Effects of Turbulence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Effects of Turbulence


Effects of Turbulence ... Turbulence is a challenging and still very open area of study. From Vallis: ... Turbulence ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Effects of Turbulence

Effects of Turbulence
  • The frictional effects on Chapter 5 were derived
    assuming a laminar or non-turbulent flow

Images from http//graphics8.nytimes.com/images/20
07/06/12/business/12turbulence.600.1.jpg http//sp
  • In the 1800s, Fridtjof Nansen observed that
    icebergs drifting in arctic waters did not drift
    in the direction of the local winds but rather
    with a rightward deflection to the forcing
  • Contributions of friction, wind forcing
    (pressure) and Coriolis would lead to such a
    rightward deflection.
  • Quantitative examination of this balance was
    proposed by Vagn Ekman in the early 1900s.

Turbulence is a challenging and still very open
area of study
  • From Vallis
  • Horace Lamb has been quoted as saying that when
    he died and went to heaven he hoped for
    enlightenment on two things, quantum
    electrodynamics and turbulence. Although he was
    only optimistic about the former.
  • Quite consistently, it has been said that
    turbulence is the invention of the Devil, put on
    earth to torment us.

Geoffrey K Vallis, Atmospheric and Oceanic Fluid
Dynamics Fundamentals and Large-Scale
Circulation, Cambridge University Press, New
York, NY, 2006, pg 371
  • Due to the fact that turbulent motion is
    unpredictable, the constitutive relationship
    between the stress tensor and the gradient of the
    velocity field breaks down.
  • Instead we must consider a statistical approach
    by splitting a given quantity into a mean flow
    and a small random contribution
  • Where

  • We define the mean value as being integrated over
    a time scale, T. For example, the mean local
    acceleration is expressed as

  • Recall that the equations of motion and
    conservation of mass for small density variations

  • Substitution of the statistical form of the
    variables of the equation of motion we obtain
    (shown without proof. For details see Chapter 9
  • What is different in this form from before?

The closure problem
  • The inclusion of turbulent terms require
    additional equations in order to have a complete
    set of equations for the variables of interest.
  • To date, it is still unclear which additional
    equations are universally acceptable to provide a
    set of consistent and unique solutions.
  • One ad-hoc approach would be to represent the
    turbulent terms as a function of the mean flow .
    . .

Turbulent mixing constitutive hypothesis
  • We want to incorporate the non-linear terms of
    the equations of motion as additional frictional
    effects due to turbulence1.
  • Recall from before the stress tensor was
    comprised of a simple isotropic hydrostatic
    component and a deviatoric component
  • In this case, the deviatoric tensor consists of
    all of the mean turbulent velocity components .

1 The paper on which most of the discussion
follows is Kirwan, A. D., Formulation of
Constitutive Equations for Large-Scale Turbulent
Mixing, Journal of Geophysical Research, 74,
6953-6959, 1969
Turbulent mixing constitutive hypothesis
  • In this case, the deviatoric tensor is called the
    Reynolds stress tensor and consists of all of the
    mean turbulent velocity components . i.e.
  • In general
  • We now employ the constitutive hypothesis so that
    the Reynolds stress is proportional to the strain
    rate of the mean velocity field. (Notice we have
    to be careful about what aspect of the velocity
    field we are talking about the mean or turbulent

Turbulent mixing constitutive hypothesis
  • The Reynolds stress tensor constitutive
    hypothesis has the mathematical form
  • Where
  • Now in the laminar analysis we made a set of
    assumptions about the fourth order tensor. In
    particular we assumed molecular isotropy and
    incompressibility which simplified matters
    considerably. This is physically reasonable for
    the laminar case but overly-simplified for the
    turbulent analysis.

Turbulent mixing constitutive hypothesis
  • We will instead assume that mixing scales between
    the horizontal and vertical are quite different.
    Thus we will assume isotropy along horizontal
  • The mathematics of this analysis is beyond the
    scope of this course. Understanding of the
    underlying physical concepts is all that is
    important for now.
  • Application of this analysis leads to the
    following form of the equations of motion in a
    turbulent medium

Turbulent equations of motion
  • The equations of motion now take the form
  • Where the mean overbar notation is implied and
    the laminar terms have been absorbed into the
    turbulent friction terms or simply neglected

Reynolds stress tensor
  • Further, the Reynolds stresses are defined as

What is the Reynolds stress?
  • Typical values of the eddy coefficients vary
  • Lower atmospheric values are
  • Upper ocean values are
  • Compare these with laminar flow viscosities

What is the Reynolds stress?
  • Notice the following about the Reynolds stress
  • 1.The eddy flux is opposite to the direction of
    the shear flow. For example, for a mean flow of
    the form (shear increases in the vertical
  • The associated Reynolds stress is
  • The resultant forces are in a direction opposite
    and/or lateral to the velocity field
  • In analogy to laminar flow, this has a
    dissipating as well as a spreading
  • or diffusive effect on the properties of the
    fluid. The following example
  • may help in understanding this

  • For the flow field
  • Find the Reynolds stresses and the direction of
    the resultant forcing

Exercise - Answer
So the Reynolds stress is
The direction of the stress cause the flow to
spread out or diffuse
Direction of forcing
Direction of forcing
Ekmans equations of motion
  • Break up the flow into two contributions.
  • 1. A Geostrophic flow that satisfies
  • 2. A flow that balances friction with the
    Coriolis force.
  • - In this case, consider a horizontally
    homogenous mixed layer, therefore no horizontal
    shear so we can neglect nh terms. Further assume
    nv is spatially constant.
  • This leads to the most simple form of Ekmans
    flow equation as

Boundary conditions (z0)
  • Consider a constant wind stress at the surface
  • in the east-west direction.
  • In terms of a constant Reynolds stress
  • tensor, the wind stress has a force in the
  • and thus takes the form
  • It simplifies since vertical shear dominates
  • (horizontal homogeneity assumption)

Boundary conditions
  • We will avoid any complications with bathymetry
  • assuming that the flow is negligible at large
  • Therefore
  • This is the same as requiring that the only
  • source is due to the wind stress at the surface.
  • This assumption may be relaxed later however.

Solving Ekmans equations
  • Ekmans equation are a coupled set of 2nd order
  • differential equations.
  • We will focus on solving for vf first. (This
    choice is arbitrary).
  • Take of equation (2) and substitute into
    equation (1).
  • We obtain

Solving Ekmans equations
  • The solution of
  • Is()
  • Where
  • Similar analysis can show that
  • There actually is a more general form of the
    solution with two more terms in each component
    of the velocity field but foresight on the nature
    of the final result allows us to simplify to the
    above for presentation purposes. The alternative
    is to impose an additional boundary condition.

Boundary conditions
  • The requirement that
  • Shows us that BD0
  • And we are left with

Boundary conditions
  • A and C are related by the fact that the
    differential equations are coupled. Substitution
  • into
  • Shows us that and

Boundary conditions
  • Finally, application of the stress condition at
    the surface
  • allows us to solve for A. The conditions is
  • Substitution of shows us

Solution to Ekmans equation
  • We are now in a position to express a unique
  • With some trigonometric manipulations, the answer
    can also
  • be expressed as

Solution to Ekmans equation
  • Now that we have a solution what does it
  • tell us?

Solution to Ekmans equation
  • We are probably familiar with the following graph
    of the solution with distance

Direction of wind forcing
Surface current
Solution to Ekmans equation
  • 1. We can confirm the rightward deflection
    Further it is exactly 45 degrees.
  • 2. Exponential decay of velocity with distance
  • 3. At a depth of , the current
    direction has reversed from southeast to
    northwest. This value is arbitrarily taken as
    the effective depth of the Ekman Layer. The
    Ekman layer can be considered a length scale of
    frictional influence..

Are Ekman spirals observed in nature?
  • Answer Only under very unique circumstances
    (Long time averages off the west US coast for
  • 1. One of the motivators of assuming nv as
    spatially constant
  • was simplicity rather than what actually occurs
    in nature.
  • Obtaining a correct representation for nv is
    still an open
  • area of research in oceanography.
  • 2. Notice that our analysis only considered
  • dependence of the velocity field. Horizontal
    boundaries of
  • the ocean basin should lead to horizontal
    variations in the
  • ocean current as well.
  • 3. There are some useful qualitative
    implications from this analysis though . . .

Transport and upwelling
  • In general, the horizontal mass transport is
  • as the horizontal momentum density integrated
  • a fluid column to the surface .
  • The value, h, is determined by the depth of the
    mixed layer
  • or where the horizontal velocity vanishes.
  • MH is a measure of the amount of mass that is
  • through a vertical column of the fluid per unit
    of time and
  • has units of one might also relate
    mass transport to
  • units of Sverdups where

Transport and upwelling
  • We will consider an incompressible fluid and
    evaluate the
  • volumetric transport of the fluid column. In
    other words we
  • factor out the constant density in our
  • An westerly wind stress leads to a southward
  • or mass transport of the fluid.
  • In this simplified case, the mass transport of
    the ocean is at
  • right angles to the wind field.

Transport and upwelling
  • Example Bermuda high. How does the effect of
    the semi-
  • permanent Bermuda high pressure system impact the
  • Atlantic current flow along the east coast of the
  • States?

Transport and upwelling
  • Example Bermuda high. How does the effect of
    the semi-
  • permanent Bermuda high pressure system impact the
  • Atlantic current flow along the east coast of the
  • States?
  • Answer
  • Southerly wind flow
  • Current is deflected to East
  • Incompressibility requires upwelling along US
    east coast.
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