Title: Matthews Strategic Economic Development Plan
1Matthews Strategic Economic Development Plan
Prepared for Town of MatthewsFebruary 27, 2007
- Why are we here?
- What is Economic Development?
- What is the Process?
- What is the Leadership Team Role?
- How does Economic Development Relate to the Town
Vision Statements? - What are your Economic Development Preferences?
- What are the Critical Issues?
3Why Are We Here?
- Maintain Balanced Tax Base
- Reduce Emphasis on Retail Development
- Expand Professional Employment Opportunities
- Identify Locations for Potential Employment
Centers - Take Advantage of I-485
- Recognize Mixed-Use Potential at Future Transit
4Town of Matthews Tax Base
- Commercial growth rate equivalent to residential,
but mostly retail - Residential share increased to 70
5Town of Matthews Tax Base
- Vacant acres 79 residential higher than 70
share of tax base - Higher average commercial value per acre could
offset lower share of acres - Keep residential share at or below 70
6Potential Employment Center Locations on I-485
7What Is Economic Development?
- Create jobs with new and existing businesses
- Pursue new capital investments and tax base
- Improve quality of life
8Which Businesses to Attract
- Compatible with existing businesses
- Consistent with community values
- Appropriate with adjacent uses
- Skills obtainable from community
9 Basic Industry
- Basic industry - Exports goods or services to
other areas - Brings cash into the community
- Best is luxury good manufacturing
- Retail can drain cash from a community
- Lower quality/paying jobs
- Cash sent out of community
10Distribution Businesses
- Includes Harris Teeter and Family Dollar
- Buy outside (cash out)
- Sell outside (cash in)
- Locating headquarters locally has positive effect
- Locating a branch locally has neutral effect
- Must judge each opportunity individually
- Understand overall cash flows!
11All Jobs Not Equal
- High unemployment communities eager for any jobs
- Matthews must be discerning
- Limited supply of undeveloped land
- Maximize its long-term economic benefit
- Identify target businesses
- Characterize by value to economy
12What is the Process?
- Phase I
- Community Assessment
- Phase II
- Strategic Direction
- Phase III
- Implementation
13Phase I - Community Assessment
- Create Leadership Team
- Host focus groups
- Complete research and benchmarking
- Assess properties and infrastructure
- Hold public meeting
14Phase II - Strategic Direction
- Gather recommendations on sites and choices
- Target strategic businesses
- Create marketing and branding
- Define organizational structure
- Hold public meeting
15Phase III - Implementation
- Create operational plan
- Determine timing
- Allocate funding
- Develop structure for implementation
16What is Leadership Team Role?
- Represent perspectives and interests
- Participate in process
- Stewards of the process
- Core of team for implementation
17Exercise 1
- Which Vision Statements have the greatest effect
on economic development planning. - Overlaps
- Gaps
18Exercise 2
- Choose the most desired type of economic
development for the town
19Exercise 3
- Discuss the critical issues based on what youve
learned tonight
20Next Steps
- Document critical issues
- Review next Meeting
- Future questions and/or comments
- www.askBuck.com
21(No Transcript)
22Strategy For Matthews
- Our job Develop the optimum economic
development strategy - Leadership Team Reflect values of the community
and keep E.D. strategy and local values congruent - Everyone must be stewards of the limited
resources - Make good long-term decisions
23Northwest Quadrant E. John St. I-485
24Northeast QuadrantE. John St. I-485
25Northeast Quadrant Independence Blvd. I-485
26Southwest Quadrant Independence Blvd I-485