be reached on the
basis of rest-frame UV and optical data alone.
38The FIR background at z1 (U)LIRGs
Adelberger Steidel (2000) The analysis of
4 suggested that the bulk of the 850 ?m
background was produced by moderately obscured
galaxies (1 lt Lbol,dust / LUV lt 100) similar to
those that host most of the star formation in the
local universe and to those that are detected in
UV-selected high-redshift surveys.
LIRGs ULIRGs contribute to 84 of the 140 ?m
extragalactic background light
Elbaz et al. (2002)
39Can we correct LUV to estimate Lbol ?
- Rest-frame UV and rest-frame FIR cosmic star
formation densities (SFDs) - A large fraction of the total SFD lies in the FIR
Pérez-González et al. (2005)
Bouwens et al. (2005)
40Estimating Ldust from UV
- Adelberger Steidel (2000) detected only a
(small) handful of LBGs at z3 in the sub-mm. To
estimate the bolometric dust luminosity, they use
the method developed by Meurer et al. (1999)
based on the slope ? of the UV continuum (f? ? ??)
Adelberger Steidel (2000)
UV range (150 - 250 nm)
attenuation -
41Location of the Lyman break as a function
of the redshift
- LBGs at z lt 3 cannot be selected from
ground-based imaging
42Evolution of the UV and FIR star formation
densities at 0 lt z lt 1
- Takeuchi et al.s (2005) GALEX - Spitzer
analysis suggests - 80 of ?SFR in FIR at z 1
- 20 of ?SFR in UV at z 1
43Dust emission from ?rest-frame 8 ?m
- Ldust is best estimated from the dust emission
range at ?rf 8 ?m - Spitzer / 24µm should be used with great care at
z 2
44Confusion in Deep GALEX images
- Confusion limit in UV estimated from the
classical method and from Takeuchi Ishii (2004)
- 16 - 20 beams per source
- we need a sophisticated tool for the photometry
(PSF fitting) we used DAOPHOT (Stetson et al.
1987) valid for point-sources, z gt 0.5 is OK (de
Mello et al. 2007)
45IR-bright LBGs at high z
- Huang et al. (05) 20 of z 3 LBGs is
detected at 8 ?m and 24?m (ILLBGs) - Burgarella et al. (06) 20 of z 1
LBGs is detected at 24?m (RLBGs) - ? similar percentage of dusty LBGs at z 1 and z
46More on the sample
- 80 complete down to NUV 26.2
- Redshifts from COMBO 17 (71 complete)
- Total sample 80 complete
- LBG selection UV selection
- ?FUVLBG 0.85 ?FUV _at_ 1800Å
47Can we correct LUV to estimate Lbol ?
- Spitzer will not observe large sample of
UV-selected galaxies (e.g. LBGs) at z gt 2 - Herschel will hardly do a better job
Huang et al. (2005)
Burgarella et al. (2007)
48SED _at_ z 1 z 3
49Using Combined Data
from Recent Telescopes.
50An introduction to GALEX
- P.I. C. Martin (CALTECH)
- Collaboration US (NASA) Korea France (CNES)
- 50-cm Ritchey-Chretien
- Field of View ? 1.24-deg
- 2 bands far-ultraviolet centered at 150nm
about 250nm - Angular Resolution 3-5 FWHM
- Imaging
- Slitless Spectroscopy with a resolution R ? /
?? 100 - 200 - Launch on April 28, 2003
51 and its survey mission
- GALEX Early Release Observations released March
2004 at MAST, the Multi-mission Archive at STScI - GALEX Release 1 (GR1) data released at MAST
- GALEX Release 2 (GR2) planned for end-2005,
beginning 2006
52Morphology and Bulge/Disk Decomposition (by Chen
- Usually, we use the Sersic function to describe
the surface brightness distribution of galaxies.
The Sersic function can be expressed in the
analytical form - S(r) Seexp K (( r / re)1/n - 1)
- The flexibility of the sersic index,n,allows
accommodation of exponential disks (n1), r1/4
spheroids (n4),and the range of profile shapes
between them.
53Morphology and Bulge/Disk Decomposition (by Chen
- Exemple of a galaxy with a bulge detected in the
HST z-band image but not in the HST V-band image.
54Morphology and Bulge/Disk Decomposition (by Chen
- In the GOODS field, 70 objects in the GOODS
survey can be fitted with an exponential disk or
present a minor merging event. - In the GEMS (larger than GOODS field but
shallower), more than 50 can be fitted with an
exponential disk. - From the sample that can be fitted with two
components (bulge disk), the Sersic index of
the bulge is smaller than for local galaxies.
55Morphology of galaxies at z1 in the litterature
- Morphology still very debated
- De Mello et al. (2006) at z 1.5 all major
morphological types with compact and peculiar
more abundant at z gt 0.7 - Lotz et al. (2006) found no difference between
the morphology of Uv-selected galaxies at z1.5
and z4 - Ravindranath et al. (2006) studied LBGs at 1.5 lt
z lt 5 40 have exponential light profiles
similar to disks. - Dahlen et al. (2007) found that the fraction of
bulges decreases with the redshift.
56Spectral Energy Distributions (RLBGs)
20 RLBGs
80 BLBGs
LBGs _at_ z 1
z 1 UV Lum. Density
All galaxies _at_ z 1
z 1 IR SF Density
Burgarella et al. (in press)
58Evolution of Ldust / LFUV with redshift (Takeuchi
et al. 2007)
59Evolution of Ldust / LFUV with redshift (Takeuchi
et al. 2007)
60(No Transcript)
61Comparison of several methods to estimate SFRTOT
62Conclusion Project(s)
- Understand the (total) star formation
- ? measure SFRTOT
- Better calibrations ?L? ? Ldust
- Better knowledge of Ldust / LFUV (z) for
UV-selected and IR-selected samples - Better mesurements in IR and in UV
- Get physical information (SEDs, optical
spectroscopy 2D et IR), modellisations - Statistical Methods (compraison of SED with IR,
smart stacking intelligent ltgt information on
the distribution of undetected sources)
63Deux parties
Bayesian SED Fitting
- Inputs
- SFH (t)
- Metallicity Z?
- Extinction 0.
Outputs Dust-free Spectra
- Inputs
- E(B-V)
- Attenuation laws
GALUVA (GALEX UV Attenuation)
- Outputs
- 82800 attenuated models
- Log(Fdust/UV)
- b0, b7, b8 (birthrate param)
- Colors
64Evolution de Ldust / LFUV pour des galaxies
sélectionnées en IR (LIRGs)
LIRGs _at_ z 0 LIRGs _at_ z 0.7
lt A(FUV) gt 3.33 0.08 mag at z0.7 and lt
A(FUV) gt 3.810.13 mag at z0
Buat et al. (2007)
65Lyman Break Galaxies
An introduction to
66Attempt 1 estimate Ldust from UV
- Although a correlation might exists (Meurer et
al. 99), the dispersion can be very large for
normal galaxies (Bell 2002, Buat et al. 2005),
for LIRGs/ULIRGs (Goldader et al. 2002). - What about LBGs ?
67Estimating SFRTOT from UV IR
68IRX-? for RLBGs compared to Meurer et al.
(1999) and Kong et al. (2004)
69IRX-? at 1.5 z lt 2
- Large luminosity galaxies are located above
Meurer et al. (1999) law but LIR estimated from
L5 - 8.5?m is likely to bear larger uncertainties
than L12?m (i.e. 24?m at z1.5-2 and z1).
Reddy et al. (2006, astro-ph/0602596)
70What about the famous IRX-? relation
- Meurer et al. suggested that the UV slope ? of
the UV continuum could be used to estimate - Ldust/LUV that is the UV dust attenuation
- The bolometric dust luminosity
- Total star formation rates of galaxies directly
from UV - The cosmic star formation history from UV only
71Attempt 2 estimate Ldust from Spitzer/IRAC (3 -
8 ?m) only
- Huang et al. detected LBGs at z3 with Spitzer
(only 4 with zspec) and much more at in the IRAC
bands where SED is still dominated by stellar
emission (uncertainty on Ldust ?)
Huang et al. (2005)
Chary Elbaz (2001)
72Morphology of z 1 LBGsmainly disks and 75
are spirals
RLBG detected at 24 um BLBG undetected at 24 um
73Discs observed in high z LBGs ?
Moorwood et al. (2000)
- No discs observed in high-z LBGs
- Simulations (e.g. Burgarella et al. 2001) suggest
that detecting discs at z3 is extremely
difficult - ISAAC R 2000 spectroscopy
- Rotation curves detected consistent with discs
Pettini et al. (2001)
74Comparison of z1 LBGs with zgt2 LBGs
- Huang et al. (05) 20 of z 3 LBGs is
detected at 8 ?m and 24?m (ILLBGs) - Burgarella et al. (06) 20 of z 1
LBGs is detected at 24?m (RLBGs) - ? similar percentage of dusty LBGs at all
redshifts ?
75Amount of dust attenuation
- About 20 of z1 LBGs have high dust attenuations
(1 lt AFUV lt 5) - Higher luminosity UV LBGs tend to have lower dust
attenuations - Average dust attenuation of 80 of z1 LBGs is
very low (ltAFUVgt 0.5) - Or, another parameter might affect the 24 um
luminosity (metallicity ? e.g. Engelbracht et al.
76UV Luminosities of LBGs _at_ z1
UV Luminosities of LBGs _at_ z1
Z 1 LBGs
Z 1 LBGs
77Avec densité de flux à 83 ?Jy
78To estimate the amount of dust attenuation1) UV
Slope (f? ? ??) ? UV Dust Attenuation 2) FIR/UV
flux ratio
- UV slope OK for IUE (Meurer et al. 1999)
- ULIRGs (Goldader et al. 2002) and normal galaxies
(Bell 2002) ? Problem ?? - Latter point confirmed Buat et al. 2005, Seibert
et al. 2005, Burgarella et al. 2005)
- Kinney et al. (1993)
- Calzetti et al. (1994)
UV range
attenuation -
? (?m)
79Why do we need the FIR for SED
fittings ?