Title: The Health Information Prescription Project
1Keeping Pace
- The Health Information Prescription Project
2The Roman Army expected its soldiers to march 25
miles a day. They set the standard for what is
now considered a pace. In Grey Bruce, we are
trying to set a new standard.
3Who are we?
- Grey Bruce Rural Community Partnership for
Resource Exchange for Health Living - Grey Bruce Health Unit
- Grey Bruce District Stroke Centre
- Grey and Bruce Libraries
- Grey Bruce Health Services Health Sciences
Library - Regional Diabetes Program
- Recreation Centres
- Ontario Early Years
- Parks Canada
- Bruce Trail
4Library Pedometer Lending Program
- The process began with the pedometer program.
5Library Pedometer Program
- Based on a model developed by Ottawa Public
Health Unit - 31 libraries participating 100
- 2 pedometers in each library
- Borrow like a library book
6Library Pedometer Program
- Benefits
- Increase interest in physical activity
- More books on physical activity accessed
- Increased membership
- Challenges
- Late returns
- Lack of understanding of equipment function
- Extra work
- Lack of storage space
7Library Pedometer Program
- Enhancements
- Increase number of pedometers to decrease waiting
time - Libraries becoming informed health information
8Library Pedometer Lending Program
- Based on the success of the Pedometer program in
the public library system, it was decided that
this might be a good way to introduce selected
medical information
9Health Information Prescription
- The aim of the program was to provide a
consistent, reliable and - understandable selection of
- information regarding stroke easily
- accessible to the general public.
- The method chosen was to place
- selected resources (books web sites)
- in the public library system to give easy
- access to information regarding stroke
- Why Stroke?
- Why Grey and Bruce?
- Why now?
12Why Stroke?
- Estimated that 4.1 of Canadians over 65 years of
age (approximately 300,000 individuals) currently
live with the effects of stroke. - Between 2000 and 2010, the number of strokes in
Ontario will have increased by 9.
13Why Grey and Bruce?
- In 2000-2001, 496 individuals were hospitalized
for stroke or transient ischemic attacks in the
Grey and Bruce counties. It is estimated that
another 473 individuals had a stroke or transient
ischemic attack but were not admitted to
14Why Grey and Bruce?
- The population is more elderly than most areas
- Many seniors live in rural area or hamlets
- Public transport is essentially non-existent
- Public libraries are wide spread, convenient and
15Why Grey and Bruce?
- Grey Bruce Health Services was designated as a
District Stroke Centre (DSC) for Grey and Bruce
Counties in the spring of 2002. The District
Stroke Centre is a component of the Ontario
Stroke Strategy.
16District Stroke Centres
- District Stroke Centres provide care to
stroke patients at all points in the spectrum of
stroke care promotion, prevention, acute care,
rehabilitation and return to the community.
17Stroke and Community
- Increasingly the emphasis is on the return to
the community and rehabilitation of the client in
the community
18Healthy Living and Community
- The successful uptake of healthy living concepts
needs to be at the individual and community
level. - Health information and motivational tools empower
people to consider behaviour change to improve
their health.
19Why now?
- Various programs have money and mandate!
- Ontario Stroke System,
- Ministry of Health Promotion
- Ontarios Rural Plan
- Active 2010
- Regional Diabetes Program
- We received 3000 and used it to purchase book
sets which were placed in each of libraries. - The book titles
- Stroke . A Comprehensive Guide to Brain Attacks
- Stroke and the Family A New Guide, 1st Edition
- Stroke for Dummies
21Health Prescription Project The Journey
BeginsThe Original Proposal
- Would allow individuals to access health
information at their local library - Would allow health professionals to recommend
credible information including websites to the
individual. - Would allow consistency in the message
- To allow patients/clients to access appropriate
stroke and stroke prevention information close to
home. - To assist the libraries in obtaining and
dispensing appropriate information on stroke and
stroke prevention both in print and on the web. - To ensure information dispensed is consistent and
available across each community. - To strengthen the relationship between community
libraries and DSC programs and GBHS Health
Sciences Library
- We decided to chose the information prescription
approach on the basis of - Literature Search
- Paediatric Experience
- Webinar with Don Buchanan following his
presentation at OLA Conference - Internet use
- Library pedometer project
- Discussion Paper and feedback
- Health Unit Expresses Interest to
Partner - First Contact Meeting
- Information Packages
25Health Information Prescription
- Activities
- Develop the prescription
- Develop a relationship between GBHS Health
Sciences Library and the community libraries - Disseminate the books and prescriptions
- Develop an evaluations framework
26 The Prescription
- Instruction
- Suggested Resources
- Special Requests
- Books
- Websites
- As yet no definite results.
- Hard to measure who is taking and using the
materials - How does one measure the outcomes
- Sustainability
- We needed to be mindful of time stresses placed
on the libraries\cataloguing - Record keeping - Communication
- Did the material fit within the collections
policy of the organizations? - Were we setting a precedent for other groups?
29Falling into Step
Collaborated with 2 other projects to form Grey
Bruce Rural Community Partnership for Resource
Exchange for Healthy Living
30Stepping Out on the Bruce Trail
31Stepping Out on the Bruce Trail
- Virtual Walk of the Bruce Trail
- 480 km End to End
- 10,000 steps 8 km
- Two months to complete
- Competition and prizes
32Stepping Out on the Bruce Trail
- Pilot just finished
- Two school boards and the Dental Association
- 1,300 people participated
- Now expanded to the public and workplaces
- As of Friday 500 teams of 4 people
33Time lines
- Phase I (May 2005 to January 2006)
- Local Program Assessment
- Phase II (February to October 2006)
- Incorporation of Evidence
- Development of Evaluation Protocol
- Phase III (November 2006 to March 2007)
- Implementation
- Increased use of motivational tools to improve
physical activity - Increase in number residents using community
partners for health information. - Strengthened relationships with community
partners - Increased community responsibility for healthy
living - Increase in number of participating community
- When you change your attitude,
- You change your behaviour.
- When you change your behaviour,
- You change your performance.
- When you change your performance,
- You change your life!
37PresentersKeeping Pace
- Mary Solomon,
- Grey Bruce District Stroke Centre Coordinator,
- Grey Bruce Health Services, Owen Sound
- msolomon_at_gbhs.on.ca
- Lynda Bumstead, RD
- Program Manager Chronic Disease Prevention
- Grey Bruce Health Unit, Owen Sound
- lbumstead_at_publichealthgreybruce.on.ca
- Elyse Pike,
- Health Sciences Librarian
- Grey Bruce Health Services, Owen Sound
- Library_at_gbhs.on.ca