Fringe Tracking with FINITO - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fringe Tracking with FINITO


(from the observer's point of view) Looks remarkably similar to the perfect AO system ... Calibration star ( calibrator') - target - calibrator ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fringe Tracking with FINITO

Fringe Tracking withFINITO PRIMA
  • Gerard van Belle
  • PRIMA Instrument Scientist
  • 5 Nov 2008

Food for Thought
  • There aint no such thing as a free lunch1 R.
    A. Heinlein
  • 1Often abbreviated as TANSTAAFL, from The Moon is
    a Harsh Mistress, 1966

Food for Thought
  • Whats for lunch?
  • ? ultra-high-resolution astronomy easily 2
    orders of magnitude beyond conventional
  • The price?
  • ? sensitivity
  • ? TANSTAAFL turns up pretty much everywhere else
    in interferometry, too

The Perfect Fringe Tracker(from the observers
point of view)
  • Looks remarkably similar to the perfect AO system
  • This is not the case (as is true with AO)
  • As always, understanding your instrument is
    important to understanding your data
  • Hence, this talk

Michelson Interferometer
Star is at infinity
Fringe Visibility
  • Constructive destructive interference of light
  • Fringe contrast or visibility
  • Calibration issues
  • Detector linearity
  • Zero point measurement
  • Noise characterization

Actual starlight fringes from IOTA - ? And Photo
credit R.R. Thompson
Interferometer responseversus delay
  • Bandwidth averaged point-source response
  • bandpass of wavenumber center s0, width d0, delay

White light fringes for broadband K-band flux
versus delay line position
Fringe Quadratures
  • Can zoom into central fringe and take 4
    consecutive samples
  • Quadratures
  • Converts easily to fringe phase, amplitude
  • Note assumes flux steady, 90 ABCD separation

Flux versus OPD Zoom into central part of fringe
for ABCDs (Shao et al 1988), Wyant 1975)
Temporally Modulated Fringes
  • Delay line driven back forth over zero OPD
  • ABCD samples taken during scan
  • Non-zero f indicates drift from zero OPD
  • FINITO approach (also PTI, MkIII interferometers)

OPD versus Time
Flux versus Time
Temporal Fringes in Practice
  • Fringe-scanning modulation, implemented
    temporally on delay line
  • Sawtooth waveform to minimize number of reads per
  • Retrace occurs during array settling time
  • Single-pixel reads A, B, C, D ¼-wave intensity
    bins computed as
  • A a - z, B b a, etc.
  • Let X A - C, Y B - D,
  • N ABCD

Colavita 1999
Optical Modulation of Fringes
  • Two outputs from beam combiner split in two
  • Makes use of fact that beam combiner has two
  • Four matched phase retarders ? ABCD
  • PRIMA approach

Relative merits of modulation approaches
  • Temporal modulation
  • ABCD samples get ¼ of coherence time
  • 100 of flux for each sample
  • SNR lower because
  • Tip-tilt errors are non-common-mode
  • Stroke of OPD must be linear / non-wandering
  • Hard to generate perfect sawtooth
  • Optical modulation
  • Each ABCD sample integrated for a full coherence
  • Flux split 4 ways
  • SNR lower because
  • Alignment difficult
  • Susceptible to imperfections in optics such that

Effects of FT Errors on V2
  • Comparison of V2 measures for two stars
  • 51 Peg
  • HD215510
  • Four separate nights
  • Objects close in time, on sky
  • Raw V2 shows lots of scatter
  • Yet data move synchronously
  • Excursions due to instrumental, environmental

Boden et al (1988)
Typical Observing Program
  • Calibration star (calibrator) - target -
  • Bracket the target with unresolved sources on
    both sides
  • Not required but strongly recommended
  • Time dependence of atmosphere, instrument
  • Evolving targets
  • Can appear change with baseline projection, time,
  • Calibrator - target - calibrator - resolved
  • Choose a secondary resolved object (check star)
    not expected to evolve

7 Apr 2008
G van Belle - Supergiant Diameters
Visibility Function
  • For a uniform disk, visibility matches
  • B is the projected baseline
  • q is the stellar disk size
  • l is the instrumental wavelength
  • Baseline, wavelength known
  • Can solve for q
  • Use V2 instead of V
  • Unbiased estimator of visibility
  • See Colavita (1999)
  • Important consideration fringe trackers have a
    hard time operating past 1st zero

An Aside True Resolution of Optical
  • Single aperture resolution limit usually quoted
    as 1.22 x ?/D
  • This is the somewhat arbitrary Airy limit
  • Others, such as Sparrow, Dawes, etc. exist
  • Optical interferometry resolution limit often
    quoted as the corresponding ?/B
  • But, for optical interferometer, we can work much
    higher up on visibility curve
  • If sufficient measurement precision is provided
  • Example for a 110m baseline at K-band
  • Can get down to 0.70mas size measurements with
  • NB. This is hard to do
  • Corresponds to 0.17 x ?/B

Visibility Function Calibrators
  • Atmospheric and instrumental effects reduce
    system V2
  • Observe unresolved sources to establish system
  • Use an estimate of size
  • Assume V2 gains are equal
  • Gain factor is analogous to Strehl ratio
  • Flattening portion of visibility function ?
    errors in calibrator size do not translate into
    errors in system V2
  • Need to account for partial resolution of
  • Predicted size bias can bias the normalization
  • See van Belle van Belle (2005)

7 Apr 2008
G van Belle - Supergiant Diameters
Practical Considerations
  • Many operational considerations to think about
    when actually using fringe trackers
  • Generally where reality intrudes upon theory
  • Atmosphere, astrophysics, quirks of
    instrumentation, etc.
  • Already seen with typical observing program of
  • Shall be abbreviated PC henceforth

PC (Unknown) Binary Stars
  • Binaries are interesting targets for
  • Can be problematic for
  • Fringe tracking
  • Use as calibrators
  • Two regimes
  • Separated fringe packet (illustrated)
  • Overlapping FP
  • Need to be very careful with calibrator selection
  • Interferometers are great a discovering
    heretofore unknown binaries
  • Remember, 3 out of every 2 stars is a binary

Dyck Benson Schloerb 1995
PC Resolved Targets Impact FT Sensitivity
  • True for stars of large angular size, binary
  • As interferometer separates light from either
    side of scene, fringes smear
  • Reduction of contrast ? reduction of FT
  • SNR of FT goes as NV or NV2 depending on regime
  • Fortunately, for most resolved stars, as V2
    drops, N goes up

Correlated Flux Magnitude
  • Defined as
  • where V is the (expected) object visibility
  • Example K2 giant with V6, K4 on B100m
  • Rough angular diameter prediction from V-K
    (van Belle 1999) ? 2.1 mas
  • Visibility prediction for 2.1 mas object on a
    100m baseline V0.76
  • Thus, Kcorr4.3

PC a priori Angular Size Knowledge
  • Useful to know estimate of angular size of target
    prior to observing
  • For observation planning
  • Necessary information for proper use of
  • Simple V-K or other surface brightness proxy
    (eg. van Belle 1999)
  • Better SED fitting
  • Best make the actual measurement

PC Multiple Baselines with FINITO/AMBER
  • AMBER can see 3 baselines at once
  • Can leverage this to get high-resolution
    information (past 1st zero) on target
  • Example B0-E0-H0
  • B40,48,88m
  • Fringe track on 2 short baselines, get data on
    3rd long one
  • Baseline bootstrapping
  • Not an offered triple

Dotted lines bracket 7.0, 8.2 mas
PC Group Delay Tracking
  • Group delay tracks envelope of fringe pattern
  • Does not suffer from fringe hopping (wrapping
  • Instrumental effects can introduce dispersion
    that shift the GD peak from the PD peaks
  • GD tracking allows for incoherent addition of
    frames ? greater sensitivity
  • Poorer data quality

Delay ?
V806 Cen
Delay ?
Fig. 3 from Meisner 2001 VINCI-VLTI observations
Capabilities Now
  • Two main current workhorse instruments of VLTI
  • FINITO feed of AMBER / MIDI (as advertised in the
    P83 call)
  • UTs
  • ATs
  • First fringes in Sept 2008!
  • Capabilities unproven (at present)
  • Still undergoing commissioning

STS1 Install on AT4
AMBER Limiting Magnitudes and Performances
  • Concerning the limits in sensitivity, these
    depend on a large number of factors
  • The type of telescopes, can be either UTs or ATs
  • vibration environment of each
  • The chosen spectral resolution
  • low (LR), medium (MR) and high (HR) resolution
  • Environmental constraints such as seeing, and
    atmospheric transparency
  • The use of the active fringe tracking (using
  • Why fringe track? ? Significant improvement in
    data quality

AMBER Sensitivity
  • FINITO improves AMBER performance when conditions
  • Low airmass, nearby (or self-)phase reference
  • Computed for DIT25ms. Visibility calibration
    of longer DIT is not guaranteed.
  • Computed for DIT100ms. Reduced by 0.7mag and
    1.5mag for DIT of 50ms and 25ms respectively.

Wait a second
  • Hey, those UT numbers dont look much better than
    AT numbers!
  • 8.2-m versus 1.8-m telescope
  • Factor of 20.7 in flux(!) 3.3 magnitudes
  • Remember TANSTAAFL?
  • Atmosphere restricts improvement in flux to less
    than D2
  • Vibrations of UT are pretty unforgiving

Future Capabilities
  • Dual-Object Interferometry with PRIMA
  • Astrometry
  • Phase referencing
  • Faint object science
  • Future real soon now
  • PRIMA currently undergoing commissioning

Dual Star Astrometry
Primary Star
Secondary Star
Objective ground-based astrometric detection of
exo-planets 10 - 50 mas _at_ VLTI
  • Primary star
  • Used to phase individual apertures
  • Used to co-phase the interferometer
  • Secondary star
  • Used as positional reference for primary star
  • Delay line difference
  • Observable proxy for angular separation between
  • Angular separation reflects periodic reflex
    motion of stars due to planetary companions
  • For exo-planet reflex detection
  • 10s of mas (O(10-11 rad))

Delay Lines
Delay Lines
Beam Combiners
Dual-Object Phase Referencing
  • Objective long synthetic coherence time for
    faint-object detection
  • Fundamentally enabled by dual-beam optical design
    of PRIMA
  • Phase referenced interferometry the analog of
    single-aperture AO
  • Fringe tracking piston correction signal on one
    object is used to correct the piston on a second,
    nearby (isoplanatic separation) object
  • Required for VLTI and KI faint-object
  • Demonstrated at PTI
  • Phase error with and without loop closed between
    the two fringe trackers
  • Two data segments taken within 200 s of each other

Lane Colavita 2003
  • Boden, A.F., et al., 1998, Visibility
    calibrations with PTI, Proc. SPIE, 3350, 872
  • Colavita, M.M., 1999, Fringe visibility
    estimators for the PTI, PASP, 111, 111
  • Meisner, J., 2001, Fringe tracking and group
    delay tracking methods for MIDI, Proc. 36th
    Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium
  • Shao, M., et al., 1988, The Mark III Stellar
    Interferometer, AA, 193, 357
  • Van Belle, G.T., 1999, Predicting Stellar
    Angular Sizes, PASP, 111, 1515
  • van Belle, G.T. van Belle, G., 2005,
    Establishing Visible Interferometer System
    Responses Resolved and Unresolved Calibrators,
    PASP, 117, 1263
  • Wyant, 1975, J.C., Use of an AC heterodyne
    lateral shear interferometer with real-time
    wavefront correction systems, App. Opt., 14, 2622
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