Title: Field and Practicum Guidelines
1Field and Practicum Guidelines
- Winona State University
- Social Work Program
2Requirements of an Agency Field Instructor for
Field Experience
- A Field Instructor for Social
- Work Field Experience should
- Have a strong working knowledge
- of the human services profession.
- Be willing mentors of students
- who are considering a career
- in social services.
- Be available to support through
- mentorship and be able to provide
- feedback using two written
- evaluations (mid-term and end of term)
- to the student and the Social Work Department.
3Requirements of the Field Instructor for Practicum
- A Field Instructor for
- Practicum should
- Have a strong working
- knowledge of the social
- work profession.
- Hold at minimum a BSW
- degree and be license eligible.
- Be willing mentors of students
- who are entering the profession
- as entry-level generalists.
- Be available to meet with students
- in supervision one hour per week.
- Be available through mentorship
- and be able to provide support in
- research work and in written feedback
- to the student and the Social Work Department.
4Agency Supervisors in Practicum
- Sometimes the direct supervisor
- of a student in Practicum does
- not hold a degree in Social Work
- or is not license eligible.
- This individual has sufficient years of
- experience and is available to share
- his or her knowledge and skills with students.
- Agency direct supervisors who do not
- hold a BSW or who are not license eligible
- can still serve in this role as long as the
- agency has an individual who holds a
- minimum of a BSW or is license eligible
- and available to meet with the student
- one hour per week.
- Both the direct supervisor and the social
- work field instructor are asked to provide
- written evaluation on the students progress.
5Responsibilities of a Field Instructor
- The agency field instructor
- agrees to meet with interested
- social work students who are
- potential interns.
- The agency field instructor and
- student discuss whether the
- agency and the student mutually
- meet each others needs.
- Students who are a good agency fit
- will return for further discussion in a
- formal interview with the agency
- field instructor.
6Interviews with Students
- Agency field instructors
- agree to follow up with
- interested students in
- scheduling interview appointments.
- At the closure of the interview,
- should the field instructor
- and student agree, fills out and
- signs the Practicum Placement Memo.
- Students and Field Instructors
- are advised to keep a copy of
- this memo.
- Students turn in a copy of the memo
- to the Field Director.
7Field Manuals
- Agency Field Instructors
- should receive regularly
- updated field manuals from
- the Social Work Department.
- Field manuals are offered
- free of charge to agencies
- and are available upon request.
- Field Instructors should keep
- themselves updated on the
- requirements of field through
- reading updated field manuals
- and/or attending training sessions.
8Orientation and Support
- Agency Field Instructors
- agree to provide an
- orientation to the agency
- for each new student
- accepted into placement
- Field Instructors agree to
- meet regularly with student
- interns to provide support
- and discuss progress.
- Field Instructors agree to
- complete written evaluations
- on each student intern.
9Unsatisfactory Progress in Placement
- The agency field instructor
- should discuss this openly
- and directly with the student.
- Should the difficulty continue,
- the agency field instructor needs
- to notify the faculty field liaison
- immediately to arrange a conference.
- In a conference, the student, the
- agency field instructor, and faculty
- field liaison will develop a plan for change.
- If the agency wishes to explore whether
- a student should be removed or can
- stay with certain conditions, the faculty
- field liaison will work with the agency
- field instructor and student through
- additional follow up meetings.
10Considering Removal of Student?
- The Agency Field Instructor
- should discuss the concerns
- with the student.
- Immediately inform the
- faculty field liaison and
- a meeting may be
- scheduled among the
- participants (student,
- agency field instructor,
- faculty field liaison).
11Removal of Student, Continued
- If the situation continues to be
- unsatisfactory, the student will
- leave the agency in a time frame
- which is preferably agreeable
- to all parties.
- Written documentation of the
- concerns/problems in the placement
- by the field instructor are very
- important to assist the Social
- Work Department in working with
- the student in reassignment
- of internship or in finding a more
- suitable degree.
12Grounds for Removal of a Student from Internship
- Failure to maintain
- confidentiality in
- reference to a client
- as mandated by
- agency policy and/or
- the NASW Code of Ethics.
- Failure to abide by the
- NASW Code of Ethics
- Repeated tardiness at
- the agency and/or tardiness
- without notification.
13Removal of Student, Continued
- Repeated absences from
- the agency and/or absence
- without notification.
- Repeated change in
- scheduled field hours
- without prior approval.
- Failure to follow the
- guidelines and standards
- of the Social Work Department
- (refer to the WSU Social Work
- Student Handbook Student
- Standards for Professional Conduct.
14Removal from Internship
- The final decision regarding
- removal from the field
- placement should be made
- by all participants.
- The decision should be
- supported by the director of
- field education and the faculty
- field liaison.
- The student has the right to an
- appeal following the guidelines
- for grievance procedure in the
- Social Work Student Handbook.
15Removal from Placement
- Whether the student will
- be allowed to return to field
- in the same or a different
- agency would depend on
- the seriousness of the
- incident and/or the ability
- of the student to work through
- the issue(s).
- The director of field education
- and/or the faculty field liaison
- will have the responsibility to work
- with the student around these
- issues and together they may
- formulate certain conditions for a
- return to field.
16Removal from Internship, Continued
- Students have the
- right to file appeals
- with the University.
- Written documentation
- from the field instructor,
- faculty field liaison, and
- director of field education
- assure proper protocol
- was followed in removal of
- a student from his/her internship.
17Student Wants to be Reassigned
- The student should
- first discuss the concerns
- with the agency field
- instructor.
- If resolution doesnt
- occur, the student should
- speak with the faculty field
- liaison about the situation.
- The faculty field liaison,
- student and agency field
- instructor will then meet to
- discuss the issues involved.
18Student Wants to be Reassigned, Continued
- Further attempts may
- be made to explore
- solutions that can be
- achieved within the agency.
- If the decision is made to
- have another placement,
- the student and faculty field
- liaison will discuss arrangements
- for an alternative placement site.
- This should be a thoughtful decision
- and should be done relatively promptly.
- Leaving a placement prematurely
- can result in a student having to
- complete additional hours