DEATH SNAKES IN TEXAS a lounge quest by Jake and Tom - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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DEATH SNAKES IN TEXAS a lounge quest by Jake and Tom


You're a vampire honey. ... explaining that you're a man that can't be tied down by vampire whores. ... You sit in the barber's chair as he works his art. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: death | snakes | texas | art | jake | lounge | quest | tom | vampire


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: DEATH SNAKES IN TEXAS a lounge quest by Jake and Tom

DEATH SNAKES IN TEXAS(a lounge quest by Jake and
  • The time is 1832 and you are a fresh 19 year old
    studying hard in a Connecticut boarding school.
    As you are reading up on your history of Western
    Europe, your principal comes in the room and in a
    hush voice instructs you to come with her out
    into the hall. You are surprised but do as she
    says as you leave your desk. In the hall your
    principal begins to cry as she tells you that
    your mother has died and that you are to return
    home immediately. As you do you find a letter
    from your aunt inviting you to stay with her and
    her family in Texas at least for the time being.
  • Do you.
  • Go to Texas on the next train
  • Stay in Connecticut to finish your schooling

You stay in Connecticut and play Xbox 360 for the
rest of your life. GAME OVER
  • Ah Texas! Everything is bigger in Texas and the
    eyes of the ranger are always upon you! You come
    to a town just a few days ride from your aunts
    ranch and decide to explore.
  • Do you
  • Go to the Saloon
  • Go to the Brothel
  • Go to the Barbershop

  • You walk through the doorway to the brothel and
    peer about. There are patrons generally lounging
    around. Lining the walls you see five women
    leaning leisurely in ornate yet suggestive
    clothing. These must be what you came for.
  • Go up to woman 1
  • Go up to woman 2
  • Go up to woman 3
  • Go up to woman 4
  • Go up to woman 5
  • Go back to town

  • You approach woman number five. She is smaller
    than the rest, but carries an attraction of
    gravity and beauty. Shes smaller than the rest
    with curly auburn hair, but no less commanding in
    her presence.
  • After a brief and sassy dialogue, you head
    upstairs with Adrianne, the fiery little vixen.
  • When you close the door to the room, Adrianne
    turns hurriedly and starts talking in a soft
    voice. Ive been meaning to leave this place,
    see? To get far away forever. And Im meaning to
    do it this night, will you help me. She turns
    her puppy dog eyes on you.
  • You think its a game and throw her a never-fail
    line, I dont know if I can take you back to
    Heaven where you came from baby. Because you look
    like an angel to me tuts.
  • Adrianne lets out a guttural bellow and palms you
    across the face. Im serious you chauvinist
  • Oh, you say as you rub your cheek.
  • Let this little lady come along
  • Leave her behind and continue on your way

You approach the nearest free girl and casually
slide up onto the wall next to her. I see that
the stars arent the only things big in
Texas. Are you even eighteen boy? Get on up
outta here, she says as she backhands you with
her satin glove. Go back to the brothel
You pass by the bar to pick up some sassparilla
for your lady. This drinks about as refreshing
as you, baby. You say as you hand it to
her. She smiles as she takes it from you. Ooh,
thanks honeybabe, she coos. The names
Vacuum. You start laughing uncontrollably as
you barely manage to studder That sucks. Youre
delighted with your wit until she kicks you out a
window with her white snake skin boots. What a
  • You walk over to woman two, scoping out the
    brothel as you move through the room. Hows it
    goin sweetcheeks?
  • Mah name aint sweetcheeks, hun. Its Veronica.
    And I aint like anyone youve had the pleasure
    of meeting in your lifetime.
  • After the loss of a night and a generous sum of
    money, you wake to find yourself in Veronicas
    loft. But you have gained two bloody sores in
    your neck. What happened last night?
  • Veronica saunters back into the room. Youre
    awake! She smiles as she comes over and lays on
    the bed. I see youre feeling your new holes.
    What do you think? You sit and stare at her for
    a second. Oh! Haha, you dont get it. Youre a
    vampire honey.
  • After a long and heartfelt discussion Veronica
    tells you how badly shes always wanted to run
    away. She thinks youd be the perfect partner to
    go away with, and solicits you to let her join
  • It is a good time to continue on your adventure.
  • Take this vampress along
  • Leave her and continue on your own

You let her down gently, explaining that youre a
man that cant be tied down by vampire
whores. She weeps, but you cant hear as you close
the door behind you. Back to the brothel
  • Veronica seals the deal by promising not to bite
    too hard. You both talk about the upcoming
    adventure long into the morning and to midday and
    plan ahead for the coming days and nights. First
    order of business
  • Leave now and sneak out of the brothel
  • Wait for the cover of nightfall to flee the

You creep out the back door into the murky night.
Too bad you cant see snake pits at night. You
both fall in. Game Over
You cant leave in the day, youre a vampire
fool! You explode into flames (oh noes.) Game
You saunter up to woman one and casually say
Hey, whats the word baby? She takes a second
to peer at you confusedly before she says Mah
names Zelda. The rest is a blur. You wake up
the next morning sleeping in a horse trough, your
body is covered in strange scratches. (OUCH!)
  • You walk into the bright barber shop
  • Do you
  • Get a shave
  • Get a haircut
  • Not get a shave

  • You sit in the barbers chair as he works
    his art. He scrapes your skin and you come out
    looking stupid. 2.25 the barber smiles, an
    exorbitant amount. You think about not leaving a
    tip but he is so old and nice it is hard to
  • Do you
  • Leave a tip
  • Not leave a tip

You get up and leave a tip. Ahhh a tip! cries
the barber, for that let me tell you the secret
way. Take the new moon trail as soon as you
can! Good idea, thanks for the tip you
say well one tip deserves another, he he
he Take the Trail
  • You step inside the old swinging doors of the
    saloon and take a look around the musty place.
    There is an old pianiey player making some music
    and he gives you a nod as you enter. You see some
    men playing cards in the corner across from the
    bar keep.
  • Do you
  • Play Cards
  • Get a Drink
  • Go back to town

  • You go to the card game and ask one of the men if
    you can play.
  • You know poker city boy?! asks a fellow with an
  • Of course I do partner you answer.
  • Ahh! I like you eyepatch exclaims
  • me names Ross and Im the big man around here
  • shut up Ross the other men grumble
  • howdy Ross you say and sit down
  • Yall begin to play. You are making it pretty
    good in the poker game, Ross is doing even better
    than you. Some of the other men are getting
    irritated at how well Ross is doing. You get up
    to go to the bathroom and as you come back you
    see Ross shifting cards under the table. You go
    back to your seat and sit down.
  • Do you
  • Tell the other men eyepatch Ross is a cheat
  • Keep playing the game without saying

  • You keep playing for a while and one of the men
    calls a cheat.
  • Do you
  • Say that you know Ross is a cheat
  • Run Away
  • Say that you dont know

  • You smash a bottle on Ross head and run out the
    back door. You get as far away from the saloon as
    you can as you hear the bullets from the ensuing
    gun battle. You keep running and fin yourself out
    in the wilderness. You stop to rest and hear some
    voices. You hide behind a cactus as they
  • When you look out you see three of the women from
    the brothel in town. The two bigger women are
    beating up on the third. The third is a smaller
    woman and you recognize her as Adrianne. They are
    aparently very mad at Adrianne and intend to kill
    her. You jump out from behind the cactus.
  • Do you
  • Shoot the two bigger women
  • Shoot Adrianne
  • Not do anything

Die you scum bags you say as you shoot the
other women. UHUHGHHGUHGH they scream as they
run away back to the brothel? You approach little
Adrianne and help her up. She cries and tells you
nhow grateful she is that you saved her. YOU ARE
STRUCK BY HER BEAUTY. Come on little lady lets
walk back to town you say, We can get you
cleaned up, have the barber look you over No!
Adrianne cries I cant go back there, the women
in the brother will look for me. I am not from
around here I, I cant go back You both sit
down Run away with me! Adrianne says ok
darling you say Run away with Adrianne
  • You walk away from town with Adrianne at your
    side. After a while of walking in silence
    Adrianne stops and turns to you.
  • Yo, I have a secret that I have been meaning to
    tell you. You remember how I said I am not from
    around here?
  • Oh yes
  • Well what I meant was that Im really not from
    this time period or even from around here.
  • hmmm?
  • You see, I am a student at Wellseley College
    from the year 2008. I built a time machine in my
    dorm room and decided to use it for a research
    paper I was working on about brothels in Texas
    during the 1800s.
  • Oh my god
  • I hid my time machine behind some cacti just
    around the corner, we can go there if you want to
    and I can take you back to my time. Or I can stay
    with you here if you want. I am so hopelessly in
    love with you!
  • Do you
  • Use the time machine
  • Dont use the time machine and keep going

  • You follow Adrianne back behind the cacti and
    into her oblong time machine. She starts up the
    power sequence and you prepare for time travel by
    putting on your time travel helmet. As the lights
    in the ship flash brighter and faster you black
    out. When you wake up and open the hatch, you are
    in a lush deciduous neighborhood in the year
    2008. Adrianne tells you this is her home town as
    she bounds out of the ship to meet two strangers
    sitting in lawn chairs in front of a big white
  • Howdy one of the figures says
  • Want an Ice tea? says the other figure
  • Guys! Adrianne says, This is my friend from
  • Oh we love Texas
  • You all hang out and eat pizza and have a good
    time. You go swimming and biking and watch funny
    movies and go to gas stations. At the end of the
    day Adrianne asks you if you want to stay here of
    go back to Texas.
  • Do you..
  • Stay in the year 2008
  • Go back to Texas

  • Youre on the dusty trail with Adrianne. You both
    walk until night time when yall lay down and
    sleep after having your fill of beans. When you
    wake up Adrianne is gone! You see a path where
    she may have gone
  • Do you
  • Look for Adrianne
  • Keep going

  • You take the trail and find the camp of some
    bandeleros. They have Adrianne tied to one of
    their donkeys. You run in, guns blazing and shoot
    all of the bandeleros. You let Adrianne free. She
    is so happy.
  • Oh I am so glad you found me! I just went down
    to the river this morning to get some water when
    some bandeleros jumped out and grabbed me!
  • Its ok Adrianne you say smiling
  • I am so weary, wont you stay here with me, we
    can start a family or something
  • Do you
  • Start a family with Adrianne
  • Keep going on your own

You start a family with Adrianne Game Over
You stay in Mankato Forever!
Game Over
For some reason you decide to shoot Adrianne. The
women look happy and thank you for doing it, but
just then the sheriff comes and shoots you all
because you arent allowed to shoot little ladies
in Texas. Game Over
Hey ladies, dont mind me you say Oh no
problem sir says one of the bigger women as she
knocks Adrianne around. Just then the sheriff
comes and you are arrested for not shooting the
women. Failure to shoot the assailants of a small
lady is a crime in texas. You go to jail. Game
  • The man calling a cheat pulls out a gun and there
    is a gun battle. You duck behind the pianiey and
    dodge the bullets. You take a shot at one of the
    men and hit him. When the shooting stops everyone
    is dead, including Ross. Sheriff Murray comes
    around and asks you what happens and if you shot
  • Do you
  • Lie
  • Tell the truth

You tell the truth, uhh yes I did sheriff but I
didnt start it. The bar keep comes up from
behind the bar yes thats true, hes a good
lad alright I believe you but get out of town,
take the new moon trail out of town as soon as
you can
Take the trail
err no sheriff you say are you sure? asks the
sheriff yes that aint true!, says the bar
keep, He shot them all There is nothing you can
say you liar and the sheriff takes you to jail
for a long time
Game Over
Hes a cheat you yell and you get shot by Ross
Well well well says the bar keep, I aint
never seen no Connecticut boy around here these
parts yet You are taken back that he knows you
are from Connecticut so quickly. No sir you
say, I just came into town this afternoon Say
do you know much about the quantum physics?
smiles the bar keep as he pours a shot of whiskey
for both of you No sir well! Quantum mechanics
is the study of mechanical systems whose
dimensions are close to or below the atomic
scale, such as molecules, atoms, electrons,
protons and other subatomic particles. Quantum
mechanics is a fundamental branch of physics with
wide applications. Quantum theory generalizes
classical mechanics and provides accurate
descriptions for many previously unexplained
phenomena such as black body radiation and stable
electron orbits. The effects of quantum mechanics
are typically not observable on macroscopic
scales, but become evident at the atomic and
subatomic level. There are however exceptions to
this rule such as super fluidity. Go back to the
  • You are on your own out on the Trail. You stop
    for a while and rest first as you take in the
    Texas landscape. You are getting ready to go.
  • Do you
  • Leave in the morning
  • Leave in the evening

You leave in the morning, just after
dawn. Walking along the beautiful trail you get
hungry and stop to eat some lunch, A beef
sandwich with raw onion and a shot of whiskey.
You sit down on an old cactus and take off your
boots. They are old and your feet hurt with
exhaustion. The sun feels hot and you are full
with your lunch as you drift slowly to sleep. You
awake and look around barefoot and still groggy.
You come across a pool of water that looks clean.
You take off your hat and scratch your head. Do
you A. Go swimming B. Dip your feet in the
water C. Keep on going
  • You decide to take a dip in the desert pool. You
    get in and relax in the water. You float on your
    back and do some laps. After a while you decide
    to explore. You dive down and open your eyes. You
    see the bottom of the pool, lined with plants.
    Many bright fish play in and out of the growth
    and you look further down and see a black hole
    about 10 feet down. You go up and take another
    breath before swimming back down to take another
    look. There is a strange glow coming from the
    abyss as you realize that it is a cave.
  • Do you
  • Go in the cave
  • Finish up swimming and leave the pool

  • The tunnels splits
  • Do you
  • Go Left
  • Go Right

You swim to the left and you swim on. The tunnel
gets darker and darker as you realize there is no
way out. Game Over
  • You swim to the right. The light grows brighter
    as you swim. The tunnel winds and dips to come up
    again. Suddenly the tunnel opens up and you find
    yourself in a large room inside of the cave. You
    come out of the water and take a breath. You look
    up and see a woman floating above the water
    emitting a phosphorescent aura. Shes a witch!
    you think and you run behind a boulder. After
    some time, when nothing happens you peek out and
    get a better look. The witch is very pretty
    (reminds you of someone you once loved) but she
    is also very sad looking. She doesnt look like
    she will harm you so you stand up from behind the
    boulder. The witch barely takes notice of you.
    Why are you so sad? you ask. The witch slowly
    looks up and turns away from you. She walks to a
    wall of the cave and opens a small door. She
    turns once again toward you before entering the
    doorway. You are alone in the cave
  • Do you
  • Follow the witch
  • Swim back the way you came

  • You bound up to the doorway and enter. The witch
    walks slowly a few steps ahead. The path slants
    up as you both walk for some time. The tunnels
    opens up and you find yourself in the night air.
    The sits down on the ground and you follow her in
    doing this. The stars at night are big and bright
    deep in the heart of Texas. The witch turns to
    you, and begins to tell you her story.
  • It is a sad story. One day while saddling her
    horse, the devil come to her and poof! turned her
    into a witch. She was so ashamed that she ran so
    far away and never went back to her family. She
    has lived, haunting the caves in the pool ever
    since. She desperately wants to go back and see
    her family but she doesnt think she can in her
    present state.
  • You sit and think and empathize with this magical
  • Do you
  • Give Advice
  • Leave

You turn to the witch, I think that you should
go back to your family and tell them the truth. I
think that they will accept you the way you
are The witch looks up at the stars, do you
really think so? yeah, I do maybe your
right!, thank you You look down, aw shucks you
say, but as you look up again the witch is
gone! You run back to the trail and begin walking
down it once again. Past the mesas and through
the tumbleweeds until you come to a house with a
white picket fence out front. You go up to the
front and knock on the door.
A man answers the door and looks happy to see
you. Hey boy! I thought youd never come! You
guess, uncle? Yeah thats right! Heh heh heh!
Well come on in sonny.You walk in the house, it
is nice and very well lit. Take your boots off
a voice calls down the stairs thank you I will!
you look up to see a woman walking down the
stairs. It is the witch form the cave! Ah! you
cry Ann, get down here and talk to you
nephew Oh yes, we have been expecting you for
quite a while the woman says as she walks up
coolly Thank you nephew for your advice she
Great Job!
You respectfully decide to leave quietly and
leave the witch to her witchly matters. You walk
back to the trail and begin walking again. You
follow the trail around the mesas and through the
tumbleweeds until you find a house. The house has
an old fence around it and children playing in
the yard. You walk up the fence and the children
all run away inside. You approach the house and
knock on the door. A man whom you have never met
before opens the door. Well hey there partner,
we didnt think you would make it! he smiles as
he hugs you a big bear hug, Sorry about the
kids, they are easily frightened. thats ok
you say. This must be your aunts house! You come
in and set your gear down in the hall. excuse
me, where is Ann? The mans face grows pale!
Ann! Yes, my aunt Ann, who sent me the letter
instructing me to come down here. You didnt
say anything about a letter from Ann in the
letter you sent me. wha? I didnt send a
letter. Ann, he hands you a picture, has been
missing for quite some time
You look at the picture GAH! it is a picture
of the witch in the cave! This is a picture of
AUNT ANN? you stammer Yes it is, that was taken
just before she disappeared your uncle says, Oh
I miss her so! You are stunned.
Aunt Ann
  • Do you
  • Tell your uncle that Aunt Ann is a witch
  • Do not tell

You smile and look at the picture, Oh, she was
pretty. Its a shame that she is not still
around.darn tootn says your uncle. You stay
for dinner and spend the night in the house. You
dont sleep very well as the thoughts of your
witch aunt haunt your dreams. The next morning
you say goodbye and begin your walk back to town.
When you arrive you book a night in the local
hotel and take the next train back to
Connecticut. Game Over
Your uncle punches you in the face, GET OUT OF
floor, Im sorry uncle its true! you sob as you
scramble out the door. You run all the way back
to town, avoiding the mystic lake. When you get
to town, you take the next train back to
Connecticut leaving Texas and its witches
forever. Game Over
You look in the cave once more and turn yourself
to swim back. As you plant your feet on a rock to
push up,your leg is grabbed by a tentacle! You
scream a garbled scream as you look to see that
the rock is not a rock but a huge sea snake that
is just one of many in a even huger sea snake
pit! The sea snakes waste no time splitting you
open and eating you. Epic Game Over
  • You press on. The unforgiving Texas sun beats
    your back and neck as you grow weary. You are
    losing your will to go on. You stop under the
    shade of a large cactus. There are vultures
    overhead. You contemplate your next move.
  • Do you
  • Keep going
  • Take a nap
  • Go back to Connecticut

You close your eyes and drift slowly into
sleep You dream of moons and pow wows and
academic decathlon moon pow wows You do not
notice the figures approaching your slowly in
their ponchos and brightly decorated sombreros.
As they begin boosting your gear one loudly drops
your set of cooking irons, causing you to wake
with a fitful scream. AAAAHHhhhhh you yell as
the nearest bandalero expertly draws his sidearm
and blasts it in your face. You are killed by
bandeleros! Game Over
You keep going but in your delirious state some
snakes push you into a snake pit. Game Over
  • The water feels good and you are happy that it
    feels good. You giggle with delight as you watch
    the splashes of the water all around you. You say
    hey everybody this water is great, it show is
    fine! You are proud of yourself for making it
    this far and you rub your tummy as your remember
    the sandwich fondly. Texas sure is great. You
    wash up again briefly in the pond and go to put
    your boots back on. Without thinking you whip
    your boots on stand up, owowoowowowowowow You
    scream ahhh and whip your boots right off
  • You see Adrianne (a woman from the brothel)
    running up from behind a hill, I heard you
    scream, I had been following you all morning! I
    am so in love with you that I followed you. Lets
    run away, I cant go back to that place with the
    mean women in the brothel!
  • Do you
  • Run away with Adrianne
  • Keep going with Adrianne
  • Keep going without Adrianne

You decide to take a chance with this loveable
and energetic lady from the brothel. Adrianne is
grateful and kisses you on the cheek. heh heh
thanks honey you say As you both walk into a
snake pit. Game Over
Sorry Baby you say as you pull your hat down
over your eyes as you walk away boohoohoohoohoo!!
! wails Adrianne You continue down the trail
alone leaving Adrianne by the water hole to cry.
You turn the corner and see a snake wriggling in
the dirt you chase it down the hill hoping that
this could be your dinner. You dont got it and
the snake leads you into a snake pit where you
are eaten for dinner. Game Over
You cant see snake pits in the evening so you
fall in one! Game Over
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