Title: Graphics1
1Gentle Introduction to Computer Graphics (1)
- Based on
- David Brogans Introduction to Computer
Graphics Course Slides, University of Virginia - Jack van Wijks Computer Graphics Course
Slides, University of Eindhoven.
- Graphics Applications
- What is Computer Graphics
- Representations in Graphics
- Supporting Disciplines
3Graphics Applications
A Bugs Life (Pixar)
Pixar Monsters Inc.
4Graphics Applications
The Visible Human Project
MIT Image-Guided Surgery Project
5Graphics Applications
6Graphics Applications
- Computer Aided Design (CAD)
7Graphics Applications
Designing Effective Step-By-Step Assembly
Instructions (Maneesh Agrawala et. al)
8Graphics Applications
GT Racer 3
Polyphony Digital Gran Turismo 3, A Spec
9Graphics Applications
Circus Atari (Atari)
10Graphics Applications
- The major application that we will be dealing
with extensively in the next coming lectures is
that of developing graphical user interfaces - Windows
- Menus
- Buttons
- Textboxes
- ...
11What is Computer Graphics?
- Computer graphics generating 2D images of a 3D
world represented in a computer. - Main tasks
- modeling (shape) creating and representing the
geometry of objects in the 3D world - rendering (light, perspective) generating 2D
images of the objects - animation (movement) describing how objects
change in time
12Representations in graphics
- Vector Graphics
- Image is represented by continuous geometric
objects lines, curves, etc. - Raster Graphics
- Image is represented as a rectangular grid of
colored pixels - PIXEL PIcture ELement
13Raster graphics
- Generic
- Image processing techniques
- Geometric Transformation loss of information
- Relatively high processing time
- in terms of the number of pixels
- Realistic images, textures, ...
- Examples Paint, PhotoShop, ...
14Sample Image Processing Techniques
- Edge Detection
- Image Denoising
15Vector graphics
- Graphics objects geometry color
- Relatively low processing time
- in terms of the number of graphic objects
- Geometric transformation possible without loss of
information (zoom, rotate, ) - Examples PowerPoint, CorelDraw, SVG, ...
16Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
- lt?xml version"1.0" standalone"no"?gt
- lt!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN"
- "http//www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dt
d"gt - ltsvg width"12cm" height"4cm" viewBox"0 0 1200
400" - xmlns"http//www.w3.org/2000/svg"
version"1.1"gt - ltdescgtExample polygon01 - star and
hexagonlt/descgt - lt!-- Show outline of canvas using 'rect'
element --gt - ltrect x"1" y"1" width"1198" height"398"
- fill"none" stroke"blue"
stroke-width"2" /gt - ltpolygon fill"red" stroke"blue"
stroke-width"10" - points"350,75 379,161 469,161
397,215 - 423,301 350,250 277,301
303,215 - 231,161 321,161" /gt
- ltpolygon fill"lime" stroke"blue"
stroke-width"10" - points"850,75 958,137.5 958,262.5
- 850,325 742,262.6 742,137.5"
/gt - lt/svggt
17In Summary
Image Analysis (pattern recognition)
Math. Model
Image Synthesis(Rendering)
Image processing
18Supporting Disciplines
- Computer science (algorithms, data structures,
software engineering, ) - Mathematics (geometry, numerical, )
- Physics (Optics, mechanics, )
- Psychology (Colour, perception)
- Art and design