Title: Edwin C' Kan Cornell University
1Edwin C. KanCornell University
Small is Power!!!
If you can organize or coordinate many of them...
2What is big? What is Small?
3Jeffrey 2 Times Smaller Than Daddy
Oct. 1996, Honolulu
4If Jeffrey were 10 Times Smaller Than Daddy in
linear scale
5If Jeffrey Had Grown 10 Times Since Then??
6What is the Inside Magic?
7Lets Get Inside to Take a Look
A silicon chip with many many small components!!!
8Scale and Power!!
9The Concepts of A Billion 109
- By counting 1, 2, 3,... even you can speak
really fast and doing nothing else. You need to
be at least 30 years old to finish counting to a
billion (109). - A thousand biggest dinosaurs, brachiosaurus, are
still shorter than a billion (109 ) ants in line. - 40 of your hair together is about one millimeter
(mm). A billion (109) of it can reach the highest
plane in the sky (25km) .
101 meter Picture
1 meter
(Photo courtesy from Powers of Ten, Scientific
1110 Times Smaller
12100 Times Smaller
131,000 Times Smaller
1410,000 (104) Times Smaller
15100,000 (105) Times Smaller
16106 Times Smaller
17107 Times Smaller
18108 Times Smaller
19109 Times Smaller (Nano!!)
20Guess What This Is?
A dog? A wombat?
A dust particle sitting on a computer line
(magnified approximately 105 or 100,000 times)
21What Is This??
A dragon? A tape?
A scratch on the metal surface by dusts or other
contaminants (magnified 200,000 times)
22And This?
A bees nest? Jelly beans?
Dirty surface after high temperature
processing (magnified 200,000 times)
23Take a Closer Look
The segregated thin-film material (magnified
500,000 times)
The damaged surface beside a good computer line
(line width 2mm)
24Now What Is This?
An algae farm? An alien nest?
Surface after dirty solution treatment (magnified
200,000 times)
25Take a Closer Look
Lines and surfaces that are contaminated (magnifie
d 200,000 times)
26Broken Small Structures
Though small structures are relatively strong, we
still need to be extra careful. (magnified
100,000 times)
27Good Parts!!
Six layers of copper lines
First metal lines
Contact plugs
Transistors (magnified 500,000 times)
Connecting micro-lines
28So How Can We Integrate 109 Parts?
- We need to be VERY careful and VERY clean.
- We need to do many parts in parallel (that is,
make 109 of them at the same time), not in series
(that is, not one by one) - taking a photograph
- printing a map
- We need to learn how to manipulate the small
structures they are relatively strong, but the
forces are very different