Title: Northeast Asian Business Hub
1Northeast Asian Business Hub
Thought on Korean Initiatives
October 29, 2004
Bae The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
Technology, Seoul, Korea -??????????????????
2Current Picture of Northeast Asia
-Lack of full reconciliation -North Korean
nuclear issue -Competition on leadership
International Relations
No foundation for sound competition and
-Surge of China as the Worlds factory and
market -Japans high-tech capacity -No FTA yet
Common ground for Northeast Asia
-No sense of common identity as Northeast
Asian community -Collision of nationalism
3Economic Environment for Korea
Burdens of social cost Government(60) Companies(4
Stagnant domestic consumption
Stagnant job market
World market share 1991 2002 Korea
2.0 2.5 China 2.0 5.0
Competition with China
Chinas export increase (year 2003 increase by
Competition with Japan
Gap in RD investment (Korea less than 1/10 of
Increased imports of intermediate goods from
Deteriorated competitive edge loss of jobs (Labor
market shrinks for new entrants)
4Comparison among Economic Blocs
Kor Chn Jap
Pop. (100 mil.)
14.5 (23.6)
3.8 (6.2)
4.1 (6.8)
Area (10thou. ?)
324 (2.4)
2,174 (16.3)
1,007 (7.5)
GDP (tril. US)
5.8 (18.6)
7.9 (25.2)
11.5 (36.7)
Trade Volume (tril. US)
2.4 (18.3)
2.7 (20.8)
1.7 (12.6)
NEA 3 countries (GDP 5.8 tril.US,
APEC (21) Pop. 2.6 bil. (42) GDP 20
tril. US (60) T.V. 6.4 tril. US (48)
ASEM (26) Pop. 2.2 bil. (38) GDP
15 tril. US (49) T.V. 6.3 tril. US (55)
Trans-Atlantic Market Place Pop. 0.65 bil
(11.2) GDP 20 tril.US (60) T.V. 5.5
tril.US (50)
NAFTA (GDP 11.5tril.US, T.V. 2.7tril.US)
EU (GDP 7.9tril.US, T.V. 2.4tril.US)
5Koreas Role for Common Prosperity in NE Asia
Business Hub
Investment Technology
Investment Technology
Northeast Asia
Republic of Korea
Products Services
Products Material
Logistics Finance Marketing
6Hub Strategy of Korea
Cooperation by differentiation
Northeast Asian market
Technology of Japan Manufacturing of China
World market
Market focus (Intermediary roles)
Korean Business Hub
Koreas competitiveness as a hub in NE Asia
- Geographic proximity to China with huge domestic
market low labor cost - Geographic proximity to Japan with high
technologies - Highly educated labor force and entrepreneurial
skills - Strategic Advantages such as well-developed
national infrastructure, overall superior - technological platform, etc.
- Advanced Information Technology
7Business Hub (Regional Logistic Support for
Manufacturing and Distribution)
? Logistic hub - Vertical integration
JIT Supply
Stand-alone transportation
Parts and raw material
8Business Hub (Specialized Regional Financial Hub)
- Financial hub - Northeast Asian(Regional) focus
- Commercial banking Reform by global
practice -
- Investment banking Asset Management
(Industry restructure through MA) -
- Consultancy and project financing Open
service market
9Business Hub (Regional Industrial Cluster)
- ?Emerging market focus
- Market Integration through FTAs Pursuing
economies of scale -
economies of network - ?FDI - Regional (global) corporations
National goal-oriented market economy
Private profit-motivated market economy
Fast track industrialization
Balanced development
Business Hub (Finance, management, and technology)
10Possible Areas for Cooperation
Projects leading to a Northeast Asian community
Projects of infrastructure construction that
would contribute to peace in the region
6. East Asia FTA (EAFTA) 7. Regional financial
cooperation 8. Cooperation on environment 9.
Social and cultural exchanges
1. Development of nodes for inter-Korean
economic cooperation 2. Linking of inter-Korean
and Trans-Asian railroads 3. Development of
regional energy resources 4. Cooperation
in ICT and other leading edge
technologies 5. Exploration of financial
resources for regional development
11 Thank you.