Operation Independence Day is an effort to get
the 256th Brigade Combat Team home during block
leave from Fort Hood to Home Station Armories on
1 July 2004 and return soldiers to fort Hood on 8
July 2004. The 256th BCT is presently training
at Ft. Hood for a upcoming deployment to
IRAQ. Operation Independence Day was kicked off
by Governor Kathleen Blanco and supported by the
256th BCT Family Support Team and local Family
Assistance Centers. Monetary donations are being
solicited to help Bring our soldiers home for
this block leave period to celebrate their
Independence Day.
Please send donations to Louisiana National
Guard Office of Family Programs Building 57,
Jackson Barracks New Orleans, LA
70146-0330 Checks can also be dropped off at a
local Family Assistance Center or with an
individual unit Family Readiness Group Leader.
Check www.la.state.gov for individual
sites Checks Made Payable to Family
Support For additional information please call
Supported by the 256th BCT Family Support Team