Phase Diagrams - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Phase Diagrams


Moreover phase diagrams can be used to obtain information about melting, casting, ... Sibel Uludag-Demirer. IE 114 Cankaya University. 6 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Phase Diagrams

Phase Diagrams
  • Chapter 10
  • Callister, 2006

Outline of the Lecture
  • 1) Definitions
  • 2) Equilibrium Phase Diagrams
  • ----Binary Isomorphous Systems
  • ----Binary Eutectic Systems
  • 3) The Iron-Carbon System

Why do we study phase diagrams?
  • There is a strong correlation between
    microstructure and mechanical properties and
    development of microstructure can be understood
    from the phase diagrams. Moreover phase diagrams
    can be used to obtain information about melting,
    casting, crystallization, etc.

SEM micrograph of plain C steel with 0.44 wt C
Preeutectoid ferrite
Pearlite (dark layer is ferrite, Light layer is
  • Major terms used in this lecture
  • Component pure metals or elements in the
    composition of an alloy.
  • Solute and solvent (Week 4)
  • System specific body of material or series of
    alloys consisting the same components (
    iron-carbon system)
  • Solubility Limit The maximum amount of solute
    that may dissolve in solvent to form a solid
    solution. Addition of solute beyond the
    solubility limit causes the formation of another
  • Phase is a homogeneous portion of a
    system that has uniform physical and chemical
    characteristics. Gas, liquid and solid phase.

Sugar and Water
how many phases are there?
(a single phase)
(two-phase system)
  • For example if a substance can exist in two or
    more polymorphic forms (BBC and FCC) each of
    these structures is a separate phase because
    their physical properties are different.
  • A single phase system is called homogeneous
  • System of two or more phases is called a mixture
    or heterogeneous system. Therefore most of the
    metallic alloys,ceramics, polymeric and composite
    systems are heterogeneous.
  • Microstructure is subject to direct microscopic
    observation using microscopic techniques. The
    number of phases, their proportions, and the way
    they are distributed or arranged can be
    characterized by the same techniques.
  • Phase Equilibria A system is said to be at
    equilibrium when the free energy, which is the
    internal energy and randomness of the atoms, is
    at minimum under some specified combination of
    temperature, pressure and composition.
  • In other words, at equilibrium the
    characteristics of the system do not change with
    time but persist indefinetely. This system is
    also called stable.

  • The diagrams showing the solubility (solubility
    charts) do not give information about the time
    necessary to achieve the equilibrium. It is often
    the case that a state of equilibrium is never
    completely achieved because the rate of approach
    to equilibrium is slow. Such a system is said to
    be nonequilibrium or metastable state.
  • Therefore not only the understanding of
    equilibrium states are important but also the
    rate at which they are established, and the
    factors affecting this rate.
  • Equilibrium Phase Diagrams
  • Phase diagram is also called equilibrium or
    constitutional diagram.
  • These diagrams defines the relationship between
    the temperature and compositions or quantities of
    phases at EQM. External pressure could also be
    another parameter affecting the phase
    distribution but it remains constant at 1 atm in
    most of the applications.

  • Isomorphous Binary Systems
  • Binary systems are composed of two components and
    they are isomorphous since there is a complete
    solubility of liquids and solids.
  • Example Cu-Ni

Liquid forms of Cu and Ni (L)
m.p. of Ni
Mixture of solid and Liquid phases (aL)
Substitutional Solid solution of Cu and Ni
(a) Structure is FCC.
Below 10850C, Cu and Ni are soluble in each
other at all compositions.
m.p. of Cu
  • The lower case Greek letters (a, ß, ?, etc.)
    indicate solid solutions.
  • The line separating L and aL phases is liquidus
  • The line separating a and aL phases is called
    solidus line.
  • Take 50 wt Ni and 50 wt Cu alloy melting
    begins around 12800C and the amount of liquid
    increases with temperature until about 13200C and
    above this temperature the alloy is completely
  • From the phase diagrams we can learn the
  • Phases that are present
  • Composition of the phases
  • Fractions of the phases
  • Example 60 wt Ni-40 wt Cu alloy at 11000C
    (pt A). There is a single phase, which solid (a).
  • Pt B (35 wt Ni-65 wt Cu) is the mixture of
    solid and liquid on the same plot.

  • Determination of the composition in a single
    phase is trivial. But in two phase, the
    calculation is as follows
  • A tie line (horizontal line passing from the
    temperature) is constructed.
  • The intersections of tie line and phase
    boundaries are noted.
  • Each respective composition is read from the
    composition axis.
  • For example point B in Figure 10.2a
  • 35 wt Ni-65 wt Cu at 12500C aL

CL (Composition of the liquid phase)
Ca (Composition of the solid phase)
  • Phase Amounts For a single phase it is 100 of
    solid or liquid.
  • For two phase systems Lever rule
  • Draw the tie line
  • Locate the overall composition of the alloy on
    the line
  • The fraction of one phase is computed by taking
    the length of the line from the overall
    composition to the phase boundary of the other
  • Do the same thing for the other phase.
  • Multiply each fraction by 100.

  • Similary for solid phase

For multiphase alloys relative phase amounts can
be reported in volume fraction rather than mass
fraction. For an alloy with a and ß phases, the
volume fraction of the a phase, Va
volume of a
volume of ß
Conversion from mass fraction to volume fraction
can be accomplished using the equations
  • Mechanical properties of solid isomorphous alloys
    can be improved by solid solution strengthening
    or by the addition of other components.

Tensile strength and elongation are two opposite
mechanical properties of the material This is
why one has the maximum value while the other has
the minimum.
  • Binary Eutectic Systems Cu and Ag system

Three single phase a FCC structure ß FCC
max. solubility of Cu in Ag (8.8 wt)
Max. Solubility of Ag in Cu 8 wt Ag at 7790C
maximum solubility line, which is also solidus.
This line shows the minimum temperature for the
liquid phase existence.
Three two phase regions.
Composition and the fraction of the phases can be
determined by lever rule.
  • As Ag is added to Cu, the melting point of alloy
    decreases along the liquidus line, which is the
    same for Ag. The minimum melting point is at
    point E (invariant point), which is defined CE
    (71.9 wt Ag) and TE (7790C).
  • There is an imp. Rxn (eutectic reaction) for the
    alloy with a composition of CE as the temperature

Eutecticeasily melted
Eutectic isotherm
  • Notice that in the eutectic phase diagram a and ß
    phases exist over the composition ranges near the
    concentration extremities, this is why they are
    also called terminal solid solutions. For other
    alloy systems, there may be intermediate solid
    solutions, such as Cu-Zn (brass) system.

  • For some alloy systems, discrete intermediate
    compounds rather than solid solutions may be
    observed in phase diagrams. For example Mg-Pb
    system. These are called intermetallic compounds.
    The compound Mg2Pb is shown as a vertical line on
    the diagram rather than a phase region since it
    exists precisely at the composition defined.

This diagram can be thought as two eutectic phase
diagrams of Mg-Mg2Pb and Mg2Pb-Pb systems.
  • Eutectoid and Peritectic Reactions
  • Consider Cu-Zn system.

Eutectoid reaction 5600C and 74 wt Zn -26 wt
Notice that one solid phase forms two other solid
phases upon cooling. This is also seen in Fe-C
Peritectic reaction 5980C and 78.6 wt Zn- 21.4
wt Cu
Notice that a solid transforms into another
solid and a liquid.
  • Phase transformations can be classified according
    to whether or not there is any change in
    composition. Those which have no changes in
    composition are called as congruent
    transformations. The opposite is incongruent
    transformation. Allotropic transformations are
    congruent as well as melting pure metals.
    Eutectic, eutectoid or melting alloy systems are
    incongruent transformations.
  • Phase diagrams of the metallic systems composed
    of more than two metal (or component) are very
    complex. There is a need for 3-D diagram to
    analyze such systems.

Iron-Carbon System
  • This is the most important system in
    manufacturing since primary structural materials
    are essentially Fe-C alloys, such as, steel and
    cast iron.
  • The Iron-Iron Carbide System -Phase Diagram

Pure Fe at room T is stable and it has a BCC
structure. This form of the Fe is called ferrite
or a Fe. As T increases, ferrite experiences a
polymorphic transformation to FCC austenite
(?-Fe) at 9120C. At 15380C FCC austenite
transforms back to BCC d ferrite.
This system is Fe rich
  • At 6.70 wt C composition, an intermediate
    compound, iron carbide (Fe3C) or cementite is
    formed. In practice all steels and cast irons
    have C content less than 6.70 wtC, which
    corresponds to 100 Fe3C.

relatively soft, can be made magnetic at 7680C
and has a density of 7.88 g/cm3. max. solubility
of C is 0.022 wt at 7270C.
max. solubility of C is 2.14 wt at 11470C.
This is nonmagnetic.
C is an interstitial impurity and can form solid
solutions with each of the iron
(ferrite, austenite, and d ferrite.
  • d-ferrite and a-ferrite are virtually the same
    except the temperatures over which they exist.
  • Cementite forms when the solubilty limit of C is
    exceeded in a-ferrite below 7270C. Cementite is
    hard and brittle, which enhances the strength of
    the steel. Cementite is a metastable at RT. When
    it is heated to 650-7000C for several years, then
    it will transform in to a iron and carbon.
    Therefore cementite in the phase diagram is not
    compound at equilibrium, but since the rate of
    its transformation is very slow we can assume the
    compound to be stable in steel for instance.
  • Eutectic reaction

at 4.30 wt Cand 11470C
Eutectoid reaction
These equations are extremely important in the
heat treatment of steels.

  • Ferrous Alloys
  • (Iron is the
    primary component)
  • based on C
    content of the alloy

Cast Iron 2.14-6.70 wtC
Steel 0.008-2.14 wt C a and Fe3C
Iron lt0.008 wt C ferrite
Development of Microstructure in Iron-Carbon
alloys Microstructures of Fe-C alloys depend on
C content and heat treatment. Assume here that
cooling is very slow and equilibrium is
maintained continuously. For a phase of a
eutectic alloy cooling from the temperature range
of austenite
Pearlite properties b/w soft, ductile ferrite and
hard brittle cement.
  • The alternating a and Fe3C layers in pearlite
    causes the redistribution of C by diffusion as
    shown during phase transformation

Hypoeutectoid alloys Alloys with C content
between 0.022 and 0.76 wt are hypoeutectoid
proeutectoid ferrite
pearlite some pearlite grains look darker
because of the magnification used.
  • The fractions of the phases can be calculated
    using lever rule.

Fraction of pearlite
Fraction of proeutectoid ferrite
Fraction of total a and cementite is
determined by using tie line extending from 0.022
to 6.70 wt C
  • Hypereutectoid Alloys alloys with C content of
    b/w 0.76 - 2.14 wt cooled from austenite T

proeutectoid cementite
(No Transcript)
Things learned
  • What is a phase diagram?
  • Interpretation of the phase diagrams.
  • Types of the phase diagrams.
  • Phase diagram of Fe-C alloy system.
  • Changes in the microstructure of Fe-C alloys
    during slow cooling.
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