Title: ASTA Aspect Software Testing Assistant
1ASTAAspect Software Testing Assistant
- Juha Gustafsson,
- Juha Taina,
- Jukka Viljamaa
- University of Helsinki
2MotivationCross-Cutting Concerns in Software
Implementation modules
3(No Transcript)
4An ExampleMoney Transfer Logical Level
void transfer(Account from, Account to, int
amount) if (from.getBalance() lt amount)
throw new InsufficientFundsException()
from.withdraw(amount) to.deposit(amount)
5An ExampleMoney Transfer Implementation Details
void transfer(Account from, Account to, int
amount) if (!getCurrentUser().canPerform(OP_TR
ANSFER)) throw new SecurityException()
Transaction tx database.newTransaction()
if (from.getBalance() lt amount)
tx.rollback() throw new InsufficientFundsExce
ption() from.withdraw(amount)
to.deposit(amount) systemLog.logOperation(OP
_TRANSFER, from, to, amount) tx.commit()
6SolutionAspect-Oriented Programming (AOP)
- Separating cross-cutting concerns from thecore
concerns (i.e. from the main class model) - Aspect a definition of a cross-cutting concern
- pointcut a pattern that selects join
points(i.e. elements that appear in method
bodies) - advice a method-like construct that is
executedin the selected join points (before,
after, around) - weaving the process of attaching advice to the
appropriate join points
7An example AOP programHelloWorld in the AspectJ
- Go to http//www.eclipse.org/ajdt/
- and watch the demo!
8A new question arisesHow to test AOP?
- Do we test what we intend to test?
- How to prioritise our tests?
- How to pick a good testing strategy?
- When should we stop testing?
- In AOP these are especially difficult questions
because - the execution context of an aspect depends on the
(internal implementation of the) class it is
woven to - relating a failure to the fault that causes it is
difficult - the control and data flows are not explicit
- a particular aspect weave order can cause problems
9A new question arisesHow to test AOP?
- Visualising AOP testing is not straightforward
- what kinds of test coverage criteria to use and
visualise (is it sufficient to show that we have
visited an aspect once, how to show the weaving
context)? - current control flow graphs are insufficient to
visualise the test execution paths in the
presence of aspects - high-level coverage visualisation for AOP testing
is a completely open question - Yet, visualisation of AOP testing is (at least)
as important as visualisation of traditional (OO)
10Testing AOPFault Sources
- Fault in the core concern code
- Fault in the (context independent) aspect code
- Fault created by interactions between the aspect
and the core concern code - Fault created when more than one aspect is woven
into the core concern code
11Testing AOP Alexander, Bieman,
Andrews, 2004 Fault Model Additional Testing
- Incorrect strength in pointcut patterns
- test the aspect
- Incorrect aspect precedence
- test all weave orders
- Incorrect focus of control flow
- use a form of condition coverage of pointcut
designators - Failure to establish expected postconditions
- use the original test set to re-test all methods
that have the aspect - Failure to preserve state invariants
- same as in previous
- Incorrect changes in control dependencies
- same as in previous
12AOP Testing Theory
- Coverage criteria
- Coupling metrics
- Control flow formalism
13Tool Support
- Tool support is essential for systematic testing
- Not many tools exist for AOP testing
- coverage tools
- visualisation tools
- scripting languages environments to automate
AOP testing
14Research Background
- Due to project RITA (fRamework Intgration and
Testing Application) we have a strong background
in white-box test execution and analysis - RITA is intended for product family testing, but
similar ideas and issues arise in AOP testing - RITA as a prototype is not suitable for
large-scale testing but its ideas are relevant
15RITA Functionality
- Rita supports the following
- Java program testing
- Product family or single application testing
- JUnit and private test execution
- Full support for data flow diagrams
- Visualisation and white-box coverages on four
levels - Method level traditional coverages
- Object level object and class coverages
- Package level object coupling, reference
coverages - Application level multiple application coverages
16Lessons learned from RITA
- A White-Box Testing Software (WBTS) must support
traditional code - RITA not all applications are in product
families - ASPECTS not all applications use aspects
- WBTS should be integrated to a software
development environment - While stand-alone software can have similar
functionality than integrated software, usability
issues favor the latter approach - Code coverage is not sufficient in WBTS
- The higher is the abstraction of testing, the
more complex coverages are needed. - Even at code level code coverage gives weak
17Aspect-Oriented Testing Tool
- Based on our experiences in RITA we propose the
following requirements for an Aspect-Oriented
Testing Tool (AOTT) - It has to support testing of traditional software
- It must be integrated to a well-known and
actively updated programming environment such as
Eclipse - It has to support several levels of white-box
testing including program-level, package-level,
object-level, aspect-level, and method-level - Aspect-level testing and visualisation are
inside a single aspect.
18AOTT Requirements Continue
- More AOTT requirements
- It has to calculate static mesurements of the
software - Lines of code (LOC)
- Aspects of code (AOC)
- Coupling between objects
- Depth of inheritance tree
- Depth of aspect tree (aspects in aspects)
- Coupling between code and aspects etc.
- It has to support integration between dynamic
test execution results and static measurements - How? This is an open research question
- Something else? Definitely! This is a
work-in-progress list
19Research directions Alexander, Bieman,
Andrews, 2004 Open Questions
- Can we measure test coverage after weaving?
- also visualisation
- How do we test aspects that interact with the
core concern code? - coupling between an aspect and core concern code
as a measure of testability of the aspect - How do we test aspects that interfere with each
other? - inter-aspect coupling
- How do we test aspects whose effects must span
more than one concern? - Are there ways to test aspects on their own?
- probably not ?
- (Can we reverse engineer the weave process?)
- how does this relate to testing
- How to validate that
- Theory is correct?
- Application is effecient?
- Alternatives
- Formalism
- Empirical controlled experiments
- Practical experiments in industrial settings
- All alternatives are
- Relevant
- Needed.