Title: Floods
Done By Taina (Fatima) Ahmed Diana Zebib
2Whats A Flood ?
- A flood is the submerging with water of a
normally dry area. Floods are caused by many
things, including rainstorms, slow water run-off,
earthquakes, broken dams, underwater volcanic
eruptions, or hurricanes.
3What Time of The Year Does it take place?
- There's no way to predict when the next flood
will come or how big it will be. However, past
flooding gives some clues as to what to expect.
4In which area of the world is it most common?
Floods are most common near water, downstream
from a dam, or in land that has a low elevation
Where is it least likely to occur? Floods are
least likely to take place in deserts as a result
of low precipitation.
5Events in Canada
- Chester-1909
- New Brunswick mild weather caused ice to travel
and possibly jam, creating floods which caused
expensive damage to highway bridges and roads - Quebec-1970
- Quebec the year of 1970 was marked by two
exceptional floods causing approximately 2.3
million in damage - Newfoundland-1978
- Newfoundland floods caused 5.2 million in
6Recent Examples
- Detroit -2004
- The Incident was caused by the melting of winter
snow resulting in overfilled river basins.
7How Do Floods Cause Damage?
There are two main types of damage caused by
- Plain water damage
- This damage basically soaks
- everything, sometimes it can dissolve
foundations and make the ground unstable and
- Rushing water damage
- This damage is due to the water crashing into
buildings, cars and other things, this is flood
water that often kills people and animals.
8How Floods Take Place
- Floods can take place any time of the year it
depends on the location and it depends on the
climate and the seasonal weather pattern. - Flash floods often take place in the desert, when
it rains in one place, and then the water starts
to rush.
9Factors of Weather that Interact to produce the
- Floods are caused by excess water from a few main
sources - rainstorms
- slow water run-off
- Ice melting
- Earthquakes
- underwater volcanic eruptions
- hurricanes
10Other Facts
- Floods are the 1 weather related killer.
- Can take place anytime throughout the year.
- Flash floods take place with heavy rains.
- It only takes 2 feet of water to carry away most
of todays automobiles. - Floods mainly take place by rivers and lakes.
12Drought is?
- A drought is a prolonged, abnormally dry period
when there is not enough water for users' normal
needs - Droughts are caused by lack of rain over a long
period of time.
13What Time Of The Year Does It Occur?
- Most droughts tend to occur during the
, as the weather is hot and water is
quickly evaporated.
14Where do droughts occur?
- Droughts usually occur in hot dry areas of land.
In most cases the area is dry because there is
very minimal rainfall. The rain that does fall
will be quickly absorbed into the ground or blown
away by the dry air flow that moves along the
15Our Area
- During the past two centuries, at least 40 long
duration droughts have occurred in western
Canada. In southern regions of Alberta,
Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, multi-year droughts
were observed in the 1890s, 1930s, and 1980s. - Droughts in eastern Canada are usually shorter,
smaller in area, less frequent, and less intense
nonetheless, some major droughts have occurred
during the 20th century
16Recent Examples
- Sustained drought conditions are impacting life
in large parts of southern, southeastern, eastern
and northern Ethiopia. Populations near Gode,
Denan, Imi and south of Jijiga (all in
southeastern Ethiopia's Somali Region) are
presently experiencing the most severe
conditions. Other affected areas include Oromiya,
Dire/Yabello, South Omo and Konso (in the south
and southwest of the country) and North and South
Wollo (in the northern Amhara Region).
17How Do droughts Cause Damage?
- Droughts can result in decreased crop yields,
decreased drinking water quality and
availability, and food shortages.
18How Often It Takes Place
- Droughts often occur in West Africa, South
Africa, Brazil, Australia, and India. Most of
these areas are located between 15 and 20 degrees
north and south latitude.
20ThE EnD..!