Title: Transmission Customer Meter Exit Workshop Presentation
1- Transmission Customer Meter Exit Workshop -
Presentation - Fall 2003
2Meter Exit
- Introduction - CCBR
- 1 - Hydro One Proposed Meter Rebate Exit
Program - 2 - Measurement Canada Requirements
- 3 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
- 4 - Market Rule Compliance Options
- 5 - Meter Service Provision
- Q A
31 - Proposed Meter Rebate Exit Program
- July 2003 - The Minister requested the OEB, to
invite Hydro One to submit proposal on meter
rebate and exit fees. - August 21st, 2003 - Hydro One submitted this
proposal to the OEB for review. - September 8th, 2003 - OEB arranged Technical
Conference for interested stakeholders to provide
their comments and/or reviews of Hydro Ones
proposal. - Board to make recommendations to Minister.
- Late 2003 - Minister to provide Direction to
41 - Proposed Meter Rebate Exit Program Meter
Rebate Proposal
- Annual Rebates of 5,700 per Meter Point.
- The rebates will apply to MMPs that
- choose to provide or acquire Wholesale Revenue
Metering Service themselves, and - that are transmission customers of Networks OR
are distribution customers of a LDC that is a
transmission customer of Networks. - Payments will be forwarded annually - prorated
and terminates with the next rate order.
51 - Proposed Meter Rebate Exit Program Meter
Exit Fee Proposal
- The Uniform Meter Exit Fee is 5,200 per meter
point plus GST. - The Fee will be deducted from the annual rebates.
- Removal costs for metering installations not
conveyed will no longer apply upon exit.
62 - Measurement Canada Requirements2003 Seal
Period Expiry
- 418 meter points due in 2003, over 300 meter
points will not comply with the MR by year end - Seal expired devices will be in violation with
Measurement Canada regulations as of January 1,
2004 - IMO indicated that like for like replacement
violates the Market Rules - Hydro One applied to Measurement Canada and is
granted a one year temporary dispensation on
devices expiring in 2003 conditional on - temporary dispensation terminates on Dec 31, 2004
- a formal agreement is made between the parties
- Formal agreements sent by e-mail on November 6,
2003 to all MMP with seals expiring in 2003. - MMP obligations under the Market Rules remain the
72 - Measurement Canada Requirements2003 Seal
Period Expiry
- In accordance with Market Rules Hydro Ones
obligation to provide transitional metering
services ends. - Hydro One will continue to service the metering
installation to the same level as now, however
the MMP-MSP agreement will not be extended. - MMP to procure the services of an MSP for the
compliant metering installation and submit form
1300 showing the start date. - Market Rules are being amended to extend the
metering installation registration for one year. - Metering installations due in 2003 and 2004 not
brought into compliance by mid-2004, Hydro One
will replace, like for like, the seal expired
devices to avoid further dispensation requests to
82 - Measurement Canada RequirementsInstrument
Transformer Temporary Permission
- Feb 2002 - Measurement Canada granted temporary
permission to continue to use unapproved ITs. - The temporary permission is subject to renewal on
May 1, 2004. - Hydro One working with Measurement Canada on a
Plan for this renewal and includes - a detailed IT approval review using MC approval
database - the development and submission of a proposed plan
to renew the temporary permission. - Detailed review complete and proposal sent to
Measurement Canada on October 21, 2003. - Plan, if approve, would renew temporary
permission to 2006.
93 - Meter Exit Options ImplementationMeter
Exit Program Implementation
- To initiate process, customer must select one of
the following options regarding the EXISTING
103 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
- Outside Station
- Abandon Option
113 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
(a)Outside Station - Abandon
- Notification to Hydro...Customer notifies Hydro
One of decision to abandon. - Hydro One will acknowledge the selection through
an acknowledgement of release. - Customer responsible for all market obligations,
which may include new compliant metering
installation. - Hydro One absorbs cost of removal subject to OEB
123 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
- Outside Station
- Purchase (Conveyance) Option
133 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
(b)Outside Station - Purchase (Conveyance)
- Notification to Hydro One.
- Conveyance agreement drafted and sent to customer
for signature (transfers wholesale revenue
metering assets from Hydro One to MMP). - Includes pole mounted metering equipment (PME) or
equipment located at customer's facility.
143 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
(b)Outside Station - Purchase (Conveyance)
- PME is typically located at the boundary of
adjacent LDCs or the boundary of a direct
customer. - Unless specifically included, the MMP is only
purchasing assets outlined on Schedule A of
Conveyance Agreement which includes - physical meter(s) and recorder,
- current ("CT's") and voltage transformers
("VT's"), - the PME cabinet including associated
communication interface, wiring, switches and
ancillary devices, - dedicated lightning arrestors located on same
- the pole or any equipment or wiring connecting
the IT's to the feeder (lightning arrestors on
other poles, primary side insulators, live line
clamps, standoff insulators, switches).
153 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
(b)Outside Station - Purchase (Conveyance)
- The customer/MMP must also address existing meter
installation connection requirements with local
field staff which include - Joint Use Agreement, permit
- by-pass switches
- Telephone Connection Transfer form (included with
Conveyance), - Meter Power Requirements,
- Operational and Emergency contact numbers,
- Site specific issues must be addressed e.g.
present location may impact future new customer
connections - settlements with the appropriate
field staff contact prior to customers initiating
any field work on Hydro Ones property, - Field staff are NOT MSP staff but Lines
163 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
(b)Outside Station - Purchase (Conveyance)Cont
acting Hydro One Field Staff Operations
Field Contacts Zone 1 - John Quagliotto (519)
354-5708 ext. 310 Zone 2 - Vince Limina (905)
264-3315 ext. 3315 Zone 3A - Rick Paqutte (519)
776-4173 ext. 3244 Zone 3B - Kent Trolley (888)
871-3514 ext. 3227 Zone 4 - Ewen McCormick (613)
678-3665 ext. 220 Zone 5 - Leonard Day (705)
725-1290 ext. 4117 Zone 6 - Bert Brand (705)
725-1290 ext. 4119 Zone 7 - Jeff Landriault
(705) 743-2193 ext. 3206
173 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
(b)Outside Station - Purchase (Conveyance)
- Customer Site
- Typically, entire meter installation conveyed.
- Telephone Connection Transfer - the customer must
complete the request for telephone billing
transfer that is included with the Conveyance
Agreement. If not completed and returned, this
could result in the inadvertent disconnection of
the telephone line.
183 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
- Inside Station
- Abandon Option
193 - Meter Exit Options Implementation(c)
Inside Station - Abandon
- Customer notifies Hydro One of decision to
abandon AND whether customer will stay inside the
station. - Hydro One will determine whether NEW customer
metering installation is feasible within station
(New Connection Agreement). - Customer responsible for all market obligations,
which may include new compliant metering
installation and customer must submit new
connection application. - Hydro One removes all existing metering
installation infrastructure. - absorbs cost of existing meter removal pending
OEB ruling.
203 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
- Inside Station
- Use Existing ITs Option
213 - Meter Exit Options Implementation(d)
Inside Station - Use Existing ITs
- Customer/MSP may visit station (escorted - , 33
days notice) to view metering installation to
determine feasibility of using existing ITs. - Customer notifies Hydro One in writing of
decision to use existing instrument transformers. - Hydro One, Project Manager to arrange site visit
for customer/MSP to verify implementation of
option selected and estimate meter connection
costs. - Customer to sign-off on option selection and
estimated costs.
223 - Meter Exit Options Implementation(d)
Inside Station - Use Existing ITs
- Hydro One prepares Customer Wholesale Revenue
Metering Agreement that allows site access and
use of Hydro One ITs. - Hydro One, Project Manager will prepare
construction agreement for connection costs to
regulated assets. - Customer must sign both agreements for work to
commence. - NB customer will incur additional costs related
to the installation from their own MSP.
233 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
New Construction
Use Existing ITs
Regulated -
New Customer ITs
Regulated -
Existing ITs
Non- Regulated
Non- Regulated
243 - Meter Exit Options Implementation
- Inside or Outside Station
- De-registration Option
253 - Meter Exit Options Implementation(e)
Inside or Outside Station - De-registration
- Applies only to meter points not directly
connected to the IMO controlled grid. - Customers that are de-registering embedded points
from the wholesale market must - notify Hydro One MSP and AE to complete
de-registration, - coordinate effective date of de-registration with
Hydro billing cycle 60, (minimum 60 days). - Once de-registered
- Hydro One assumes metering responsibilities,
- will no longer receive energy billing from the
IMO, instead will receive energy billing from
Hydro One, - Must provide prudentials (Retail Settlements
Code, if required), - Access settlements data via Hydro One MV-WEB.
263 - Meter Exit Options ImplementationHONI
Station Access
- Hydro One Station Access Policy - NOP-019, July
11, 2002. - Escort requirements, exemptions
- Specifies safety training
- Template agreement
- Security check
- Ontario Government Bill 58 - transferred station
lands. - Customers/MMPs who have TCAs must comply with
Hydro One Station Access Policy as per 10.14.3. - MSPs/Third Parties requiring access must complete
an Access Agreement. -
273 - Meter Exit Options Implementation Where Do
We Go From Here?
- It is critical for customers to notify Hydro One
of their exiting option in writing. - If you have a meter installation(s) expiring this
year (2003), and have not contacted Hydro One
(tx.meterexitprogram_at_HydroOne.com) on how you
would like to proceed, please do so immediately
as year-end is fast approaching. - Once selected, Hydro One will initiate the exit
process. - Hydro One will continue to sign exit agreements
subject to the pending ruling from the OEB on our
August 21, 2003 proposal. - As previously mentioned, customers whos seals
are expiring in 2003 may choose to enter into a
Meter Dispensation contract.
284 - Market Rule Compliance OptionsIMO - Options
- - Full Upgrade.
- - Upgrade using the Alternative Metering
Standards. - - Upgrade metering only with a conforming Main
Alternate. - - Upgrade Metering Only with a conforming Main
Meter (would require routine inspections). - - Re-seal Recorder (only applicable to
installations with two meter points to one
recorder where the recorder seal period is
triggering the earliest re-seal).
294 - Market Rule Compliance OptionsOption
Hydro One Options 1. Abandon 2. Use ITs 3.
305 - Meter Service Provision Transitional MSP
- Approximately 1,200 legacy wholesale revenue
metering installations in Ontario - HONI is the Transitional MSP for approximately
170 MMPs for 850 installations - Transitional MSP Market excludes new metering
installations since IMO Market Open - May 1, 2002 - HONI primary focus is on the 350 legacy
installations for which HONI is the MMP
315 - Meter Service Provision Transitional MSP
- Chapter 6, Section of the IMO Market
Rules requires each MMP to have an Agreement with
an MSP - All 170 MMPs utilizing HONI-owned installations
have signed the transitional MSP Agreement dated
October 31, 2001 - Transitional MSP Agreement for each metering
installation shall expire on the earlier of - six (6) years from Market Open
- upon the earliest seal expiry date
- when abandoned by the MMP
325 - Meter Service Provision Transitional MSP
- Transitional MSP Agreement ensures compliance
with IMO Market Rules concerning - Meter Failures and other Trouble Responses (2
business days) - Instrument Transformer Failures (12 weeks)
- The cost of this support is paid for through the
OEB approved Network Transmission Tariff
335 - Meter Service Provision Transitional MSP
Role at Meter Exit
- Transitional MSP Agreement expires upon Meter
Exit - De-registration of existing installation
- Transfer of available documentation as applicable
and required to the new MSP - Update meter owners records re Measurement
Canada obligations
345 - Meter Service Provision Deregistration - MMP
- MMP obligations at time of deregistration
include - confirmation that the Meter Exit Agreement is
finalized with the HONI Meter Exit Program. - No meter removal or de-registration is permitted
prior - confirmation that IMO Form 1390 is submitted to
the IMO stating the date when the new MSP will be
responsible for the subject metering point,
including all associated Meter Trouble Reports
355 - Meter Service Provision Deregistration - MMP
Obligations (contd)
- MMP obligations at time of deregistration
include - confirmation that the HONI Transmitter has
approved the firm date for the de-registration of
the metering installation. (NOTE While HONI MSP
will endeavour to communicate this information to
the HONI Transmitter, we cannot guarantee such
communication. It always remains the MMP's
accountability to formally obtain HONI
Transmitter approval for such meter point
de-registration.) - confirmation of the firm date for the
de-registration to HONI MSP
365 - Meter Service Provision Competitive MSP
Market in 2003
- 348 meter points have seals that expire
- 50 of these qualify for the recorder reseal
option - 298 meter points require upgrading
- 194 of the 298 (56) are in Hydro One stations
- Plus new installations and those choosing to exit
early - Given this work load, it will take more than the
efforts of all 14 MSPs in the province to complete
375 - Meter Service Provision Hydro One 2003
Metering Program
- 67 meter only/partial/full upgrades to be done
- Combined with maintenance requirements, IMO
audits, and MEC calculations, this program almost
completely utilizes our existing resource
capacity - Add in pending de-registrations and Hydro One
site access and shared use requirements - All on top of regular maintenance and trouble
call response activities
385 - Meter Service Provision Hydro One in the
2003 Market
- The current IMO Market continues to be stalled
- Customers are not clear as to what they need or
want to do with their metering - Current resource constraints prevent Hydro One
from accommodating much of the potential MSP
business - Hydro One is very open to competition in the MSP
marketplace and has advised other MSPs and the
IMO accordingly
395 - Meter Service Provision Metering Upgrades
2003 2004
- Hydro One is an MSP in the competitive IMO
Market, however, it cannot resource the amount of
upgrades required by end of year 2004 (gt600) - Given the current uncertainty in the IMO Market,
Hydro One will continue to ensure that its
obligations and the customers needs are met
under Measurement Canada regulations - HONI MSP is unable to provide Estimates for
metering upgrades for the remainder of 2003 - HONI MSP will reassess its position to assist
other MMPs in early 2004
405. Meter Service Provision Metering Upgrades
2003 2004 (contd)
- Current uncertainty about the continued use of
non-approved Instrument Transformers (re Plan
submitted to Measurement Canada) is delaying HONI
2004 work planning and prevents HONI commitment
to support other MMPs - HONI will reassess its capacity to support other
MMPs upon Market Rule clarification and new
Provincial Government direction for 2004
415. Meter Service Provision Metering Upgrades
Suggested Approach for MMPs
- Upon receipt of their Meter Exit Schedule 2, MMPs
are strongly advised to engage an MSP to - confirm their preferred Schedule 2 option with
the Meter Exit Program (including site visit as
required, especially for installations remaining
within the Hydro One stations) - upon HONI Meter Exit Program acceptance of the
MMPs preferred Schedule 1 option, obtain quotes
for the metering upgrade from MSPs - proceed with the metering upgrade (HONI will
perform Regulated work as required and defined
by the Meter Exit settlement)
425. Meter Service Provision Ongoing MSP Support
- MMPs must have a new MSP Agreement for each
metering installation that is upgraded and exits
the Transitional MSP Agreement - HONI MSP is able to provide ongoing MSP support
for existing metering installations and those
that have been upgraded - HONI MSP can quote its ongoing MSP service when
requested by the MMP - subject to resource
43Questions and Answers