2Major Ranking Factors
- On Page Factors
- Metadata title, keyword, description, H1
- Visible (readable) html content
- Internal links
- Architecture
- Off Page Factors
- Inbound link infrastructure
- Directories, blogs, pr sites, etc, etc..
- Behavioural (less important)
- Number of visits, length of stay
3Strategy and Process
- 1. Auditing your current performance
- 2. Strategic selection of keyphrases
- 3. Build Content around keyphrases on webpages
- Utilise correct keyword density
- Ideally one page per keyphrase
- 4.Optimise metadata for the keyphrases
- 5. Implementing the changes
- Phase the approach to new pages
- 6.Build Backlinks to your site
- 7. Monitor, Measure and Modify
4Content is King
- There is no substitute for good keyword rich
content - At least 200-250 words
- Placed as near the top of the page as possible
- Content semantically related to keywords (LSI)
- Eg, valentine, love, hearts, romance
- Focus on natural writing of copy
- Add new relevant content as often as you can
- Use pdfs, word documents
- New pages with related content eg history,
background, instructions
5The Keyword Density Issue for Visible Text
- What do you think of this bit of copywriting!
- Our Crunchy widgets are the best in the UK and
if you buy our crunchy widgets you will be sure
you have bought the best crunchy widgets you can
buy and absolutely envied by the rest of the
crunchy widget buying community both here in the
UK and the rest of the crunchy widget buying
community throughout the world. Yes, you really
need to buy our award winning crunchy widgets.
Click here to buy crunchy widgets - 3-7 is ideal target 3-4
- Check you density with
- www.ranks.nl/tools/spider.html
- http//tools.seobook.com/general/spider-test/index
7Examine the Google Cache
9Even Busy Ecommerce sites!
11In summary
- Write text as naturally as possible
- Check afterwards that the target phrase(s) is
included the right number of times - 3 repetitions per 100 words is generally enough.
- Punctuation not important
- The phrases can be included in-
- The main text
- Header tags (h1, h2 etc)
- In in-text links
- In navigation links
- In footnotes
- In alt tags
12Strategy and Process
- 1. Auditing your current performance
- 2. Strategic selection of keyphrases
- 3. Build Content around keyphrases on webpages
- 4.Optimise metadata for the keyphrases
- Title tag, description tag, keyword tag,
- H1 Tag (see lloyd and Asg)
- 5. Implementing the changes
- Phase the approach to new pages
- 6.Build Backlinks to your site
- 7. Monitor, Measure and Modify
13Meta Tags The Title tag
14Meta Tags The Title tag
15Different Pages Optimised for Different Keyphrases
- Select a keyphrase (or two) for your homepage
optimisation - Construct you title tag
17Optimising your Metadata-Important that the tags
show a theme between each other and the visible
- Title tag
- No more than 10 words, no s
- Main keyphrase at the beginning of the tag
- Keyword tag
- No more than 4 words
- All lower case
- Separated by a comma then a space
- Eg web marketing, ecommerce training, internet
consultancy - Only include phrases WHICH ARE ON THE PAGE!
- Description tag
- No more than 25 words
- Should contain keywords up to 3 repetitions
18Meta Tags Keyword and Description tags
19Meta Tags The Description tag
20Optimising your Metadata-Important that the tags
show a theme between each other and the visible
- Title tag
- No more than 10 words, no s
- Main keyphrase at the beginning of the tag
- Keyword tag
- No more than 25 words
- All lower case
- Separated by a comma then a space
- Eg web marketing, ecommerce training, internet
consultancy - Only include phrases WHICH ARE ON THE PAGE!
- Description tag
- No more than 25 words
- Should contain keywords up to 3 repetitions
- salesy to encourage click throughs
21www.asgservices.co.uk H1 tags
22Internal Links
23Strategy and Process
- 1. Auditing your current performance
- 2. Strategic selection of keyphrases
- 3. Build Content around keyphrases on webpages
- Utilise correct keyword density
- Check/correct internal linking
- 4.Optimise metadata for the keyphrases
- 5. Implementing the changes
- Phase the approach to new pages
- 6.Build Backlinks to your site
- 7. Monitor, Measure and Modify
24Implementing the changes 5 new pages per month?
25Additional Resources
- http//janaklin.blogspot.com
- Hot Title Tags for a Number 1 Ranking
- http//janaklin.blogspot.com/2005/09/lesson-6-hot-
title-tags-for-no-1.html - Optimising on-page Factors for Top Rankings
- http//janaklin.blogspot.com/2005/10/lesson-7-opti