Occidental College, Los Angeles - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Occidental College, Los Angeles


Anthony Chase. Transforming Iraq ... Anthony Chase. The Middle East. Main Questions: ... Rapporteur: Kai Small. Africa. Questions: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Occidental College, Los Angeles

Brown University, Chapman University, Claremont
McKenna College, Colorado College, Gustavus
Adolphus, Mills College, Morehouse College,
Pepperdine University,
Pomona College, Spelman College Swarthmore
College, Tufts University, University of
California, Berkeley, University of California,
Davis, University of California, Santa Barbara,
University of San Diego, University of Southern
California, University of Washington, Willamette
  • Occidental College, Los Angeles
  • Feb. 27-29
  • 2004

Max Boot ? Ivo Daalder ? Michael
Hirsh ? Robin Wright
Transforming Iraq
Michael Hirsch
Anthony Chase
  • Even though there are deep schisms in Iraqi
    society, there is a great sense of nation
  • The key to reconstructing Iraq will be avoiding
    both Balkanization and theocracy
  • Civil society development and elections must
    occur simultaneously

Rapporteur Madelyn Gee
Transforming Iraq
Michael Hirsch
Anthony Chase
  • Questions
  • Can we ever truly democratize the Middle East?
  • What plans do we have for institution-building
    and to what extent will they be secular?
  • Theres no question that oil companies are going
    to want to secure rights to the oil. What
    happens the oil?

Rapporteur Madelyn Gee
Public Diplomacy
Michael Hirsch
Geoffrey Cowen
  • Public diplomacy is performed by all nations in
    the form of citizen exchanges, cultural
    interactions, and broadcasting
  • Public Diplomacy affects American trade, safety
    and tourism abroad, brand identifications, and
    international programs at colleges and

Rapporteur Madelyn Gee
Public Diplomacy
Michael Hirsch
Geoffrey Cowen
  • Questions
  • How can we project American values in a way that
    persuades rather than offends the international
  • Regarding American broadcasts abroad, how do we
    move from monologue to dialogue?

Rapporteur Madelyn Gee
Ambassador Derek Shearer
Consul General Kerek-Barczy
  • Main Issues
  • What has created the differences between Europe
    and United States?
  • Europe is complacent, rich and comfortable in its
    own shell
  • Is there a common European foreign policy?
  • What is Europe?

Rapporteur Nikolay Filchev
Ambassador Derek Shearer
Consul General Kerek-Barczy
  • The void between Europe and America has appeared,
    because neither has a thorough understanding of
    the post bi-polar world.
  • Europe and the United States are natural allies,
    but challenging each others position is healthy
    and necessary.
  • Europe is a success story.
  • Europe would become more and more integrated and
    this is good for America.

Rapporteur Nikolay Filchev
Ambassador Derek Shearer
Consul General Kerek-Barczy
  • Europe would never run a federal model and each
    country will retain its own voice, regarding
    foreign policy issues.
  • Europe has interests outside its boundaries
  • Europe will never has its own security force, but
    NATOs functions would be redefined.
  • Europe will expand, but not at all costs every
    country in Europe should be able to make a run
    for membership in the EU.
  • Europe will assist LDCs, but it would look for
    coherence and reforms.

Rapporteur Nikolay Filchev
Global Economy
Jane Jaquette
Jim Whitney
  • More institutional structure/regulation is needed
    to make globalization work better for everybody
  • Regional trade agreements (NAFTA) have been
    oversold to the world, but their guiding
    principles should still be working
  • The interests of states have not changed there
    is still room to gain from trade

Rapporteur Nikolay Filchev
Global Economy
Ambassador Derek Shearer
Consul General Kerek-Barczy
  • Trade negotiations have facilitated making some
    tough choices, which are truly beneficial in the
    long run
  • The United States has clearly been on the
    defensive end
  • We have to reconsider some forgotten
    redistributive measures

Rapporteur Nikolay Filchev
Global Economy
Ambassador Derek Shearer
Consul General Kerek-Barczy
  • In view of the upcoming elections
  • Globalization is not the cause of the problems in
    the US economy
  • Global income distribution has worsened
  • Globalization negotiations should not be tied to
    the political agenda

Rapporteur Nikolay Filchev
The Middle East
Robin Wright
Anthony Chase
  • Main Questions
  • Will there be a renewed commitment to the
    Israeli-Palestinian peace process?
  • How can the US develop a less threatening image
    in the Middle East?

Rapporteur Asta Schuette
Democracy in the Middle East
Anthony Chase
Robin Wright
  • How can cultural movements or youth to place
    pressure on the government from below while the
    government place political pressure from above?
  • Will the US continue to ignore the lack of
    democracy in Middle Eastern countries such as
    Egypt or will foreign policy take a direct
    position on this issue?
  • Will we be committed to the long-term development
    of Iraq especially in the development of a strong
    Iraqi civil society?

Rapporteur Asta Schuette
The United Nations
Ambassador Richard Sklar
Ambassador John Hirsch
  • Question
  • Should the United States relinquish a portion of
    its power for a cooperative relationship with the
    UN? If so how much?

Rapporteur Asta Schuette
The UNState Sovereignty
Ambassador Richard Sklar
Ambassador John Hirsch
  • When are domestic problems so grave that
    national boarders must be transcended?

Rapporteur Asta Schuette
The UNInterdependance(or Globalization)
Ambassador Richard Sklar
Ambassador John Hirsch
  • What is the effect of economic globalization on
    the international community? Should the UN become
    involved in economic global issues such as labor

Rapporteur Asta Schuette
Latin America
Carol Wise
Denise Dresser
  • US as the hegemon in the region should take a
    more active role in promoting economic
  • Effects of NAFTA on Mexico issues around free
  • Haiticomparison to Iraq, promotion of democracy

Rapporteur Meghan Byrne
Latin America
Denise Dresser
Carol Wise
  • Questions
  • Is the current policy of neglecting Latin America
    as we focus on the war on terror in the long term
    interests of the United States?
  • Is President Bushs immigration proposal viable
    without the collaboration of Mexico?
  • What does the current situation in Haiti reveal
    about the limitations of the American military to
    promote democracy?

Rapporteur Meghan Byrne
Walter Comins-Richmond
Larry Caldwell
  • Self-Preoccupied Indifference and Chechnya.
  • Deterioration of Democracy in Russia.
  • Control of Weapons Proliferation.
  • Russian Interest in Georgia.
  • Russian Missile Testing.

Rapporteur Maria Stoyadinova
Walter Comins-Richmond

Larry Caldwell
  • Questions
  • Do you believe that the War on Terror has been
    used by the Putin administration to justify
    Russian actions in Chechnya? How would you
    approach the Chechen problem?
  • Having in mind the recent Russian nuclear weapons
    testing, how do you plan to address arms control
    in the future within a multilateral framework?

Rapporteur Maria Stoyadinova
Walter Comins-Richmond
Larry Caldwell
  • Questions
  • What should the future US objectives in Georgia
    be, considering the fact that Russia has a strong
    incentive to keep Georgia within its sphere of
  • Do you perceive the roots of terrorism as mainly
    ideological or as a product of social conditions
    such as poverty?

Rapporteur Maria Stoyadinova
Ambassador John Hirsch
Movindri Reddy
  • Because race relations changed in the US due to
    9/11, the way that the US views Africa has also
  • Africa is at the bottom of US concern.

Rapporteur Kai Small
Ambassador John Hirsch
Movindri Reddy
  • Questions
  • How does the US plan to go about assisting in the
    establishment of a framework of democracy that is
    unique and appropriate to African nations? 
  • How will the US become involved in Africa in a
    way that is effective and productive for both
    Africans and Americans? 

Rapporteur Kai Small
Bushs War on Terror
Larry Caldwell
Ivo Daalder
  • Critical to properly define the War on Terror and
    depending on our definitions, alter our foreign
  • Critical to address the variations of freedom and
    determine whether the same demand for freedom as
    we understand it is yearned for in other

Rapporteur Rebecca Wittman
Bushs War on Terror
Larry Caldwell
Ivo Daalder
  • Questions
  • Can the religion of Islam play a strong role in
  • Is freedom as we know it the aspiration of every
    society in the world? Which type of government is
    going to best develop other societies?
  • Should the War on Terror be a war? If not, what
    should it be?

Rapporteur Rebecca Wittman
Nation Building
Ivo Daalder
Richard Sklar
  • By ensuring safety and meeting basic needs before
    reforming the government, civilians will be able
    to participate in their own nation building
  • Perhaps nation building is not always in our best
    interests the process is extremely difficult,
    requires time and resources, and planning is
  • Our state department needs both international and
    domestic assistance in rebuilding Iraq

Rapporteur Rebecca Wittman
Nation Building
Ivo Daalder
Richard Sklar
  • Questions
  • How is the Bush administration going to fix
    nation building in Iraq?
  • If nation building is going to be a very long
    process, how do you convince the American people
    to support the effort when if they do not feel
    obligated to help build the Iraqi government?

Rapporteur Rebecca Wittman
United States Foreign Policy in a Historic Context
Jane Jaquette
David Axeen
  • Are all societies inevitably moving toward the
    same modernity as Woodrow Wilson claims?
  • Democracy is a process success requires that
    Iraqis own the process and make decisions that in
    the short term may not be in our best interests
  • While separation of the three ethnic groups in
    Iraq does not seem physically feasible, a
    multiethnic state requires a great deal of

Rapporteur Rebecca Wittman
United States Foreign Policy in a Historic Context
David Axeen
Jane Jaquette
  • Questions
  • Will your administration tolerate variations that
    come out of the Iraq democratization process,
    elections, etc. that vary from your chosen path?
  • Will your administration provide sufficient
    provisions to finish the job despite political
    changes that will occur in the United States?
  • If the process of democratization gravely
    deteriorates after power is handed over to the
    Iraqis, how is our administration going to

Rapporteur Rebecca Wittman
The War on Terror
Dan Caldwell
Gregory F. Treverton
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction
  • Higher probability of being used, but decrease in
    risk of global devastation
  • Security and Intelligence
  • Debilitated by massive numbers of bureaucrats
  • It is impossible to be perfectly safe
  • Perception of Terrorists
  • Terrorist capabilities have been chronically

Rapporteur Alex Coita
The War on Terror
Dan Caldwell
Gregory F. Treverton
  • Psychological Threats
  • The system is biased towards spreading fear
  • Politicians use terror as a political tool
  • Understanding the Roots of Terror
  • The connection between poverty and terrorism is
    hard to prove
  • Need to get people a stake in the system
  • The Iraq War and American Legitimacy
  • Washington underestimated both short and
    long-term effects of the war
  • The US squandered the high moral ground it had
    immediately after 9/11

Rapporteur Alex Coita
The War on Terror
Dan Caldwell
Gregory F. Treverton
  • Domestic Sources of the Bush Policy
  • American public is largely uninterested in
    foreign affairs
  • Politicians need to present a simple view of the
    world and hype the threat to get domestic support
  • Is the War on Terror a Real War?
  • No more than the war on poverty
  • The threat is inflated only 22 Americans killed
    last year
  • Focus should be placed on issues like the Arab
    Israeli Conflict

Rapporteur Alex Coita
The Bush Doctrine
Ivo Daalder
Dan Caldwell
  • Bushs worldview is ideological, confident,
    coherent and wrong
  • Very much a leader and not given the credit and
    blame he deserves
  • Bush Doctrine is unilateralism, preemption and
    regime change for terrorists and tyrants
  • Revolution is a product of Bush and most of it
    will leave with him

Rapporteur Jordan Parkhurst
The Bush Doctrine
Ivo Daalder
Dan Caldwell
  • Questions
  • How will the doctrine of the Bush Administration
    or new Democratic Administration approach
    situations where intelligence is more inexact
    than usual?
  • How or would you change the Coalitions of the
    Willing approach to international allied action?

Rapporteur Jordan Parkhurst
Seth Faison
Derek Shearer
  • Before 9/11, China was going to be our next enemy
  • Problems between China and the US Tibet, Taiwan,
  • The CCP is factionalized
  • Little political reform has paralleled
    significant economic reforms
  • The Bush Administration misperceives Chinas
    perspective on North Korea

Rapporteur Stephan van der Mersch
Seth Faison
Derek Shearer
  • Questions
  • What should be the USs trade policy with China?
  • What should be the long-term strategy for Tibet
    and Taiwan?
  • Should there be a new Visa policy and a long-term
    strategy to promote American values in China and
    other nations?

Rapporteur Stephan van der Mersch
On behalf of the Sessions Committee, thanks for
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