Auctions%20and%20Auction%20Markets - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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It is well below E which is why it helps one minimize the winner's curse. ... Winner's Curse rises with the number of bidders. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Auctions%20and%20Auction%20Markets

Auctions and Auction Markets
  • Auctions have an old history and are increasingly
  • 193 AD, Praetorian Guard auctioned off the the
    Roman Empire to Marcus Didius Salvius Julianus
  • Modern Examples
  • eBay (Consumers)
  • Covisint/Free Markets (B2B)
  • Wireless Spectrum Auction (Government2B)

Auction Types
  • Ascending Bid or English Auction
  • Probably most familiarPrice starts low
  • Price is raised gradually until only one bidder
  • Descending Bid or Dutch
  • Price starts high
  • Price is lowered until someone finally wants to
  • Sealed Bid Auctions
  • Bids effectively submitted in sealed envelopes
  • First-Price Sealed Bid Winning bidder pays
    amount bid
  • Second-Price Sealed Bid Winning bidder pays
    amount equal to second-highest bid
  • Private Value AuctionItem value different for
    each bidder
  • Common Value AuctionItem value common to all
    bidders but each has different information about
    true common value

The Revenue Equivalence Theorem
  • Revenue to Seller is Same Regardless of Auction
    Type in a Private Value Auction
  • Consider auction of textbook among 170 students
  • Values start at 0.50 and increase by 0.50 with
    each student. So, top value is 85
  • Consider English Auction where Auctioneer raises
    price by 1 each round
  • When bid reaches 84.50, only two bidders remain
  • Final winning bid will be 84.51 when only one
    bidder is left
  • Second Price Sealed Bid
  • If bidders bid their true values, top two bidders
    will bid 85 and 84.50, respectively
  • Bidder with 85 valuation will win but pays only
    84.50 ? 84.51

Revenue Equivalence (Cont.)
  • Why bid ones true value in Second-price, sealed
    bid auction?
  • What one bids determines only if one winsnot
    what one pays
  • Bidding less than true value risks losing the
    object to someone who values it less than one is
    willing to pay without changing the price
  • Bidding more than true value raises chance of
    winning but only by beating out a bidder with a
    higher value than your own
  • You will then pay that higher value and, since it
    exceeds your own, lose out

Revenue Equivalence (Cont.)
  • Winning Bid in a First-Price, sealed bid auction
  • bidders observe no other information about other
    bidders value prior to making a bid
  • Winner pays the winning bid
  • Suggested Strategy Bid an amount equal to ones
    best guess of next highest bid
  • Treat your value as the highest (if its not,
    winning is too costly)
  • If valuations are uniform, next highest is (N
    1)/N of your value
  • E.g., bidder with value 85, bids (N 1)/N 85
    84.50, N 170
  • Here again, winning bid is 84.50
  • This is a general result and important. We dont
    want an objects value to depend on how it was

Revenue Equivalence (Cont.)
  • Dutch or descending price auction is
    strategically identical to first-price, sealed
    bid auction. Again, in both
  • bidders observe no other information about other
    bidders value prior to making a bid
  • Winner pays the winning bid
  • Optimal strategy should be the same in both
  • So, winning bid will again be 84.50
  • Revenue Equivalence Regardless of auction type,
    the winning bid or payment is always 84.50
  • This is a quite general result. In private
    value auctions, the revenue to the seller is the
    same regardless of what type of auction is held
  • It is good that Revenue Equivalence holds. We
    do not want an objects price to depend on how it
    is bought

Common Value Auctions
  • In common value auctions, item has an unknown but
    common market value, e.g., real estate
  • Bidders have different information about the true
  • That true value depends on what others are
    willing to pay
  • Revenue Equivalence may not hold
  • The Winners Curse in Common Value Auctions
  • Winner of a common value auction is one with
    highest estimate of true common value, e.g.,
    highest estimate of the value of a property
  • Winning can be bad news. It reveals that the
    winners information was most upward biased and
    bid was higher than the average or expectation of
    the true value

Common Value Auctions (cont.)
  • Minimizing the Winners Curse
  • To avoid the winners curse, bidders need to
    shade their bids below that indicated by their
  • This requires recognizing that one is interested
    in the objects true value if one wins the bid,
    i.e., if one wins, that says something about the
    objects true value
  • Need somehow to use this information to estimate
    the average or expected mean value of the
  • Again, assume that your estimate E is the highest
    (youre not interested in the objects value if
    it is not)
  • If there are N bidders and the distribution is
    uniform, then highest value of E is on average,
    U(N-1)/N where U is the upper limit of the
  • Solving for U yields U N/(N-1)E ? Average
    Estimate is N/2(N-1)E . This is the amount to
    bid. It is well below E which is why it helps
    one minimize the winners curse.

Common Value Auctions (cont.)
  • For example, if there are 100 bidders each
    drawing estimates of a propertys value such that
    those estimates are uniformly distributed and if
    my estimate is 10,000
  • My best guess is that the uniform distribution
    ranges from 0 to 100/(100-1)10,000 or from 0
    to 10,101
  • My guess for the average value of the estimates
    is therefore 5,050.50
  • I bid much less than the estimated property value
    in an effort to avoid the winners curse of
    paying too much
  • With Common Value auctions, all auction types may
    not generate the same revenue
  • Ascending price auctions, for example, reveal
    more information than other types about the
    estimates of other biddersRevenue Equivalence
    can break down

Almost Common Value Auctions
  • Some auctions are a mix of private and common
  • Almost common value auctions are those in which
    the object has a common value to nearly all
    bidders but one who values the object by some
    amount, v, above everyone else
  • Surprisingly, even when v is small, the effect on
    revenue can be large. Why? Because the winners
    curse cuts doubly in this setting
  • Example 5 local coffee shops and Starbucks all
    bid for a coffee store
  • Whatever the store is worth to the locals, its
    worth more to Starbucks
  • As a result, each local bidder faces an
    intensified winners curse
  • To win the bid, it must beat Starbucks bid which
    is biased upwards
  • This means that its estimate must really be
    unusually high
  • Accordingly, local bidders shade their bids even
  • But this allows Starbucks to be more aggressive,
    causing locals to shade their bids even more
  • Starbucks will win the bidding but at a much
    reduced price

Auction Markets and Industrial Organization
  • Auction markets are affected by the problems of
    monopoly and collusion that affect other markets
  • Auction design can be helpful in this regard
  • Ascending auction can limit winners curse
    effects but
  • Facilitates collusion
  • Facilitates communication of asymmetric values
  • On both counts, the English auction may result in
    lower revenue
  • Sealed bid designs works well
  • It encourages entry because there is a chance of
    winning even if a firms estimated value is not
    the highest
  • It reduces collusion opportunities
  • However, there can be too many bidders. Winners
    Curse rises with the number of bidders. The
    price-raising effect of more bidders may be
    offset by the price-shading effect.
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