Title: Virtual Visit of a Region
1Provence Alpes Côte dAzur
French lesson 2
2Vitrual discovery of a region
- Ergajna ltqajna biex naghtu harsa lejn regjun
iehor fi Franza. Jekk tifrtakru sew kont
ghidtlikom li Franza tikkonsisti fi 22 regjun u
li kull regjun jinqasam fdipartimenti. Illum ser
ninzlu fin-naha tisfel taFranza ezattament
fir-regjun li jismu Provence Cote dAzur. Dan
ir-regjun jikkonsisti fseba dipartimenti
fix-xlokk tal-pajjiz fin-naha tal-Lvant insibu
il-fruntiera Taljana filwaqt li fin-nofsinhar
insibu l- bahar mediterran u l-principat
taMonaco. Fih insibu lil provence, il-belt ta
Avignon li qabel kienet marbuta mal- papiet,
il-belt ta Nice li l-kosta taghaha hija maghrufa
bhala l- French Riviera jew Cote dAzur, u
l-provincja maghrufa bhala le Dauphine li tinsab
fl-Alpi. Ekonomikament dan ir-regjun huwa
t-tielet l-aktar importanti wara Ile de France u
Rhone Alpes. L-akbar tlett ibliet huma Marseille,
Nice u Toulon. - Is-sit li ser nidhlu fih illum huwa
http//www.provenceweb.fr. Il-homepage tadan
is-sit tehodna mill-ewwel fil-qalba
tal-attivitajiet li jkunu qed isehhu jew li
jkunu ser jigu organizzati fil-jiem li gejjin.
Pero ejjew naraw fxiex jikkonsisti ezattament
dan ir-regjun. Nikklikkjaw fuq Departements u
hawn hekk insibu mappa li turina ezattament kif
inhu mqassam dan ir-regjun. Insibu 7 dipartimenti
u kif qeghdin taraw in-nies li joqghodu fdawn
l-inhawi jgawdu kemm il- Bahar Mediterran kif
ukoll il-muntanji, minhabba li l-Alpi jaghmlu
parti minn dan ir-regjun. - Nistghu nghidu li l-aktar regjun importanti huwa
dak taBouches du Rhone minhabba li fih minhabba
li fih insibu l-belt kapitali - Marsilja.
Marsilja hija t-tieni l-akbar belt fi Franza u
l-ewwel port tal-pajjiz. Fil-fatt, Marsilja hija
maghrufa bhala l-kapitali tal-parti tisfel
taFranza. Marsilja hija maghrufa ghall-port
l-antik, u l-irhula z-zghar tal-madwar li
jghatuha dehra pittoreska. - Kull min izur Marsilja ma jistghax ma jinnutax
il-bazilika taNotre Dame de la Garde li hija
l-patruna tal-bahhara. Pero minbarra Marsilja
nsibu wkoll l-belt taAix li xi darba kienet
il-kapitali tar-regjun. Dan il- post maghruf ghal
gonna tieghu , funtani u villel antiki u sinjuri
tas sekli sbatax u tmintax. Il-kittieba kbar bhal
Stendhal, Mistral, Zola u Cezanne kollha kienu
affaxinati mis-sbuhija tadin il-belt li hija
maghrufa bhala belt taarti u kultura..
3- Nikklikjaw fuq Alpes Maritimes. Xi haga
partikolari dwar dan il-post hija li l-muntanji
jaslu kwazi sal-bahar- tant li kultant fcerti
perjodi tas-sena, tigi fdubju tqattghax gurnata
tiskijja fuq il-bahar jew inkella fuq is-silg.
Tiehu biss siegha bil-karozza biex tmur minn
naha ghall-ohra, hin li barra minn Malta huwa
relattivament qasir. - L-aktar ibliet maghrufa fdan id-Dipartiment huma
Nice ,Cannes u Menton. Nice hija l-hames l-akbar
belt fi Franza. Interessanti li t-tieni ajruport
ta Franza wara Charles de Gaulle li jinsab
fParigi, huwa dak taNizza. (Zoom on video
clip). Din hija belt eleganti u popolari hafna
mat-turisti. Insibu l-famuza Promenade des
Anglais tul il-bajja enormi maghrufa bhala la
Baie des Anges. Insibu bosta muzewijiet u siti li
tamin jaghtihom daqqa tghajn. Izda zgur li xi
haga li tolqtok hija l-parti tal-belt maghrufa
bhala Le Vieux Nice-Nice l-antika bit-toroq
pittoreski taghha . Interessanti li fNice insibu
djalett partikolari msejjah le Nissart. U xi
nghidu ghall-ikel bhal Ratatouille u le Pan
Bagnat ? - Cannes hija belt ohra maghrufa specjalment
minhabba il- festival tac-Cinema li jsir fMejju.
Fil-fatt la Croisette hija maghrufa sew ghax
fdin it-triq issir il-maghrufa Red Carpet tadan
il-festival. Belt ohra maghrufa hija dik
taMenton. Il-pajsagg huwa simili tal-ibliet
l-ohra pero il-partikolarita ta din il- belt
hija il-festa tac-citru jew ahjar La fete du
Citron. Dan huwa tip takarnival li matulu
jittellghu speci takarrijiet imzejna cil-laring
u l-lumi. - Ghall-min ihobb joqghod il-boghod mill-follol,
id-dipartiment Haute Alpes huwa dak li jghodd
ghalih. Hawn insibu xenarji tamuntanji u widien
u hafna hafna borra. Fil-fatt fix- xitwa
d-dipatiment Hautes Alpes huwa popolari ferm
ghall-iskiing resorts. Fis-Sajf, wiehed xorta
wahda jista jipprattika xi sport bhall- hiking ,
horse riding u mountain climbing. Il-fatt li
nsibu bosta xmajjar jaghmilha aktar facli
ghar-rafting u l-canooing. - Is-sbuhija ta dan il-post huwa ideali biex
tiskopri n-natura- specjalment fil-Parc naturali
tEcrins li fih insibu kull tip taannimal marbut
ma dawn l-akwati.
4To go further
- Marseille, capital of the Region Provence Alpes
Cote dAzur is famous for several things it
location near by the Mediterranean sea, its
famous Calanques (rocky inlet), its food and
eventually its soccer team. It is one the the
biggest french cities with 820 900 inhabitants.
There, one can visit its famous boulevard La
Canebière that leads to the Old Port (marina).
Tourists come to visit the Chateau dIf, that
became famous by the Dumas novel The count of
Monte Cristo and the basilica Notre Dame de la
Garde which dominates the city from the top of a
hill. - Notre Dame de la Garde, also called La bonne
mère (the good mother since it protects the
inhabitants) by the inhabitants was built between
1853 and 1864. It is dedicated to la Vierge Marie
and many citizens make offers such as candles,
ex-votos, soccer team shirts and processions on
the 15th august for the assumption. - Aix-en-Provence is another main city of the
Region Provence Alpes Cote dazur with its 140
000 inhabitants. It was founded by the roman
Sextius Calvinus ni 123 BC. It is a pleasant
place to visit, which represents very well the
south of France culture. Several famous persons
frequented this city such as Cézanne, Zola,
Mistral or Stendhal. - Paul Cézanne was born in Aix en Provence in 1839
and died there in 1906. He was a impressionist
french painters, probably one of the most famous. - Frédéric Mistral was a French poet who studied
in Aix en Provence from 1848 to 1851. He wrote
poems in Provençal (French dialect still talked
in the region by ancients). He received the Nobel
Price of Literature in 1904 and used the money of
that price to create the Museum DArtlaten in
Arles, nearby Aix.
5- Stendhal was a 19th century French writer.
Stendhal was his penname, he was in fact called
Marie-Henri Beyle. He is well- known for his
analysis of the psychology of his characters. His
most famous writing s are Le Rouge et le Noir
(The Red and the Black) and La Chartreuse de
Parme (The Charterhouse of Parma). - Emile Zola is a famous naturalist French writer
of the end of the 19th century. He spent his
childhood in Aix-en-Provence. He wrote some of
the French classics of literature such as
Germinal, Nana, La bête humaine or Lassomoir. - By being located on the French Riviera, nice is a
very famous French city well known for its
luxurious hotels, its splendid marina full of
yachts, its promenade called Promenade des
anglais During the summer holidays, many French
stars go there to spend time. It is a luxurious
seaside place. - La Promenade des anglais is the most famous of
the French promenades ! It is called like that
because during the XVIIIth century, many rich
English people were coming to spend the winter
season in Nice. They usually settled on the
coast, and during one particular winter which was
very cold, many beggars came to ask for help. The
English offered to give they money if they built
the promenade along the coast. - La baie des anges is a Mediterranean bay which
starts from Nice until the cap dAntibes. It was
called like that by fishermen who, from that bay,
could fish a type of shark whose fins looked like
angel wings. Many legends were built from that
Baie des Anges, one even says that Adam and Eve
were taken there by angels after leaving Eden
since the place was nearly as beautiful as their
lost Paradise. - Le vieux Nice is a part remaining of the old part
of the city of Nice. It is still the heart of the
city with its typical shops selling olives,
spices, local fruits, vegetables and flowers.
During the night, inhabitants gather in these
streets where one can find bars, restaurants and
6- Nice is also famous for its carnival which is the
most popular in France. Every year, it welcomes
more than 1 200 000 visitors during the two weeks
carnival. - Not far from Nice, there is the second city of
the French Riviera Cannes. It is famous for its
movie festival where the French personalities
gather every year to vote for the Palme dOr
(reward for the best movie of the year). - The Festival de Cannes was created in 1946 by
Jean Zay. In 2002, it was renamed Festival
International du Film. It is famous for its Red
Carpet where every year, popular stars come to
climbs the stairs on the red carpet. The festival
occurs during the second half of May. It is a
huge international event and every year, we can
see more and more international stars coming to
show up on la Croisette, the prominent road in
Cannes. - Menton, located on the French Riviera, not far
from Nice on the italian border, is a very nice
little city. The symbol of that city is the lemon
since it is the only region in France which
thanks to a micro climate, can grow lemons. Every
year since 1930s, Menton celebrates lemon during
a celebration that occurres the 3 last weeks of
February and which attracts thousands of people. - The Hautes Alpes, department belonging to the
Provence Alpes Cote dAzur, is famous for its
Natioanal Parc le parc national des écrins.
Many people go there for hiking, to see the
animals such as chamois, ibexes, marmots, royal
eagle etc and also rare flowers such as Edelweiss
or Génépi. - In the Hautes Alpes, people also come to
practice snow sports such as skiing or
snowboarding, mountain climbing, rafting etc.
7Weekly song clip
- Yannick Noah huwa bniedem tahafna talenti. Huwa
champion tat tennis, kien coach tat-team
nazzjonali franciz tat-tennis u llum kantant
famuz ukoll. Noah rnexxielu jisraq qalb
il-pubbliku Franciz mhux biss bil-karattru
tieghu, imma wkoll peress li huwa jinvolvi ruhu
fhafna ghaqdiet u kawzi bghanjiet karitatevoli
u filantropici. Fix-xena muzikali huwa rnexxielu
jzewweg flimkien il-muzika Franciza madik
Afrikana . Fil-fatt huwa holoq tip ta muzika
differenti li dejjem twassal il-messagg
tatolleranza, paci u solidarjeta. Yannick Noah
huwa ezempju car tapersuna li minn karriera
sportiva nexxielu jikseb success fil-kamp
Porte l'eauPorte la vieDu ciel à ton seauLe
jour et la nuitC'est de l'orEntre tes
mainsChaque jour qui passeFait la terre plus
lassePorte l'eauPorte-la bienSurtout fait
attentionNe renverse rienFais l'effortTu le
sais bienChaque jour qui passeFait la terre
plus lasse
Porte l'eauPorte la vieTu dois courber le
dosPour un peu de pluieC'est de l'orEntre tes
mainsChaque jour qui passeFait la terre plus
lasseau RefrainC'est l'espoir qui
revientC'est la vie qu'elles ramènentDans leur
sceaux bien pleinsFatiguées mais toujours
sereinesDe la terre et des hommesElles sont les
gardiennesOui tu sais les lionnesSont vraiment,
vraiment des reines
RefrainMais tu sais les lionnesSont vraiment
des reinesLeur amour elles le donnentEt plus
jamais ne le reprennentLe soleil les
assommeFait monter leur peineOui tu sais les
lionnesSont vraiment, vraiment des reines
8Intercultural DifferencesHolidays and traveling
- In France, the landscape can be very different
from one region to another so usually, French
people like to travel within France during their
holidays. Their can either go to the mountain, to
the sea, to some lakes or even to historical
places or attractive ones The climate is also
very different depending on where you are the
north is rather more cold and it rains much more
than in the south which is known for its sun and
its warm season. - France having borders with different countries,
it is also easy to cross the borders to go and
visit Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, or even
Great Britain thanks to the train linking the two
countries under the sea. - French holidays are one week in November, two
weeks for Christmas holidays, two weeks in
winter, to weeks for Easter and two months in
summer. The country is divided into three zones A
B and C. Each academy belongs to a zone and does
not have the same holidays dates as the other. It
is made to avoid traffic jams within the country.
For example, no region will be on holiday from
the 10th of February until the 24th, the second
from the 17th to the 31st and the last one from
the 24th until the 7th of march. This zone time
schedule is not available for Christmas holidays
and summer holidays. - The south of France remains the main holidays
destination of the French people who want to
enjoy the sea and the sun. They either book a
hotel, rent a house or go to a camping. Camping
are very popular in France and it is common to
cross caravans on the motorways !