Title: Rita Leiby
2Splash Screen
Animation The title drops down letter by letter
and each letter bounces, squashes, and stretches.
Animation The screen starts in black and white
and a mask slides down turning the text and image
into color.
Animation The images on the iMAC form a slide
show using masks to wipe each pic.
Navigation The four buttons navigate to the four
main sections of the site and are color coded to
match each section.
3Basics Section
The basics section is colored coded with green to
match the button. The submenu of info, examples,
glossary appear.
The next and back buttons take the viewer through
each section, frame by frame.
4Basics Glossary
The glossary is a series of terms related to
basic concepts in yearbook development. There are
4 pages of alphabetized words related to this
Navigation The basics submenu buttons are
available as are the main section buttons.
5Design Info
The Design info section is made up of a series of
pages listing principles of yearbook design and
layout. It includes rules for layout and
guidelines to follow for spread development.
6Design Spread Build
Animation In the info section, a Building a
Spread animation with step buttons walks the
viewer through building a spread, element by
element. Descriptions of each element are
variable called from the main actions. The spread
button replaces the boxes with content. The
restart button allows the user to begin again.
7Spread Examples
Several pages of spread examples are displayed
demonstrating various ways to manipulate modules
for various effects.
8Spread Glossary
The glossary is a series of terms related to
design concepts in yearbook development. There
are 2 pages of alphabetized words related to this
9Photos info
The photos info section walks the user through
rules for taking and cropping pictures. Basic
suggestions for taking pictures and the rule of
Thirds (seen on right) are given.
10Photos Examples
- There are 13 screens of examples of good and
poor photos. Each has a brief explanation of what
makes the photo good or poor.
11Photo Glossary
The glossary is a series of terms related to
photo concepts in yearbook development. There are
2 pages of alphabetized words related to this
- This section is under construction. It will
include rules for writing copy, captions, and
headlines. It will also give examples of story
ideas, leads, and organizational techniques.