Growth and Development Ch' 6 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Growth and Development Ch' 6


Ovulation occurs about every 28 days. Testes produce sperm (male sex cells) ... 280 days after conception 9 calendar months or 10 lunar months 40 weeks ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Growth and Development Ch' 6

Growth and Development Ch. 6
  • Prenatal to 1 year
  • Heredity- a childs inherited characteristics are
    determined at the time of conception
  • Each sperm ovum contribute 23 chromosomes to
    the single-celled zygote
  • Sperm X or Y Ovum X or X fig 6-1
  • Environment- rest and exercise, eating well, good
    health practices and medical care
  • Placenta allows transfer of both life-sustaining
    substances harmful or TERATOGENIC substances to
    the fetus.

Prenatal Period
  • From fertilization to birth
  • Ovaries produce ova (female sex cells)
  • Ovulation occurs about every 28 days
  • Testes produce sperm (male sex cells)
  • Fig 6-3 morula or cell mass forms after
    fertilization which usually takes place in the
    fallopian tube
  • After implantation in the uterine wall, the
    morula is called a blastocyst
  • Blastocyst continues to develop becomes a
  • By the end of the 8th week is known as a fetus

Hormones Involved in Labor
  • Progesterone-produced by the ovaries
  • Oxytocin- produced by the hypophysis which is the
    posterior lobe of the pituitary gland
  • Oxytocin has two functions it stimulates uterine
    contractions and prepares the breasts for breast
  • Prostaglandins- produced in various tissues in
    the body- uterine prostaglandins help stimulate
  • Labor begins approximately 280 days after
    conception 9 calendar months or 10 lunar months
    40 weeks

Fetal Growth- fig 6-4
  • 1st month-arm and leg buds forming
  • Liver formed
  • Heart present
  • Brain begins to form
  • Primitive blood cells present

Fetal Growth
  • 2nd Month
  • Heart chambers begin to form
  • Fingers and toes form
  • Face develops
  • GI tract developing
  • Urogenital system forming
  • Head large due to brain developing
  • Organogenesis completed prior to this the fetus
    is more prone to deformities due to exposure to

Fetal Growth
  • 3rd month- spontaneous movement begins
  • Kidney secretion by the 10th week
  • Bone marrow begins to form blood cells
  • Palate completely fused
  • Distinguishing sex traits evident
  • Neck well defined

Fourth Month
  • Fetus active,blood circulating, thyroid gland
    begins to function
  • 5th month- heart sounds can be heard, scalp hair
    present, vernix caseosa a thick cheesy-like
    coating of the infants skin is present
  • 6th month- lanugo which is a fine hair is
    covering entire body
  • 7th month- subcutaneous fat present, testes at
    inguinal ring or below

Fetal Growth Continued
  • 8th month- testicles in scrotal sac, labia majora
    small and separated, clitoris prominent
  • 9th month- skin thicker, lanugo disappears,
    breast tissue develops beneath nipples
  • 10th month- body plump, ears well defined,
    acquires antibodies from mother

Three Stages of Labor and Delivery
  • First stage is dilation and effacement of the
    cervixusually the longest, lasts 12-24 hours.
    Begins with the onset of regular rhythmic uterine
    contractions and ends with the complete dilation
    effacement of the cervix to 10cm
  • Stage 2- the expulsion stage lasts about 1.5
    hours. It is the most difficult stage

Labor and Delivery
  • Stage 3- the shortest stage, lasts from 5 to 30
    minutes. Begins with the birth of the baby and
    ends with the delivery of the placenta.

  • Mother and child are linked via the placenta.
  • The placenta produces hormones, transports
    nutrients and wastes, protecting the baby from
    harmful substances
  • Umbilical Cord- the connecting link between the
    fetus and placenta
  • Has three vessels-2 arteries 1 vein

Apgar Score table 6-1
  • Index used by the nurse to assess neonate
  • 5 categories color, reflex irritability, heart
    rate, respiratory rate and muscle tone.
  • Assessments done at 1 minute after birth and
    again at 5 minutes after birth.
  • Gives an immediate picture of the newborns
    overall status.

Physical Characteristics
  • Head and skull- sutures, fontanels, molding,
    average circumference 13-14 . About 1 larger
    than the chest
  • Average length 20
  • Average weight 7.5
  • infants usually grow 1 inch per month for the
    first year, the newborn loses 5 to 10 of its
    birth weight in the first few days of life. Known
    as normal physiological weight loss
  • Newborn will double its birth weight by 5-6
    months and triple birth weight by first birthday

  • Acrocyanosis temporary blueness of the hands
  • Mongolian spot flat, irregular, pigmented area
    of the lumbar-sacral area fades becomes less
    noticeable after about 4 yrs of age
  • Lanugo fine hair
  • Vernix caseosa-white, cheeselike oily covering
  • Milia small clusters of white spots mostly on
    the nose, chin forehead
  • Physiologic jaundice yellow tinged skin occurs
    between 48-72 hours of birth disappears on own

Normal Newborn
  • Genitals
  • breasts of both genders may swollen due to
    mothers hormones
  • undescended testicles
  • pseudomenstruation
  • Face
  • eye ointment or silver nitrate gtts
  • cleft palate
  • deciduous or baby teeth come out about 6-7 mos

Normal Newborn
  • Abdomen
  • umbilical cord care
  • table 6-2 meconium 1st stool is thick, green
    or black, tarry, odorless
  • breast fed infants stools are yellow, seedy
  • Extremities
  • short in proportion to rest of body kept
  • congenital hip dysplasia fig 6-9

Neurological Characteristics
  • Exam done to compare gestational age by date of
    last menstrual period with what the infant
    actually looks like
  • Reflexes present table 6-3
  • moro
  • tonic neck
  • rooting
  • sucking
  • babinski
  • palmar grasp

Normal Vital Signs
  • Temperature axillary 97.7 99.5 some hospitals
    have 1st temp taken rectally to ensure anal
  • Pulse should be counted apically for a full
    minute normal rate is 120-160
  • Respirations count for a full minute normally
    irregular, shallow, from the belly, with brief
    periods of apnea normal rate 30-60 per minute
  • Blood pressure usually not measured unless some
    problem is suspected, using a Dinamap or
    electronic machine should be 65/40

Gross Motor Skills fig 6-11
  • Movements of the large muscles of the arms/legs
  • follow head to toe or cephalocaudal pattern
  • holding head up rolling over
  • sitting with support, then alone
  • creeping
  • crawling
  • cruising
  • walking

Fine Motor Skills
  • Movements of hands fingers
  • grasp is a reflex in the newborn
  • purposeful grasp 5 months
  • hand preference usually occurs by the 7-8th
  • by 1 yr should be able to feed self scribble
    on paper

Psychosocial Development Temperament
  • Eriksons stage is trust vs mistrust lays
    foundation for rest of the stages
  • Attachment to parents
  • Mother attachment fig 6-12
  • Father engrossment
  • Temperament is unique to each child
  • Environment shapes the personality

  • Communication
  • crying
  • cooing
  • babbling
  • by 1 yr should have vocabulary of 4-6 words
  • signs that should be discussed with MD
  • Nutrition
  • breast feeding vs bottle feeding see table 6-4
  • weaning off breast should be done gradually
  • bottle-mouth syndrome or dental caries

  • Sleep Rest table 6-6
  • newborn sleeps 20 out of 24 hours
  • by age 1 will need only about 12 hours of
  • establish bedtime routine
  • SIDS babies should sleep on back or side
  • Play
  • very important part of childs growth,
    development socialization
  • used to learn about objects in the surroundings
  • safety prevent accidents

Health Promotion
  • Encourage education for parents
  • MD visit monthly for 1 year
  • List of possible problems to report to MD
  • Natural immunity for 1st 6 months then need
    immunizations see appendix B for recommended
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