Title: Vendor Selection
1Vendor Selection
- Model decision makers preferences
- Facilitate communication and documentation
3What is a model of values?
- Quantify preferences
- Higher numbers more preferred options
- Assumptions
- Decision makers have options
- Selection is based on preferences
- Preferences are based on attributes
4Additive Multi-Attribute Value Model
Overall Value V (A1) V (A2) ... V (An)
Value on Attribute 1
Value on Attribute 2
Value on Attribute n
5Misleading Numbers
- Numbers approximate preferences
- Nominal scale
- Ordinal scale
- Interval scale
6Steps in Vendor Selection
- Select process
- Select attributes
- Select cases
- Rate vendor performance
- Set priorities
- Recommend action
- Document action
7Step1 Select Process
- Who decides?
- What must be done?
- What judgments must be made?
- How can the model of the judgment be used?
8Step1 Select Process
- Who decides?
- What must be done?
- What judgments must be made?
- How can the model of the judgment be used?
- Administrator
- Select a vendor for long term
9Step1 Select Process
- Who decides?
- What must be done?
- What judgments must be made?
- How can the model of the judgment be used?
- Administrator
- Select a vendor for long term
- Performance of vendors on several attributes
10Step1 Select Process
- Who decides?
- What must be done?
- What judgments must be made?
- How can the model of the judgment be used?
- Administrator
- Select a vendor for long term
- Performance of vendors on several attributes
- Model can document the decision
11Step 2 Select Attributes
- Introduce yourself and your purpose
- Be judicious about pausing
- Ask the experts to introduce themselves
- Start with tangible examples
- Ask directly for additional attributes
- Arrange the attributes in a hierarchy
- Always use the expert's terminology
- Use prompts that feel most natural
- Take notes and do not interrupt
12Step 2 Select Attributes
- Introduce yourself and your purpose
- Be judicious about pausing
- Ask the experts to introduce themselves
- Start with tangible examples
- Ask directly for additional attributes
- Arrange the attributes in a hierarchy
- Always use the expert's terminology
- Use prompts that feel most natural
- Take notes and do not interrupt
13Step 2 Select Attributes
- Introduce yourself and your purpose
- Be judicious about pausing
- Ask the expert to introduce himself
- Start with tangible examples
- Ask directly for additional attributes
- Arrange the attributes in a hierarchy
- Always use the expert's terminology
- Use prompts that feel most natural
- Take notes and do not interrupt
14Step 2 Select Attributes
- Introduce yourself and your purpose
- Be judicious about pausing
- Ask the experts to introduce themselves
- Start with tangible examples
- Ask directly for additional attributes
- Arrange the attributes in a hierarchy
- Always use the expert's terminology
- Use prompts that feel most natural
- Take notes and do not interrupt
15Step 2 Select Attributes
- Introduce yourself and your purpose
- Be judicious about pausing
- Ask the experts to introduce themselves
- Start with tangible examples of EHR that worked
well and those that worked poorly - Ask directly for additional attributes
- Arrange the attributes in a hierarchy
- Always use the expert's terminology
- Use prompts that feel most natural
- Take notes and do not interrupt
16Step 2 Select Attributes
- Introduce yourself and your purpose
- Be judicious about pausing
- Ask the experts to introduce themselves
- Start with tangible examples
- Ask directly for additional attributes
- Arrange the attributes in a hierarchy
- Always use the expert's terminology
- Use prompts that feel most natural
- Take notes and do not interrupt
17Step 2 Select Attributes
- Introduce yourself and your purpose
- Be judicious about pausing
- Ask the experts to introduce themselves
- Start with tangible examples
- Ask directly for additional attributes
- Arrange the attributes in a hierarchy
- Always use the expert's terminology
- Use prompts that feel most natural
- Take notes and do not interrupt
18Step 2 Select Attributes
- Introduce yourself and your purpose
- Be judicious about pausing
- Ask the experts to introduce themselves
- Start with tangible examples
- Ask directly for additional attributes
- Arrange the attributes in a hierarchy
- Always use the expert's terminology
- Use prompts that feel most natural
- Take notes and do not interrupt
19Step 2 Select Attributes
- Introduce yourself and your purpose
- Be judicious about pausing
- Ask the experts to introduce themselves
- Start with tangible examples
- Ask directly for additional attributes
- Arrange the attributes in a hierarchy
- Always use the expert's terminology
- Use prompts that feel most natural
- Take notes and do not interrupt
20Step 2 Select Attributes
- Introduce yourself and your purpose
- Be judicious about pausing
- Ask the experts to introduce themselves
- Start with tangible examples
- Ask directly for additional attributes
- Arrange the attributes in a hierarchy
- Always use the expert's terminology
- Use prompts that feel most natural
- Take notes and do not interrupt
21Step 2. Select Attributes
- Introduce yourself and your purpose
- Be judicious about pausing
- Ask the experts to introduce themselves
- Start with tangible examples
- Ask directly for additional attributes
- Arrange the attributes in a hierarchy
- Always use the expert's terminology
- Use prompts that feel most natural
- Take notes, and do not interrupt
Do this with each committee member prior to
22Step 2 Select Attributes
- Do it again
- Start with list
- Solicit changes
- Record comments
- Avoid clicks
- Speak back to the entire group
- Maintain eye contact
23Step 2 Select Attributes
- Example attributes
- Easy to use
- Improve one or more business processes
- Most value for cost
- Fit with long term business strategy
- Vendor responsive to practice information needs
- Strong testimonies from prior users
- In use by other practice sites
- Compatible with existing systems
24Step 2 Select Attributes
Vendor A Vendor A Vendor B Vendor B Vendor C Vendor C
Attribute Weight Level Rating Level Rating Level Rating
Ease of use 2 minutes 3 minutes 5 minutes
Cost 11,000/bed 11,000/bed 15,000/bed 15,000/bed 9000/bed
Reputation Good Excellent Good
25Step 3 Prepare Test Scenarios
- Make a case to enter
- Cover extremes
- Check for multiple entry
- Ask for revision procedures
26Step 4 Vendor Performance
- Test all on same cases
- Check performance on each attribute
- Rate performance on each attribute
- Standardize ratings
27Step 4 Vendor Performance
- Average time to enter patient data
- 2 minutes
- Between 3 minutes
- 5 minutes
28Step 4 Vendor Performance
Vendor A Vendor A Vendor B Vendor B Vendor C Vendor C
Attribute Level Level Level
Ease of use 2 minutes 3 minutes 5 minutes
Cost 11,000/bed 11,000/bed 15,000/bed 15,000/bed 9000/bed
Reputation Good Excellent Good
29Step 5. Rate Vendors on Single Attributes
- Double anchored assessment method
- 100 to best
- 0 to worst
- Rate the remaining levels
30Step 5. Rate Vendors on Single Attributes
- 2 minutes, 100
- 3 minutes, ?
- 5 minutes, 0
31Step 5. Rate Vendors on Single Attributes
Vendor A Vendor A Vendor A Vendor B Vendor B Vendor B Vendor C Vendor C
Attribute Weight Level Level Rating Level Level Rating Level Rating
Ease of use 2 minutes 2 minutes 100 3 minutes 3 minutes 80 5 minutes 0
Cost 11,000/bed 70 70 15,000/bed 0 0 9000/bed 100
Reputation Good Good 0 Excellent Excellent 100 Good 0
32Step 6 Set Priorities
- Assess ratio of importance
- Attributes are rank ordered
- Least important is assigned 10 points
- Rate how many times more important
- Standardized weights
- Divide by sum
33Step 6 Set Priorities
- If reputation is 10, how many more times is ease
of use more important? - How many more times is cost more important than
ease of use?
34Step 6 Set Priorities
35Step 6 Set Priorities
Vendor A Vendor A Vendor A Vendor B Vendor B Vendor B Vendor C Vendor C
Attribute Weight Level Level Rating Level Level Rating Level Rating
Ease of use 0..3 2 minutes 2 minutes 100 3 minutes 3 minutes 80 5 minutes 0
Cost 0.4 11,000/bed 70 70 15,000/bed 0 0 9000/bed 100
Reputation 0.2 Good Good 0 Excellent Excellent 100 Good 0
36Step 7 Recommend Action
- Calculate weighted sum
- Recommend best score
37Step 7 Recommend Action
Vendor A Vendor A Vendor A Vendor B Vendor B Vendor B Vendor C Vendor C
Attribute Weight Level Level Rating Level Level Rating Level Rating
Ease of use 0..3 2 minutes 2 minutes 100 3 minutes 3 minutes 80 5 minutes 0
Cost 0.4 11,000/bed 70 70 15,000/bed 0 0 9000/bed 100
Reputation 0.2 Good Good 0 Excellent Excellent 100 Good 0
Total 1.0 100.370.4 100.370.4 100.370.4 80.3100.2 80.3100.2 80.3100.2 100.4 100.4
38Step 6 Recommend Action
Vendor A Vendor A Vendor A Vendor B Vendor B Vendor B Vendor C Vendor C
Attribute Weight Level Level Rating Level Level Rating Level Rating
Ease of use 0..3 2 minutes 2 minutes 100 3 minutes 3 minutes 80 5 minutes 0
Cost 0.4 11,000/bed 70 70 15,000/bed 0 0 9000/bed 100
Reputation 0.2 Good Good 0 Excellent Excellent 100 Good 0
Total 1.0 100.370.4 100.370.4 100.370.4 80.3100.2 80.3100.2 80.3100.2 100.4 100.4
39Step 7 Document
- What was selected?
- What was the process?
- Why was it selected?
- What contingencies were thought through?
40Take Home Lesson