Title: Coaching PBIS Teams: Scheduling for Success
1Coaching PBIS Teams Scheduling for Success
- Ann Penicook
- Curriculum Coordinator/PBIS External Coach
Hoopeston CUSD 11 - Jill Mathews-Johnson, MSW
- TAC Central Illinois Team
2Roles of a Coach
- Supervision
- Teaching while engaging in practice activities
- Assessment and feedback
- Provision of emotional support
3External vs Internal Coach
- Organization
- Coaches binders
- Coaches trainings
- Addressing team/district needs
- Skill Competencies
- Tasks
- Skill sets
- Data useage
4Relationship with Technical Assistance
Coordinator (TAC) or External Coach
5Hoopeston Area C.U.S.D. 11
- K-12 District
- 1,400 Students
- 5 Buildings
- 3 Grade Centers
- Middle School
- High School
6Stages of Implementation
- Middle School in Their Third Year
- 2 Grade Centers in Their Second Year
- High School and 1 Grade Center Began Implementing
Fall 08
7External Coach
- Coordinate all P.B.I.S. efforts district-wide
- Meet with Internal Coaches monthly
- Data binder kept for all schools-
SAS/SET/BoQ/TIC/SWIS - Distribute color copies of evaluation tools along
with interpretation to all schools - Provide technical assistance as requested
- Review data with Superintendent as P.B.I.S is one
of top three district improvement goals
8Organizational Considerations
- Network Meetings
- Trainings
- BOQ and SAS Scheduling
- TIC/PoI and School Profile Deadlines
- Internal Coaches Meetings
- Technical Assistance Dates
- Board Meetings
9October 2008
10John Greer P.B.I.S. Dates 200-09 October
6 Secondary Training- Middle School Conferen
ce Room 900-300 October 15 PoI Due January
14-15 Winter Conference, St. Louis March
18 PoI Due March 20 BoQ Due May 8 SAS
Survey Conducted (School Improvement) May
15 School Profile Due May 21 School Board
Presentation of Year P.B.I.S. Data New
information/dates will be shared as they become
available. Forward bus tickets to Ann Penicook
on first Friday of every month.
11Organizing to Sustain Buy-In
- Letters/brochures to parents identifying
structure and successes of program - District-wide Bus Program
- Articles in local newspapers
- Links on website
- Aggregating data/activities for yearly School
Board presentation
12- Community
- Attendance
- Letter
13High School Parent Brochure
14District-Wide Bus Program
- Hurdles
- Buses are used district-wide
- Reward system differs at each school
- High school is currently without reward system
- Money for bus rewards difficult to allocate
evenly for each building - Solutions
- Create district-wide universal reward
- Each building provides compensation for bus
ticket - High school rewards are given out by external
coach - Bus driver/aide rewards are provided by external
coach account
15Newspaper Articles
- Attendance Letter
- School Status
- P.B.I.S. State Recognition
- School Expectations
- Bus Program/Monthly Winners
- Data Summaries
16Website Links
- District Link- structure of program
- Individual School Links
- Expectations
- Matrix
- Reward system
- Celebrations
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19Board Presentation
- Presented yearly at May Board Meeting
- Data aggregated and disaggregated for each school
- Successes on P.B.I.S. surveys
- Recognitions by state
- Celebration examples and pictures
- Progress and plan for P.B.I.S. program in
upcoming year
20Hoopeston AreaP.B.I.S. 2007-08
21John Greer Comparative DataTotal Referrals by
22John Greer Data Comparisons
23John Greer Money Saved
- 2007 Suspension Costs to District
- Total Suspension Days 114.5
- State Money Lost Per Day 34.21
- Total Lost 3917.00
- 2008 Suspension Costs to District
- Total Suspension Days 20.5
- State Money Lost Per Day 34.21
- Total Lost 701.00 82 Drop
24John Greer Time Saved
25John Greer Data Comparisons
26John Greer TIC Grades 5/6
27John Greer S.E.T. Scores
28Triangle of Student Referrals
- Intensive, Individual Interventions
- Individual Students
- Assessment-based
- High Intensity
6 referrals
- Targeted Group Interventions
- Some Students (at-risk)
- High Efficiency
- Rapid Response
2-5 referrals
- Universal Interventions
- All Students
- Preventive, proactive
0-1 referral
29John Greer
30Honeywell Comparative DataTotal Referrals by
31Total Referrals August/AprilComparison
32Honeywell Time Saved
33Honeywell TIC Grades 3/4
34Honeywell S.E.T. Scores
36Middle School Comparative Data August- April
37Middle School S.E.T. Scores
38Middle School
39Maples Matrix
40Maple Comparative SAS Scores 2007 2008
42High School Matrix
43High School
44Whats Next?
- Honeywell, John Greer, and Middle School begin
Secondary Interventions for struggling students - High School creates frequent reward system and
Cool Tool Schedule - Maple moves towards Secondary training
45Coaches Manual
- Student Data
- ODRs, suspension, Educational Environment,
Ethnicity, IEP, ISAT, SIMEO, attendance, etc. - Action Planning Data
- District PBIS Leadership Team Self-Assessment
- School Based Unified Action Plan
- Survey Data Tools
- Self-Assessment Survey (SAS)
- Team Implementation Checklist (TIC)
- Phases of Implementation (PoI)
- Benchmarks of Quality (BoQ)
- School Profile Tool
- School Safety Survey (SSS)
47Data Collection Schedule
48Directions for Completing Tools
49Training Needs Based on Data
- 2-3 year plan
- Registering process
50Calendar Guides
51What do teams need?
- Examples of minutes for meetings
- Universal team
- Secondary team
- Application of data use
- For team meetings
- To make decisions
- To share with staff
- Examples of cool tools, positive incentives,
celebrations, office vs. classroom managed
referrals, secondary interventions, and the like
52Supporting TeamsWebsites as Resources