Numerical and Assimilative Studies of the Equatorial Pacific: Impact of Assimilation on Tropical Instability Waves in a Biased GCM - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Numerical and Assimilative Studies of the Equatorial Pacific: Impact of Assimilation on Tropical Instability Waves in a Biased GCM


Numerical and Assimilative Studies of the Equatorial Pacific: Impact of Assimilation on Tropical Ins – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Numerical and Assimilative Studies of the Equatorial Pacific: Impact of Assimilation on Tropical Instability Waves in a Biased GCM

Numerical and Assimilative Studies of the
Equatorial Pacific Impact of Assimilation on
Tropical Instability Waves in a Biased GCM
Renellys C. Perez NRC Postdoctoral Research
Associate Robert N. Miller OSU/COAS
Numerical and Assimilative Studies of the
Equatorial Pacific Impact of Assimilation on
Tropical Instability Waves in a Biased GCM
  • Outline
  • Introduction
  • Assimilation scheme
  • Optimality
  • Impact on TIWs
  • Temperature balance
  • Summary and conclusions
  • Current work

Data Assimilation
  • Convert a sparse set of observations into highly
    resolved estimate of a system using a numerical
    model to dynamically interpolate the observations

The Kalman Filter
  • Provides optimal estimate of the present state of
    the system when applied to a linear model
  • Computational expense (size of model)3
  • Natural choice for equatorial Pacific
  • Large scale, low frequency equatorial dynamics
    simulated realistically with low-order numerical
    models (e.g., Cane and Patton 1984)
  • 15 years of Kalman filtering studies (Miller and
    Cane 1989 Miller et al. 1995 Cane et al. 1996
    Keppenne et al. 2005)
  • Assimilate anomalies!

Cold Tongue
  • Cold tongue of water seasonally extends
    westward from South America along equator to
    central Pacific (Mitchell and Wallace 1992)
  • Strongest expression during La Niña and weakened
    during El Niño (Wallace et al. 1989 Deser and
    Wallace 1990)

Cold Tongue
  • Present models of the tropical Pacific have cold
    tongue biases and seasonal cycle errors in the
    equatorial upwelling region (Stockdale et al.

Tropical Instability Waves
  • TIWs perturb the cold tongue boundaries
  • Periods of 17 to 33 days, propagate westward with
    zonal wavelengths on the order of 1000 km (Qiao
    and Weisberg 1995 Lyman et al. 2005b)
  • Most active during La Niña events (Baturin and
    Niiler 1997)

Tropical Instability Waves
  • Open question whether present models accurately
    simulate TIWs
  • Amplitude
  • Phase, westward propagation
  • TIW-induced eddy advection

  • Examine extent to which assimilation of dynamic
    height anomalies from a sparse set of TAO
    moorings can improve the amplitude and phase of
    TIWs in a biased nonlinear GCM

Numerical model
  • Gent-Cane (1989) model coupled to advective
    atmospheric mixed layer (Seager et al. 1995)
  • Nonlinear, reduced gravity, equatorial ?-plane
  • Hybrid mixing scheme (Chen et al. 1994)
  • Lorenz 4-cycle time stepping ?t 1 hour
  • Free slip at N/S boundaries, no slip at E/W
  • Restoration to Levitus (1994) climatology at N/S
  • Shapiro filter provides horizontal smoothing
  • UNESCO equation of state
  • Spun up from rest and Levitus initialization
  • Dynamic height from model h, S, T

All runs driven by 5-day averaged QuikSCAT winds
during the period August 1999 to July 2004
Vertical grid
  • Model active region defined by
  • 15 layers
  • 1027.0 kg m-3 bottom density
  • 9 ºC, 34.85 psu, 600 m
  • Model dynamic height bias
  • 10 - 20 dyn cm
  • Low salinity in west
  • Deep thermocline in east

Vertical grid
  • Model active region defined by
  • 15 layers
  • 1027.0 kg m-3 bottom density
  • 9 ºC, 34.85 psu, 600 m

Horizontal grid
  • Horizontal grid resolves zonal currents TIWs

Need new fig!
Model domain 124 to 284 E, 30 S to 30 N (1
zonal x 0.33 stretched meridional grid) Size of
model (106) computationally expensive!
Reduced State Space Kalman Filter (RKF)
  • The Kalman machinery operates in reduced state
    space spanned by 44 Mutivariate Empirical
    Orthogonal Function (EOFs) which capture 80 of
    original variance
  • Monte Carlo Markov Chain model used to obtain
    forecast error model with assumptions
  • model errors dominated by wind errors
  • white in time with spatial structure given by

Reduced State Space Kalman Filter (RKF)
  • The Kalman machinery operates in reduced state
    space spanned by 44 Mutivariate Empirical
    Orthogonal Function (EOFs) which capture 80 of
    original variance
  • Monte Carlo Markov Chain model used to obtain
    forecast error model with assumptions
  • model errors dominated by wind errors
  • white in time with spatial structure given by
  • QuikSCAT driven model (NODA)
  • QuikSCAT driven assimilation run (ASSIM44)

Full Details of RKF in Perez (2005) Perez and
Miller (2006 in preparation)
Autoregressive model
  • To remove color from innovation sequence a 10-day
    autoregressive process is added to the RKF
  • At each assimilated location, the innovation
    sequence is replaced by
  • Run with autoregressive process named ASSIM44-AR

Assimilated observations
  • 5-day TAO dynamic height anomalies calculated
    from temperature and T-S relationships (Conkright
    et al. 2002)
  • assimilated at 42 locations (?)
  • 17 withheld locations used for validation (x)
  • 8 locations with insufficient data (?)

Assimilated observations
  • 5-day TAO dynamic height anomalies calculated
    from temperature and T-S relationships (Conkright
    et al. 2002)
  • assimilated at 42 locations (?)
  • 17 withheld locations used for validation (x)
  • 8 locations with insufficient data (?)
  • Observations ordered from southwest corner to
    northeast corner

Lagged autocorrelations of innovation sequence
  • Chi-squared test
  • The scalar diT (HPfHT R)-1di should be a ?2M
    random variable
  • Fall between the dashed lines 99 of the time
  • In top 3 panels ASSIM44
  • Bottom panel ASSIM44-AR

Impact on TIWs (SST)
Impact on TIWs (SSHA)
SSHA spectra and westward propagation
1 yr
SSHA spectra and westward propagation
1 yr
Description Cp (cm/s)
AVISO 39.2 2.2
NODA 46.5 1.3
ASSIM44 50.9 4.2
ASSIM44-AR 43.4 2.0
Mixed layer temperature balance
T ? 60 d
T lt 60 d
Mixed layer temperature balance
T ? 60 d
T lt 60 d
SST comparison at TAO moorings
Reynolds et al. (2002) Satellite-in-situ SST
LF horizontal advection at TAO moorings
Wang and McPhaden (1999 2000 2001) McPhaden
LF tendency horizontal material derivative
Wang and McPhaden (1999 2000 2001) McPhaden
Summary and conclusions
  • Assimilation scheme passed the ?2-test between 8
    S and 2 N and adding autoregressive model
    whitened the innovation sequence
  • Assimilation improved interannual and
    intraseasonal SSH variability
  • Assimilation (without autoregressive model)
    reduced mean surface mixed layer temperature cold
    bias but increases phasing errors in seasonal
  • TIW x-t structure, spread of energy improved but
    amplitudes weakened
  • Adding autoregressive model improved TIW westward

Summary and conclusions
  • Assimilation decreases HF horizontal advection
    and LF horizontal advection (compensate)
  • Amplitude of SST, tendency, horizontal material
    derivative annual cycle too weak in the model

  • Uncertainty in net surface flux tied
  • mean DH and cold tongue cold bias
  • errors in cold tongue seasonal cycle
  • Forecast errors may no longer be dominated by
    wind errors
  • Need to construct assimilation schemes that
  • incorporate heat flux errors in the forecast
    error model
  • introduce bias-correction algorithms (Keppenne et
    al. 2005)
  • assimilate absolute fields rather than anomalies
    (Parent et al. 2003)
  • Need cross-equatorial observations of 3-d
    circulation and fluxes

Current Research ProjectSimulation Experiments
for Pacific Upwelling and Mixing Physics Study
  • Renellys C. Perez
  • NRC Postdoctoral Research Associate
  • William S. Kessler
  • Paul S. Schopf
  • George Mason University

Simulation experiments
  • Provide guidance for array design
  • Estimate temporal and spatial scales of (u, v, T)
  • Determine representativeness of w, heat and
    momentum budgets at diamond centers
  • Suggest modifications to proposed array
  • Study spin-up of 3-d cold tongue circulation in
    response to varying winds, remotely forced waves,
    and TIWs
  • Vertical structure of poleward divergence
  • Transition to Ekman dynamics
  • Meridional structure of the zonal currents
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