Title: Snow and Invertebrates Winter Ecology Field Course 21'24'02'2005
1Snow and Invertebrates(Winter Ecology Field
Course 21.-24.02.2005 )
- Suvi Järvinen
- Hannnele Valkama
- Taina Oinonen
- Jenna Toivanen
- Niina Ihatsu
- Sanna Leppänen
- Martin Wehrhausen
- Jan Tvrdý
- Why Winter Ecology Field Course? Because snow and
low temperatures are some of the most important
phenomenas in ecology. - Samples and other data were collected close to
Mekrijärvi Research Station, located in eastern
Finland near municipality of Ilomantsi.
3Questions and Themes
- Snow Temperature, Density and Insulative
Quality. - Intranivean and Supranivean Invertebrates.
- Does the Plant Age Effects Oviposition Preference
of Pine Aphid (Lachnnus pineti)? - The effect of plant vigor (shoot length) to
birch aphids (Euceraphis betulae) oviposition
41, Snow Temperature, Density and Insulative
5Snow Temperature, Density and Insulative Quality
- Distribution of organisms are dictated primarily
by temperature, wind and precipitation. - At present ca. 5 of the annual precipitation on
our planet comes in the form of snow. - In February worldwide as much as 39 of land
areas are covered by snow (Holopainen 1994).
- Snow temperature is a dominant variable in many
physical processes in the seasonal snowpack. - The temperature profile reveals much about both
the current physical state of the snowpack.
7TemperatureResults And Conclusions
- Difference between one day air and snow surface
temperatures at both stands is caused by
different time of measuring. - Snow temperature is increasing with snow depth.
- From collected data we can estimate that
temperatures of snow under depth around 50 cm are
not dramatically changing (accoding to air
temperatures changes). - Ground temperatures at both stands were all the
time close to O C, so the insulative quality of
snow cover was proved and it is significant.
- Once snow falls it begins to change,
metamorphose. - The crystalline structures and the loosely packed
emulsion begin to degenerate almost immediately.
9DensityThree types of changes
- Destructive metamorphism
- Deterioration of snowflakes and formation more or
less rounded ice grains. - Caused by wind, weight of snow.
- Constructive metamorphism
- When ground heated water vapour starts migrate
upward within snowpack. - Condensation of water vapour results a growth of
the grains. - Melt metamorphism
- The temperature is above freezing point.
- After wormer weather periods ice layers and
formation can be foun in the snowpack.
10DensityResults And Conclusions
- Snow density is increasing with snow depth,
except the two deepest layers. - Can be caused by ground layer flora such as plant
residues or evergreen plants, shrubs.
11Insulative Quality
- Accumulation of snow provides protection from
wind serving as a "roof" over the subnivean
spaces. - Snow is an effective insulator, especially when
newly fallen, because it forms an emulsion of
crystals and air. - It S (z/G)i
- where z is thickness (cm) and G is density
(g/cm3) of each layer i (Marchand 1996).
- Gray, D. M. and D. H. Male, 1981. Handbook of
Snow Principles, Processes, Management andUse.
Willowdale, Ontario, Canada, Pergamon Press,
776p. - Holopainen, I. J et all, 1994. Northern Winter
as an Ecological Factor, University of Joensuu,
Finland, 22p. - Marchan, P. J., 1996. Life in The Cold,
University Press of New England. - McClung, D. and P. Schaerer, 1993. The Avalanche
Handbook. The Mountaineers, Seattle, WA. - http//realscience.breckschool.org/upper/eb_book/w
inter/snow.html - http//www.fsavalanche.org/NAC/techPages/articles/
02_WSC_Deems.pdf - http//www.joensuu.fi/mekri/
132, Intranivean and supranivean invertebrates
14Intranivean and supranivean invertebrates
- Results
- - Supranivean invertebrates could not be found
because weather was too cold (under -5 C). - - There was more invertebrates in the pine forest
and in the lower snow layers, because there is
warmer and lots of air spaces for invertebrates
to move.
15Comparing the old field site and the pine forest
- In the pine forest the most common invertebrates
belonged to Acari and Collembola. - - In the old field site the most common
invertebrates belonged to Araneae and Collembola.
- Holopainen I. (toim.). 1990. Eliöiden
sopeutuminen Suomen talveen. - Viramo J. 1980. Liikettä lumellahämähäkkejä ja
hyönteisiä. Suomen Luonto 2/80 s. 84-85.
173, Does the plant age effect oviposition
preference of pine aphid (Lachnnus pineti)?
- Pine aphids lives in pines making bad infections
to the needles and even to the whole tree. - Aphids stay over-wintering as eggs.
- Our interest was to know is there differences
between the number of the eggs in 1st and 2nd
annual and is the length of the annual linked to
the number of the eggs.
19Pine aphid alive eggs are black, round and full
while the dead eggs are also black but dried out.
21 Distribution of pine aphid eggs between annuals
22Regression between annual length and number of
eggs in the first annual.
23Regression between annual length and number of
eggs in the second annual.
- In the first annual there are more alive eggs
than in the second annual, but the number of dead
eggs is quite similar. - Female prefers more the second annual than the
first one because the density in the second
annual is higher than the first annual. - There are no regression between the annual length
and the number of the eggs. - Females prefer the annual length between 3 10
- Uunio Saalas 1949 Suomen metsähyönteiset sekä
muut metsälle vahingolliset ja hyödylliset
eläimet, p. 173 - Huttunen, M.A. (ed.) 2002 Field Course in Winter
Ecology 2002. - http//bio.joensuu.fi/winter/w2002
- Holopainen I.J. (ed.) 1990 Eliöiden sopeutuminen
Suomen talveen.
264, The effect of plant vigor (shoot length) to
birch aphids (Euceraphis betulae)oviposition
- Niina Ihatsu, Martin Wehrhausen
- Euceraphis betulae (Homoptera)
- Soft-bodied, thin-skinned insects with long feet
- E. betulae is most common of the 300 E. species
in Finland - Imaginae are 1,5 7 mm large and bright green
- Females lay their eggs on the bark of birches
near to the buds in autumn
- Trees
- Twigs taken from
- 5 B. pendula and 5 B. pubescens randomly around
the Mekrijärvi Station - Trees with heights of 1,5 ... 2 m
- No age classes considered
- Trees from open sites
- Counting of eggs
- About 20 twigs from each tree
- Only the annual sprouts examined
- Eggs on buds counted under microscope
- Measurments
- Lenght of sprout
- Number of buds per sprout
- Number of eggs at each sample
32Results and discussion
33Results and discussion
34Results and discussion
35Results and discussion
- Huhta, V. (ed.) 1998 Selkärangattomat. Suomen
luonto. Weilin Göös. - Huttunen, M.A. (ed.) 2002 Field course in Winter
Ecology 2002. - - http//bio.joensuu.fi/winter/w2002.pdf
- Nuorteva, M. 1999 Metsähyönteisten maailmasta.
Tremex. - Poteri, M. (ed.) 2002 Taimituho-opas.
Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen tiedonantoja 843. - Price, P.W. 1997 Insect ecology. Northern
Arizona University. USA.
37Thank you for your attention