Title: Lecture 11: Mammal Reproduction, Thermal Regulation
1 Lecture 11 Mammal Reproduction, Thermal
Regulation Diversity of Organ Systems
2- Reproduction
- 3 kinds of birth
- oviparity, ovoviparity, viviparity
- Therians evolve new structure -placenta
- Thermoregulation
- How hot or cold is body?
- How variable is temperature?
- How is heat obtained?
- Diversity of Organ Systems
- Deep Diving- whales and seals
- Water conservation-kangaroo rats
3Reproduction -3 kinds
Monotremes oviparous (egg laying)
Placenta Chorioallantoic placenta
(placentals) longer gestation, fairly well
developed young Choriovitelline placenta
(marsupials) underdeveloped young
crawl in pouch to finish development
6How hot or cold is body?
mammals relatively high body temperature (vs.
fish, reptiles)
7How variable is the temperature?
mammals-body temp with little fluctuation
(homeothermic) vs. fish, many reptiles variable
temp (pokilothermic)
8How is Heat Obtained? Ectotherms and Endotherms
11Deep Diving
Fig. 49.21
12Deep diving
Respiratory and circulatory changes - lungs
collapse, alveoli empty - O2 stored in muscles
and blood vs. lungs - higher blood volume -
higher mysoglobin - bradycardia -redistribution
of blood to tissues
13Water Conservation
kangaroo rats live in desert and are able to
survive with little water by concentrating
urine can produce urine 12-15X more
concentrated than blood plasma (vs, humans only
14Mammalian Kidney
Excretory tubules nephrons approx 1
million/kidney Blood filtered through nephrons
nitrog. waste removed
15Mammalian Kidney-Nephron
Fig. 51.11
16Water Conservation
Countercurrent exchange multiplier (flow in
desc. limb vs. ascend. limb)
Fig. 51.12
17Mammalian Kidney