Vietnam - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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They're the ones who have to win it or lose it.' 1961: 2,000 troops as 'advisors' 1963: 16,000 troops (none were committed to ... Jane Fonda in North Vietnam ' ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Vietnam

  • The Johnson and Nixon Years

Vietnam and Kennedy
  • Kennedy Its their war. Theyre the ones who
    have to win it or lose it.
  • 1961 2,000 troops as advisors
  • 1963 16,000 troops (none were committed to
    battle) in S. Vietnam
  • Coup détat against unpopular Diem
  • Kennedy assassination puts Lyndon B. Johnson in
    White House

Johnson the President
  • War on poverty and Great Society programs The
    New New Deal
  • Michael Harringtons The Other America (1962)
  • Economic Opportunity Bill (1964)
  • Medicare and Medicaid
  • Housing and Urban Development Act (1965) 2.9
  • Appalachian Regional Development Act (1966) 1.1
  • Opposition from conservative Republicans and
  • Vietnam

This administration today, here and now,
declares unconditional war on poverty in America.
I call for a Great Society resting on abundance
and liberty for all. The Great Society demands an
end to poverty and racial injustice, to which we
are fully committed in our time.
LBJ is the Santa Claus of the free lunch.
We are not about to send American boys nine or
ten thousand miles from home to do what Asian
boys ought to be doing for themselves.
Barry Goldwater, 1964 Republican presidential
(No Transcript)
Vietnam and Johnson
  • Tonkin Gulf Resolution (1964)
  • 2 American destroyers attacked by N. Vietnam in
    Gulf of Tonkin
  • Authorized Johnson to take all necessary
    measures to repel an armed attack against the
    forces of the United States and to prevent
    further aggression.
  • Feb. 1965 Attack at Pleiku 8 U.S. dead
  • Operation Rolling Thunder U.S. bombs N. Vietnam
  • Dec. 1965 184,000 U.S. troops
  • Dec. 1966 385,000 U.S. troops
  • War of attrition involving helicopter gunships,
    chemical defoliants, and napalm

(No Transcript)
Why are we in Vietnam? We are there because we
have a promise to keep. To leave Vietnam to its
fate would shake the confidence of all these
people in the value of American commitment.
Johnsons Flawed Policy
  • President maintained strict control over
  • Johnson They cant even bomb an outhouse
    without my approval.
  • Traditional military victory never possible.
  • Sec. of Defense Clark Clifford We had no
    military plan to end the war.
  • Americas goal not to win by capturing territory,
    but prevent the N. Vietnamese and Vietcong from
  • Maintain military presence as long as the enemy
    retained the will to fight.

Waning Public Support
  • 1960s student demonstrations
  • First living room war nightly television
    coverage and casualties
  • Anti-war media Time, Newsweek, Walter Cronkite.
  • January 31, 1968 Tet Offensive surprise attack
    and devastating counteroffensive
  • Johnsons slipping popularity rating 35

Jane Fonda in North Vietnam
The picture of the worlds greatest superpower
killing or injuring 1,000 noncombatants a week,
while trying to pound a tiny backward nation into
submission on an issue whose merits are hotly
disputed, is not a pretty one.
Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara
You can kill ten of my men for every one I kill
of yours, but even at those odds, you will lose
and I will win.
Ho Chi Minh
I have concluded that I should not permit the
Presidency to become involved in the partisan
divisions that are developing in this political
year. Accordingly, I shall not seek, and I will
not accept, the nomination of my party for
another term as your President.
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Vietnam and Nixon
  • Nixon won with the support of the silent
    majority and promises to end Vietnam, a war
    without end.
  • Nixon and Sec. of State Henry Kissinger, peace
    with honor.
  • Paris stalemate with N. Vietnam, 1969
  • U.S. leave Van Thieu Nguyen as Pres. N. Vietnam
    vacate S. Vietnam
  • N. Vietnam U.S. withdrawal and permanent present
    of North in the South eventual reunification
  • Vietnamize the conflict
  • 1969 540,000 U.S. troops 1973 50,000 U.S.
  • Expanded air war on Laos and Cambodia (trails)

Continuing Divisions at Home
  • Draft and Cambodia incursions
  • My Lai massacre, 1968
  • Lt. William Calley ordered killing of 200
    Vietnamese civilians at My Lai village
  • 20 officers charged with complicity Calley
    convicted of murder
  • Kent State University protest, 1970
  • ROTC building burned 4 demonstrators killed by
    Ohio National Guard
  • New York Times and Pentagon Papers
  • Truth about Gulf of Tonkin incident

Kent State shootings
Ending the War Without End
  • January 27, 1973 agreement signed with N.
    Vietnam to end the war and restore peace in
  • March 29, 1973 last American combat troop leaves
    S. Vietnam several thousand MIA left behind
  • 1975 N. Vietnam invades the South Democratic
    Congress refuses to send aid
  • Cambodia and Laos soon fall to Communism
  • Americans vacate S. Vietnamese embassy, bringing
    several S. Vietnamese with them
  • 58,000 American dead 150 billion spent
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