Title: Lessons to be learnt from Tobacco Control
1Lessons to be learnt from Tobacco Control
Deborah Arnott, Director ASH Alcohol Concern AGM
2007 deborah.arnott_at_ash.org.uk
2 RCP 1962 report 45 years ago
- (i) more education of the public and especially
schoolchildren concerning the hazards of smoking - (ii) more effective restrictions on the sale of
tobacco to children - (iii) restriction of tobacco advertising
- (iv) wider restriction of smoking in public
places - (v) an increase of tax on cigarettes, perhaps
with adjustment of the tax on pipe and cigar
tobaccos - (vi)informing purchasers of the tar and nicotine
content of the smoke of cigarettes - (vii) investigating the value of anti-smoking
clinics to help those who find difficulty in
giving up
3Achievements since then
- Tax increases at each budget since 1993 (only
at inflation rate since 2001) - Stop Smoking Services set up 1999
- Well funded media and education campaigns
(started 1999 peaked 2004-5) - Large health warnings on packs 2002
- Tobacco ad ban legislation 2003
- Smokefree legislation 2007
- Age of sale 18 2007
- Picture warnings 2008
- Negative licensing of retailers 2009
4European countries ranked by total Tobacco
Control Scale score
Score out of 100 UK 93 Ireland 74
Norway 66 Finland 58 France 59 Germany 37
Weights Price 30 Public places bans 22
Campaign spending 15 Ad ban 13 Health warnings
10 Treatment 10
Joossens Raw 2007
5Successful smokefree campaign 2003-2007
In retrospect it might look easy ..200 majority
in the House of Commons all indoor workplaces
have gone smokefree
6But it wasnt an easy campaign..
The Secretary of State for Health fought the ban
tooth and nail Show us the votes we were told
7 How did we do it?
- Define your objective
- Frame the argument
- Build your Coalition
- Split the Opposition
- Exploit Your Opportunities
- Find Your Political Champions
- Create the impression of inevitable success
8Frame the Argument
- From "freedom" and "rights" of smokers
- Courtesy of choice voluntary action and
compromises to .. - its a health and safety at work issue
- secondhand smoke is a killer and
- Everyone has a right to a smokefree workplace
9Build your coalition
- Smokefree Action Coalition created around our key
messages - ASH provided the resources and coordinated the
strategic planning - Swarm effect each member ran its own
campaigns but committed to one overall strategy
10Use the coalition to build media and public
- Develop a media strategy to promote your key
messages - Build public support
- 8 out of 10 of the population supported smokefree
workplace legislation - Support for smokefree pubs and bars rose from
half to two thirds from March 04 to Dec 05
11Exploit your opportunities
Tuesday 8.6.04 John Reids gaffe
anti-legislation 8pm ASH rung by Guardian 10pm
put quote out to PA 9 -10 June massive coverage
TV radio and press 11 June ASH launch major poll
showing majority support legislation This was
the turning point after this Reid accepted
legislation was inevitable
12Smokefree preference set
Split the Opposition
13Find Your Political Champions
- Tessa Jowell Secretary of State for DCMS
- Kevin Barron MP Chair, Health Select Committee
- John Grogan MP, chair of the all-party beer group
- Lord (Richard) Faulkner
14Kevin Barron Chair Health Select Committee
- Nov 05 Health Bill inc. exemptions for pubs and
clubs - Nov 05 HSC hearings into Health Bill November
2005 - Dec 05 HSC Report supported comprehensive
smokefree legislation - Dec 05 HSC members supported All Party amendment
- Jan 06 Government under pressure allowed free
vote - 14 February 06 vote took place - 200 majority for
comprehensive legislation
15Create the impression of inevitable success
16More information
- See www.smokefreeaction.org.uk/
- Tobacco Control article December 07 available
from deborah.arnott_at_ash.org.uk - Also currently campaigning for www.firesafercigare