Title: Research Presentation
1Nov. 17, 2000
Building the Electronic Commerce Components and
Framework Based on Object Web Nov. 17,
2000 Incheon Paik
- Overview of E-Commerce Technology
- Introduction to E-Commerce Components and
- Framework
- Payment Component System for E-Commerce
- Search Component System for E-Commerce
- Component Architecture of E-Commerce
- Future Research Plan for E-Business
- Educational Consideration for IT
3Overview of E-Commerce Technology
4 Areas for E-Commerce Technology
- Web Contents Technology
- Dynamic Homepage, XML, 3D Shopping Mall
- Authoring Tool, VRML
- Internet Server, Software Technology
- Electronic Payment Technology
- Product Information Service Technology
4Overview of E-Commerce Technology
Web Contents Technology
- Web Document HTML, DHTML, XML
- Document Object Model(DOM)
- Style Sheet
- Script Language
- XML(eXtended Markup Language)
- To Discribe the Various Data
- Database, CALS/EDI
- Control Display CSS,XSL
- Data Type Define (DTD)
5Overview of E-Commerce Technology
Dynamic Page CGI,JSP,Servlet,ASP
- Common Gateway Interface(CGI) Excuted by
- Web Server, Short Point of Stateless
- Java Server Page(JSP) Server Side Execution
- by Server
- Servlet Server Side Program Using Java.
- Portability, Power, Effectiveness, Robustness
- Active Server Page(ASP) Use VB/Java Script,
- Executed on IIS of MS
6Overview of E-Commerce Technology
3D Shopping Mall Authoring, VRML
- 3D Shopping Mall
- Multi-Store Construction
- 3-D Retrieval Tool
- 3-D Object Creation , Authoring Tool
- Animation, VRML
- Product Display Using Virtual Reality
- Interactive Shopping Mall
7Overview of E-Commerce Technology
Internet Server, Software Technology
- Communication Technology for Internet
- Internet Server
- Software Technology
8Overview of E-Commerce Technology
Communication Technology for Internet
- Communication Technology
- Communication Application Technology
- Computer Technology
- Cryptography Public Key, Secret Key
- Security SSL, PGP, PEM, S-HTTP,Firewall
- Middleware CORBA, ODBC, DCOM
9Overview of E-Commerce Technology
Internet Server
- Web Server
- Process the Web Document Apache, IIS
- Application Server
- Middle-Tier System S/W For Various Business
Logic - Manage Transaction, Load Balancing, Recovery,
- Security, Directory Service
- Functions
- Multi-Thread
- Thread Pooling
- CORBA, EJB Support
- Web Transaction
10Overview of E-Commerce Technology
Software Technology Distributed Objects
- Document Object Model(DOM)
- Style Sheet
- Script Language
- Distributed COM of MS
11Overview of E-Commerce Technology
Software Technology Software Component
- VB, Delphi, JavaBeans
- Server Side Components EJB, MTS
- JavaBeans Java Component Development
Environment - EJB(Enterprise JavaBeans) Server Side
Component - Model Using Java Language
12Overview of E-Commerce Technology
Software Technology EJB
- Java Components and Running Environment on
Server - Architecture
- EJB Server
- EJB Container
- Session Bean Stateful Session Bean, Stateless
Session - Bean
- Entity Bean Persistency, Bean-Managed Entity
Bean, - Container-Managed
Entity Bean - EJB Operation
- EJB Home
- EJB Object
- EJB Class
13Overview of E-Commerce Technology
Electronic Payment Technology
- Conventional Key, Public Key Cryptography
- DES, RSA, Elliptical Public-Key Cryptography
- Authorization Technology
- Authorization System Using PKI
- Payment Based on Credit Card
- Electronic Cash
- Mondex, Chip, Cyber Cash, E-Cash, Visa Cash
14Overview of E-Commerce Technology
Product Information Service Technology
- Infrastructure Database
- Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, etc
- Product Catalog Directory Service
- Electronic Catalog(Single Server Model, Virtual
- Catalog Model, Mediator Model, Central
Repository - Model)
- Indexing Technology for Web Document
- Parsing and Extraction of Information in HTML,
- XML Document
- Product Search Agent
- Gathering Agent for Product Information
15Overview of E-Commerce Technology
Agent Technology for Product Information
- Need Identification
- Personalized Advertising Agent, Reverse
Advertising Agent - Product Brokering Agent
- Personal Logic
- Firefly
- Tete-a-Tete
- Merchant Brokering Agent
- BargainFinder, Jango
- Negotiation Agent
- AuctionBot, Kasbah, Tete-a-Tete
16Overview of E-Commerce Technology
E-Commerce Framework
- XML and eCo Framework
- Based on XML Document
- CommerceNet eCo Framework
- To Give the Standard for Inter-Operable Internet
- E- Commerce Marketplace
- Based on XML Document
- Specifications Semantic SPEC., Transaction
- Framework SPEC.,Common S/W Framework SPEC
17Overview of E-Commerce Technology
E-Commerce Framework XML eCo
18Overview of E-Commerce Technology
E-Commerce Framework
- Candidate Technology to Include in eCo Framework
- Common Business Library(CBL) Describe the
Complex - E-Commerce Document Using XML
- Channel Definition Format(CDF)
- Information Content and Exchange(ICE)
- Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language
- Open Buying on the Internet(OBI)
- Open Financial Exchange(OFX)
- Open Trading Protocol(OTP)
19Overview of E-Commerce Technology
E-Commerce Framework
- Common Business Libraries(CBL)
- XML Building Block for Common Information Block
- Business Primitives Companies, Services,
Products - Business Documents Catalogs, Order Forms,
Invoices - Date and Time, Position, Class Codes
20Introduction to E-Commerce Components and
Software Component
- A set of Related Classes/Objects that provide a
well- - defined service.
- Addition to Objects
- Component Interface
- Blackbox Component
- Workflow
- Maintainability
21Introduction to E-Commerce Components and
- A Definition
- A package of software that is independently
developed, - and that defines interfaces for services it
provides and - for services it requires.
require interface
provide interface
22Introduction to E-Commerce Components and
23Introduction to E-Commerce Components and
CBSD Methodology
24Introduction to E-Commerce Components and
CBD Process
25Introduction to E-Commerce Components and
- 1. High-level Requirements
- 2. Concept Model
- 3. Use Cases
- 4. Use Case Steps
Project Tasks
- 5. Business Type Model
- 6. Transactions
- 7. Secondary Use Cases
- 8. Interface Responsibility
- 9. Interface Dependancy
- 10. Component Architecture Design
- 11. Operation Interaction
- 12. Operation Definition
- 13. Interface Type Model
- 14. Pre Post Conditions
- 15. Refined Component Architecture
26Introduction to E-Commerce Components and
Component Modeling Technique
27Introduction to E-Commerce Components and
Example of Merchant Server Component
28Introduction to E-Commerce Components and
- System Overview on Object Web
29Payment Component System for E-Commerce
Payment System
- Pay After
- Credit Card Base SET
- Pay Now
- Debit Card, Fund Transfer
- Pay Before
- Electronic Cash
30Payment Component System for E-Commerce
Electronic Cash System
31Payment Component System for E-Commerce
SET Overview
32Payment Component System for E-Commerce
SET Messages
33Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
OOA/D of SET Protocol Using UML
- Problem Specification
- This is a Payment System using SET Protocol
to manage the Shopping Mall on Web Site by
Merchant. There are 4 entities, Customer,
Merchant, Payment Gateway, and Certificate
Authority on SET. Cardholder needs to install the
electronic wallet software, and then write the
registration form which will be sent to
Certificate Authority(CA) to get a Certificate
for purchasing the goods. - After CA is requested the Certificate from
the Cardholder, it checks the validity of credit
card number at Cardholders bank, and then
confirm the Cardholders identity. If all the
checks is good, CA send the certificate to the
34Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
OOA/D of SET Protocol Using UML
- Candidate Classes
- SET Protocol, Price, Deal Realization, Deal
Bank, Approval Request, Cardholder, Purchase
Request, purchase request form, purchase request,
purchase request form, purchase form, purchase
confirmation document, finance line, register
form, delivery fare, merchant, merchant server,
goods search, goods choice, the goods, shopping
mall, credit card, credit card number, the
security, bank network, certificate authority,
the certification, certification test,
certification exchange, certification request,
batch processing, transfer, electronic receipt,
electronic wallet, payment gateway, payment
system, payment admission, payment information,
final purchase request
35Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
USE CASE Modeling
36Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Sequence Diagram
37Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Merchant Class Diagram
38Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Cardholder Class Diagram
39Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Payment Gateway Class Diagram
40Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Core Class/Interface Responsibility Model for
Cardholder and Merchant
41Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Core Class/Interface Responsibility Model for
42Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
- Early Component Structure for SET System
43Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
SET Demonstration Card Selection
44Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
SET Demonstration Card Password
45Payment Component Systemfor E-Commerce
SET Demonstration Receipt
46Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Early System IHWA
- 3-Tier Architecture Information Search System
- Using CORBA for Free Communication and
Scalability - User can train the System Directly and
Interactively - Analysis and design using OMT for code reuse and
maintenance - Suitable for the users in same interesting area
or intranet
47Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Early System 3-Tier IHWA Architecture
48Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Early System IHWA
49Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Initial Component Architecture for Search
50Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Search Component System Based on Component
51Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Grouping of Components
- Client side User
- Server Side
- Managing Division
- Seek Manager, Hot-Issue
- Gathering Division
- Affiliate Gatherer, Meta Gatherer, Regular
Gatherer - Infra Division
- DB Service ( with infra structure including
database system )
52Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
IHWA EJB Architecture
53Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Example of XML DTD for Product
- lt!ELEMENT products (product)gt
- lt!ELEMENT product (class, body)gt
- lt!ELEMENT class (PCDATA)gt
- lt!ATTLIST class class_code CDATA REQUIREDgt
- lt!ELEMENT body (content_info, type_info)gt
- lt!ATTLIST body body_id ID REQUIREDgt
- lt!ELEMENT content_info (basic_info, selling_info,
value_added_info)gt - lt!ELEMENT basic_info (basic_info_common,
basic_info_book)gt - lt!ELEMENT basic_info_common (brand, model, maker,
price, picture?)gt - lt!ELEMENT brand (PCDATA)gt
- lt!ELEMENT model (PCDATA)gt
- lt!ELEMENT maker (maker_name, address?, tel?,
fax?, email?, homepage?)gt
54Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Storing of XML Document
55Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Structure of Affiliated Gatherer
56Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Running Example When Access to QueryAgent Bean
57Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Running Example Before Running the
RebuildAgent, Select
58Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Running Example User Input Window Frame
59Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Result Informations Saved According to
60Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Result Comparison of Precision for Query
61Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Result Comparison of Other Search Engine
62Search Component Systemfor E-Commerce
Result Comparison of Speed (CGI,CORBA,EJB)
63Component Architecture of E-Commerce
Marketplace Business Services
- Collaboration Community
- Design Collaboration, Sourcing, Demand Planning,
SalesService, Business Process Flow, Decision
Support - Dynamic Trade
- Fixed or Contract Price, RFP/RFQ, Auction,
Reverse Auction, Exchange, SearchMatch - Content
- Trading Partner Agreements, Catalog, Market
Information, User Profiles, Business Process
Flow, Decision Support
64Component Architecture of E-Commerce
Marketplace Business Services
- Transaction
- Order Management, Invoicing, Payments,
Fulfillment, Requisitions - Marketplace Administration
- Membership Services, Usage Tracking, Audit,
Exceptions, Permissions, Commerce Personalization
65Component Architecture of E-Commerce
IBM Component Model for B2B Marketplace Solution
66Component Architecture of E-Commerce
SCH E-Commerce Component Architecture
67Component Architecture of E-Commerce
3 Areas for E-Commerce Component
- Payment Field
- E-Cash Component for IC Card
- E-Cash Component for Network Type
- SET??? ?? ????
- Retrieval Field
- XML DB Meta Document Component
- Framework for Search Component
- XML Product Gathering Component
- Access Control Component
- Information Classification Component
- XML to DB Schema Generation Component
- Information Gathering Component Using Mobile Agent
68Component Architecture of E-Commerce
3 Areas for E-Commerce Component
- Application Field
- Product Registration Component
- Knowledge Based Product Recommendation Agent
- Personalized Agent Component
- Product Display Component Using 3-D Animation
- Product Information Service Based on WAP
69Future Research Plan for E-Business
- E-Business Model and EC Framework Based on CBSD
- Payment Component
- Product Search Component
- B2B Market Place Component
70Future Research Plan for E-Business
E-Business Model and EC Framework Based on CBSD
71Future Research Plan for E-Business
EC Framework Based on ebXML
72Future Research Plan for E-Business
Payment Component
73Future Research Plan for E-Business
Product Search Component
74Future Research Plan for E-Business
B2B Market Place Component
- Dynamic Trade Layer Component
- RFP/RFQ, Auction, Reverse Auction, Search
Match - Content Layer Component
- Catalog, Market Information, Decision Support
- Transaction Layer Component
- Order Management, Invoicing, Payments
75Educational Considerations for IT
4 Areas for Internet E-Commerce Technology
- Web Contents Technology
- Java XML
- Web DataBase Interface
- Internet, Software Technology
- Communication Protocol Technology
- Security Cryptography
- Web Application Server
- Distributed Object CORBA,DCOM,EJB
76Educational Considerations for IT
4 Areas for Internet E-Commerce Technology
- Electronic Payment Technology
- PKI, Authorization, SET
- E-Cash
- B2B Payment Solution
- Product Information Service Technology
- Search Engine
- Database
- Agents
- Data Mining
77Educational Considerations for IT
- Character as an Engineer
- Basis for Sound Spirit
- Importance of Morality on Internet
- Sincere Attitude for Study
- Personal Development
- Physical Training
- Balanced Development(Physical, Intellectual,
Social) - Team Work