Postdoctoral funding Research fellowships - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Postdoctoral funding Research fellowships


Marie Curie awards. Human Frontier Science Programme. Contact Kerry Hay at R&I. Charity/trust administered schemes. Royal Society. British Academy ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Postdoctoral funding Research fellowships

Postdoctoral fundingResearch fellowships
  • Louise Phillips

Types of funding available
  • Grants
  • To fund specific set of experiments
  • May not have specific deadlines
  • Applicant and/or employed researcher
  • Likely to be in collaboration with academic staff
  • Fellowships
  • Funding for an individual
  • Very specific eligibility criteria
  • Usually annual deadline

Funding bodies (FBs) for UK projects
  • UK research councils
  • Major charities/scientific foundations
  • Leverhulme Trust, Nuffield Foundation, Wellcome
  • Learned societies
  • British Academy, Royal Society
  • Specific charities
  • Research into Ageing, Alzheimers Research Trust
  • Government Departments?
  • Industry?

Possible schemes of interest
  • Learned societies e.g.
  • British Academy postdoc fellowships
  • Royal Society fellowships
  • Scientific foundations
  • Caledonian Research Foundation
  • Leverhulme Trust career development fellowships
  • Nuffield Foundation new career fellowships
  • Specific subject charities
  • Research into Aging
  • Alzheimers Research Trust
  • Research councils
  • EPSRC/BBSRC/ESRC fellowships

FBs (international work)
  • European Union Schemes?
  • Marie Curie awards
  • Human Frontier Science Programme
  • Contact Kerry Hay at RI
  • Charity/trust administered schemes
  • Royal Society
  • British Academy
  • Leverhulme Trust
  • Check similar FBs in country interested in
  • E.g. ESRC fellowships could go to citizens of
    other countries if they were based at UK

Advantages of getting a fellowship
  • Guaranteed income for 1-5 years
  • Very highly valued by departments and on CV for
    future jobs
  • Can carry out research that you want to
  • No boss or supervisor in most cases
  • Forms sometimes very quick to fill in
  • If eligibility criteria strict competition might
    not be too great

Disadvantages of applying for a fellowship
  • Some of the forms hugely complex and
  • Chances of success in big schemes very low
  • Need to work independently
  • May have very specific requirements
  • E.g. age or experience criteria

Applying for fellowships
  • The art of creative bullshitting

Before beginning application
  • Speak to your supervisor
  • Identify funding sources
  • Read eligibility criteria really carefully
  • Find out about FB
  • Whos on the board?
  • What research have they funded before?
  • What are the strategic priorities, mission
    statement, aims of organisation etc?
  • Contact them to ask any questions
  • But check for e.g. FAQs first.

Application process
  • Decide where wish to carry out work
  • Sponsorship
  • If not in Aberdeen will probably need to find
    someone at institution to sponsor you
  • May stand better chance if they know your work
    already, or you have had some correspondence with
  • Discuss the application with experts (e.g.
    academic staff, research finance).

General tips for applications
  • Look at a previous successful funding application
    to your chosen FB if possible.
  • Make an effort to sell your research as (a)
    brilliant and (b) related to the aims of the FB
  • Dont even consider being modest (but dont tell
    complete lies).
  • Check out every bit of info on FB you can find
  • Website, media etc
  • Referee forms etc

  • Emphasise research experience
  • Skills e.g. statistics, programming
  • Papers published, under review, in press, in prep
  • Internal and external presentations
  • Involvement in organization of research activity
  • Dont go into detail of non-academic jobs
  • Trying to make it sound like want to follow
    career in academia
  • Do mention transferable skills, teaching
  • E.g. computer skills, stats skills, speaking
  • Any grants or funding for e.g. conferences

What will increase your chance of getting funding?
  • Publications, conference presentations, other
    research activities
  • Fantastic references
  • from important or well-known people?
  • Project fits well with mission of the FB
  • Carefully read all guidelines to see what they
    are looking for
  • Get advice on your application from someone
    successful with that FB in the past.
  • Put in multiple applications to different FBs

How are proposals evaluated?
  • Fit with remit/aims of FB
  • Adhere to all guidelines
  • Well argued scientific case
  • Clear plan of research
  • Not too complicated
  • Comprehensible to non-experts but convincing to
  • Address interesting-sounding research questions

Chances of getting funding?
  • Vary hugely from one scheme to another
  • More restricted the criteria or obscure the FB
    the better the chance
  • No matter how good, your application less than
    50 chance of funding
  • For many schemes chance may be nearer to 10
  • Excellent practice for putting in grant
    applications and the harsh rejections of academic
  • University and department will look favourably on
    your attempts to get funding

Example of fellowship application process
  • Economic and Social Research Council
  • Postdoctoral fellowships scheme
  • http//

ESRC fellowships
  • Postdoc fellowship scheme can only apply
    immediately on finishing PhD
  • Closing date ?? January 2005
  • Date may be chosen to minimise applications?
  • You will need to be prepared well in advance
  • Applicants must have completed their doctorate
    no more than two years prior to the beginning of
    the award or expect to do so by 1 October 2005.
  • Warning some of website info seems out of date

Postdoctoral fellowships
  • fund new researchers for one year immediately
    after submission of doctorate
  • Completed after 1 October 2002 or plans to submit
    by 1 October 2004.
  • nominated mentor
  • hoped to support 70 new fellows in 2004??
  • spine point 6 on the RAIA scale
  • 21640 NI pension ?? research costs

Priority areas
  • applications are welcome from all disciplines,
    but half of the awards made should fall into one
    of the following priority areas
  • Area Studies
  • Economics
  • International Collaborative work
  • Quantitative work including social statistics and
  • Interdisciplinary work including work with the
    natural and physical sciences

4 key objectives of scheme
  • Allow fellows to
  • Produce publications to improve chances for long
    term employment
  • Disseminate findings to academic and non-academic
  • Improve research skills
  • Carry out small amount of research related to PhD
    and develop proposals for future funding

Institutional support
  • The mentor must be a senior colleague within the
    institution, with research experience in the same
    field as the applicant but should not, wherever
    possible, be the PhD supervisor.
  • But this shouldnt rule out 2nd supervisors.
  • The host institution will be expected to show
    they have a commitment to the support and
    promotion of young researchers and lecturers
  • ESRC will not normally permit awards to be
    transferred from one institution to another.

Submission of PhD thesis
  • Applicants should anticipate that they would have
    completed their doctorate by 1 October 2005 at
    the time of application.
  • The expectation of submission by 1 October 2005
    must be verified by the supervisor on the
    application form.
  • Any offer of an award will be conditional until
    ESRC has received documentary evidence of the
    successful completion of the doctorate from the
    applicant's institution.

Application form costings
  • Need to provide careful costing for requests for
    funding for
  • Travel (e.g. conferences)
  • Consumables (e.g. software)
  • Exceptional items (e.g. postal costs)
  • Equipment
  • Must fully justify all requested funds
  • Look at a successful ESRC application

Application form mentor section
  • Needs to provide sections on institutional
    support, access to research resources, proposed
    mentoring arrangements, short CV.
  • Quite long sections
  • Need to allow sufficient time
  • Will need to discuss your proposed research in

Application form signatures
  • Needs to be signed by HoD, mentor, PhD
    supervisor, Research Finance Services accountant.
  • Need substantial forward planning
  • And everyone disappears end of Dec

Application form CV
  • Details of education, awards, employment, papers
    and conferences.
  • Dont go into huge details irrelevant jobs
  • Other sections requiring
  • Most important research skills
  • List of papers written to date
  • Put in papers in preparation too
  • Teaching experience

Application form other sections
  • Require summary of doctoral thesis.
  • claims to originality excellence
  • methodology and significant findings
  • Impacts of your research
  • Impacts include the impact of completed
    research, the diffusion of its results
  • Impact on researchers, users and policy makers
  • Communication plans
  • Publications, conferences, debates, media.
  • Communication to non-academic users
  • Identify plans for at least 2 publications

Application form 4 pages on proposed work
  • Big clue address 4 key objectives of scheme
  • Contribution to career development
  • May be beneficial to include plans to do some
    teaching or organise research activities
  • Publication plans
  • Be specific and ambitious about journals
  • Dissemination/networking
  • Conferences and meetings
  • Skill development
  • Might include visits to other labs?
  • New research skills that would benefit career?

4 pages on proposed work
  • Development of research proposals
  • Research plans, also plans to attract research
    funding. Be as specific as possible.
  • Research activities
  • Not expected to undertake new research but
    limited work related to PhD can be undertaken. Be
    careful not to make this focus of proposal.
  • Other
  • ????
  • Timetable

Assessment of proposals
  • Assessed by ESRC postdoctoral fellowship
    assessment panel
  • Are these people listed on website?
  • Assessment based on
  • PhD supervisors report
  • 2 independent referees chosen by ESRC
  • Assessment panel
  • Reference form on the web
  • Notified of decision by end of May

Referee assessment form
  • Based on application how do you rate potential
    intellectual ability of applicant?
  • Would a fellowship have significant impact on
    applicants future career?
  • Priority for funding
  • Ability, quality of programme, potential impact
    of publication plans, strength of institutional
    commitment, probable impact of award

General useful information
  • Powerpoint slides available _at_
  • Psychology Dept gt Staff gt Louise Phillips gt
    Personal homepage gt postdoc fellowships.

Useful websites
  • UK research councils http//
  • Leverhulme Trust http//
  • Nuffield Foundation. http//
  • Wellcome Trust http//
  • The Royal Society http//
  • The British Adademy http//
  • Higher Education Research opportunities
  • EC RD information service http//
  • REFUND research funding info generally
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