Instructional Design: IMI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Instructional Design: IMI


Leanne Boyd: A Theory on New Technologies and Learning. Resume. Knowledge of Instructional Design ... After many years of authoring with Macromedia products, I ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Instructional Design: IMI

Instructional Design IMI UA
  • Leanne Boyd A Theory on New Technologies and
  • Resume
  • Knowledge of Instructional Design
  • Architecture of Instructional Design
  • List Authoring ID Tools

My Theory on New Technologies and Learning
  • This presentation concerns a position that
    pertains to Instructional Design, Website
    development and design, and interactive content
    development. This position is all about distance
    - even web-delivered - education, Web
    technologies and interactive methodologies.
  • This position is Instructional Design for the
    United Airlines new media learning modules.

  • I have a very strong background in authoring and
    Web competencies. I have been designing and
    integrating these two environments for use on the
    Web since early 1994. My career history includes
    Media Director for North High School, Denver
    Public Schools District, in which I built and
    implemented training environments for both
    teachers and students. I have held several
    positions that required strong project management
    skills, including the North High position, as
    well as my most recent position as Project Lead
    and Web Developer at Lucent Technologies.

  • My academic path has included much experience in
    interactive authoring in Web-based and CBT
    environments, and I am well versed in the online
    learning and distance education arenas.
  • Recently, my position was Web developer and
    Project Lead in the Product Publications
    Department at Lucent Technologies. It was
    challenging and in keeping with my career goals.
    I achieved realization of my highest goals during
    the design and development of this interactive,
    task-based Web site

  • I completed all initial stages of research,
    authoring, testing and evaluation within a
    pre-determined time frame, in which I
    successfully led a small team of
    non-web-technologies-trained, telecommunications
    engineers into a deeper understanding of the
    development process for a learning tool that is
    Web-based, rather than paper-based.
  • I "grew" this learning environment from an
    internal document, "Application Notes for Type
    Approval," a much-needed tool by
    telecommunications technicians, worldwide. Its
    previous format had traditionally been difficult
    to use.

  • My Intranet application will facilitate much
    greater use of the tool than when it was a
    450-page PDF or FrameMaker file.
  • The architecture that I implemented will be used
    as a prototype for other internal documentation.
  • I had great success in combining the software
    strengths of BlueSky RoboHELP HTML, version 6.0,
    in some of the "first-use" of this Help-file
    authoring tool at Lucent. I also utilized
    Microsoft FrontPage, Adobe Photoshop 5.0, several
    text editors, and extensive FTP (file transfer)

  • Much of the project was very successfully
    telecommuted, working from my own home studio.
  • The project was completed in October, 1998, and
    included the template and hierarchical structure
    stages for the Web site. Please view
    non-content-specific samples at
  • http//

  • My career history has sharpened my skills for
    implementing higher levels of software and
    Internet-application development. I have a strong
    computer science foundation, especially in the
    areas of developing applications in a
    multi-platform arena, utilizing a broad variety
    of authoring tools, HTML programming, coding in
    JavaScript, Web-specific software, and multimedia
    development including audio, video, and
    animation. Although most of my experience is with
    Windows (through '98), and Macintosh (through
    current iMac desktop stations), I also am
    familiar with the UNIX environment.

  • I am able to work with a variety of programming
    codes, such as JavaScript, Visual Studio 6
    (primarily Visual Basic), Java, and Perl. After
    many years of authoring with Macromedia products,
    I have generated products in the Macromedia suite
    -- the Attain integrated system of authoring. At
    this stage in my professional and academic paths,
    I have begun to apply more programming skills
    within the work environment. I have a proven
    excellent capacity for accelerated learning of
    languages and software and their applications in
    current technologies.

  • My knowledge of online, distance learning is
    intense and up-to-date, because of both my work
    history of the past few years, and also my
    Master's program.
  • Direct experience has given me invaluable
    experience with what works in distance learning,
    as well as what does not work.
  • Presently, I have completed 85 of my Master's of
    Science program in Computer Science, Computing
    Technology in Education. My GPA is 4.0.
  • The program is geared toward a well-founded base
    in Distance Learning from hardware and software
    standpoints, as well as my emphasis in
    Instructional Design, primarily Web-based.

  • My course work has solidly covered Internet/
    Intranet-based training, instructional design,
    delivery systems, cognition, human/computer
    interface, CBT design, and broad-based multimedia
    design, platforms and technologies. I will
    graduate in summer, 1999.
  • Prior to my current studies, I was a high honors
    graduate from Metropolitan State College of
    Denver, in 1997. My B.A. in Technical
    Communications was geared toward Web and
    instructional design and development, with
    emphasis on related new media, instructional
    authoring, and multimedia.

  • I have successfully planned, designed and
    developed more than a dozen medium- to
    large-sized Web sites, and have accomplished the
    same with several hyperactive educational
    software (Toolbook, Authorware, Director, several
    Microsoft development software).
  • My career history includes the successful
    creation and implementation of a Multimedia work
    center in Denver's North High School, as well as
    management of teams for organization of
    multimedia and authoring projects for the Web.

  • I am confident with my skill set and techniques
    for taking projects to successful completion.
    These projects are excellent examples of my
    organizational abilities and task leadership.

  • I see my role as a Web and instructional designer
    to be vital to students and to co-workers, as the
    learning environment is modified to accommodate
    the new learner - the 21st century learner.
  • My role, in providing technical, creative, and
    intuitive advances in developing learning
    environments, will be to provide a basis for
    viewing rapid change as the logical establishment
    of a "Calm Technology," which will dispel the
    fear so many have of rapid technological changes.
  • My work will help the student to realize that we
    all are capable of being "life-long learners."

  • One role of the Web designer or content developer
    will be to lead and encourage the educational
    team in taking current and future content into a
    strongly-founded digital world, where the
    learner's tools become as comfortable as they are
  • Successful design integrates the inquisitive
    nature of the human mind with the limitless power
    of the digital knowledge network.
  • The Web and/or content specialist, then, supports
    all learners in adopting the computer as a
    personal, invaluable tool.

  • I bring not just the mastery of technology and
  • I also bring a love of, and dedication to, both
    the creative and scientific aspects of our "New
  • This is, perhaps, the greatest strength I offer
    a total commitment to present technologies and
    media, and a history of perseverance,
    determination, artistry and innovation.
  • These character traits not only describe the
    nature of an architect of learning environments,
    but also the spirit of every life-long learner.

Resume A Summary
  • Leanne has approximately 4 years experience in
    the development of Internet and Multimedia
    applications in a variety of settings, including
    corporate, government and education.
  • She has 4 years of experience working with
    Authorware (to 5.0 Attain, recent), 4 years with
    Asymetrix Toolbook (to II recent), and is
    proficient in a variety of other packages, such
    as PageMaker, FrameMaker, QuarkXpress, and 10
    years working with Macromedia Director.

  • She also has 4 years of heavy HTML coding
    experience, having developed and maintained
    several Web sites, and consistently adding
    state-of-the-art web development tools and
    techniques to her skill set.
  • She has 15 years of professional background in
    media center services, research, journalism,
    editorship, Technical Writing and documentation
    specialties. She is extremely proficient in
    Internet research for a variety of academic or
    commercial purposes. She has over 20 years of
    professional experience in design, children's
    illustration and licensed product, marketing, and
    desktop publishing.

  • Her published works include children's books,
    internationally licensed greeting card lines, and
    successful children's sportswear designs (Ocean
  • Leanne is a very creative individual with a real
    passion for her field and a very impressive
    portfolio. She is very attentive to detail and is
    very project driven, as demonstrated by her
    ability to develop projects for herself, such as
    the ones with Lucent Technologies, the Colorado
    Judicial Department, and US West.
  • Also, with all of these assignments, she
    demonstrated her ability to work proficiently in
    both independent and team settings, in in-house
    and telecommuting environments.

Professional Skills
  • Communication, written, verbal
  • Technical and non-technical audiences
  • Research, documentation
  • Interpersonal, organizational, detail-oriented,
  • Team-oriented, multiple tasks, minimal
    supervision, network, prioritize, schedule tasks,
    evaluate, analyze
  • Make decisions, implement services, improve
  • Training
  • Electronic marketing, publishing
  • Multi-platform, creative

Hardware Software Strengths
  • Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT, Macintosh
    (including Power Mac, OS 8.0), UNIX
  • Macromedia Authorware 5.0 Attain, Director
    (through Studio 6.5), DreamWeaver 1.2, FireWorks,
    Freehand 7, Shockwave and Flash 3 technologies

  • Adobe, including Photoshop 5, Acrobat 3.01,
    FrameMaker 5.5, Illustrator 8, PageMaker 6,
    Premiere 5, Dimensions, ImageStyler
  • Browsers Netscape Communicator 4.5, Internet
    Explorer 4.x
  • Microsoft Office 97, including Access, Exchange,
    Excel, FrontPage, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word 8
    also currently studying Visual Studio 6 (Visual
    Basic and entire suite)

  • OTHER Asymetrix Toolbook (through II), Blue Sky
    RoboHELP 6.0, familiar with CGI/Perl and ASP,
    Claris FileMaker Pro, CorelDraw, HTML (including
    DHTML, CSS), Designer's Edge, Doc-to-Help,
    ForeHelp, Internet3D Space Builder (and Silicon
    Graphics Cosmo technologies), JavaScript,
    NetObjects Fusion, NewTek Lightwave, PaintShop
    Pro, QuarkXpress, QuickTime, RayDream Studio,
    RealPlayer 6, SQL and Oracle (educational/Master's
    level only), VRML, familiarity with most Web

Education - BA
  • 1997. Technical Communications, Emphasis Media.
    Metropolitan State College of Denver, Colorado.
    Summa cum Laude. GPA 3.95/4.00
  • School of Professional Studies Outstanding
    Student Award, 1996-1997
  • President's Honor Roll, 1996-1997
  • National Golden Key Honor Society, Historian,
  • Merit-based scholarships American Association of
    University Women, Business and Professional Women
    of Colorado, Executive Women International

Education - MS/CS/MCTE
  • Current. Master's program, School of Computer and
    Information Sciences, Computing Technology in
  • Will complete, summer 1999.
  • Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
    (Distance Learning/Internet Degree Program).
  • GPA 4.00/4.00

  • IICS - International Interactive Communications
    Society, Denver Chapter
  • American Association of University Women
  • Golden Key Honor Society International
  • HTML Writer's Guild (HWG)
  • Society for Children's Book Writers
    Illustrators (SCBWI)

Work History
  • Lucent Technologies, Product Publications
    Department, graduate level internship,
  • May 1998 - October 1998
  • Web developer, Project Lead for Intranet Web site
    for technical document, "Application Notes for
    Type Approval"
  • Utilized wide variety of software including
    RoboHELP 6, Photoshop, multiple Web editors
  • Created all elements of Web site including
    JavaScript, graphics, HTML, CSS, navigation
  • View http//

  • Colorado Judicial Department, Professional
  • August 1996 - May 1997
  • Initiated contact with client to help create and
    develop position and all project requirements.
    Web consultant for development of Web site for
    Colorado courts system
  • Created all graphics and mapping, 90 of HTML
    authoring. All work was done via Internet and
    telecommuting. Extensive use of FTP delivery and
    retrieval. (continued)

  • Index to the Colorado Courts Online Home Page of
    the State's Judicial Site -http//www.courts.stat
  • A Navigational Map of the State of Colorado's 22
    Judicial Districts -http//
  • Colorado's Trial Courts An index with
    navigational district maps -http//www.courts.sta
  • Colorado Water Districts - http//www.courts.state
  • Home Page of the Colorado Courts Original site
    design (now archived) -http//www.instructional-d
  • Creators of the Courtsite - http//www.courts.sta

  • Metropolitan State College of Denver, Center for
    Academic Technology, Web Developer
  • January 1997 - March 1997
  • Concurrent with internship
  • Worked with existing curriculum in development of
    documentation for online college courses
  • Performed web design, graphics, digital
    illustration, HTML authoring
  • American Association of University Women,
  • Sept. 1996 Jan. 1997
  • Newsletter Editor/Publisher for monthly
  • Provided complete services graphics,
    illustration, editing, writing, layout, extensive

  • U S West/MSCD, Animation Team Lead
  • January 1996 - May 1996
  • Managed animation team
  • Worked with other teams in authoring, page layout
  • Researched multimedia technology for 4th-grade
    math assessment
  • Provided instructional technology training to
    K-12 teachers
  • Produced 4th-grade math software for Internet
    download and online use

  • BoydZoo Studio ? Instructional Designs
    Consulting Services
  • 1985 - 1999
  • Instructional Designer for art history and
    astronomy/science courseware created interactive
    software in Asymetrix Toolbook courseware were
    used in national demonstrations on university
    campuses, exemplifying use of digital platforms
    for graduate and post-graduate works also
    previewed in Denver Film Festival, 1996.
  • Performed technical writing, desktop publishing,
    layout, editing, illustration, company business
    graphics, CD-ROM literature, digital brochures,
    promotional materials
  • (continued)

  • Extensive use of digital audio and video, camera
  • Developed specialized audio/visual
    program/presentations for secondary school.
    Created videotaping program for
    Cable-in-the-Classroom, coordinated interactive
    learning program in conjunction with Mind
    Extension University, performed publishing and
    editorial services for Career Pathway program,
    Carl Perkins Grant, and technology committees
  • Developed layout and structural hierarchy for Web
  • Worked with ISO standards, database for CD-ROM
    archive/retrieval system
  • Used Macromedia Director for animations and
    Multimedia for CD-ROM, CBT and Internet
  • Provided multi-platform environments

  • John O'Keefe, Mentor (303) 538-1126,
  • Connie Wall, Intern Program (303) 538-3201,
  • Dr. George Fornshell, SCIS/MCTE (954) 262-2074,
  • District Judge O. John Kuenhold, Alamosa County
    (719) 589-4996,
  • Dr. Kathryn Marold, Computer Management Sciences
    (303) 556-4617,

Personal Web Sites
  • BoydZoo Studio - Instructional Designs,
  • WebWerx, http//
  • The Outsourcerer, http//

  • Paper
  • "The Extensions of Ourselves We ARE Cyborg -
    Embracing Our Past, Celebrating Our Future"
  • Univ. of FL, Gainesville WST 3010,
    Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Women,
    Undergraduate Women's Studies course.
  • View http//
  • Direct link http//
  • (continued)

  • Books
  • Atlas of Colorado Ghost Towns, Vols. 1 and 2, listings
  • http//
  • http//
  • Horse Show Paper Dolls, on
  • http//
  • Clancy's Treasure Book for Children, at Carson
  • http//
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