Biodemography%20of%20Human%20Longevity:%20New%20Findings%20and%20Ideas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RWJ Scholars in Health Policy Research Program Seminar. Biodemography of Human ... Extensive media coverage including BBC and over 100 citations in scientific ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Biodemography%20of%20Human%20Longevity:%20New%20Findings%20and%20Ideas

Biodemography of Human Longevity New Findings
and Ideas
  • Dr. Leonid A. Gavrilov, Ph.D.
  • Dr. Natalia S. Gavrilova, Ph.D.
  • Center on Aging
  • NORC and The University of Chicago
  • Chicago, Illinois, USA

  • To study success stories in long-term avoidance
    of fatal diseases (survival to 100 years) and
    factors correlated with this remarkable survival

Centenarians represent the fastest growing age
group in the industrialized countries
  • Yet, factors predicting exceptional longevity and
    its time trends remain to be fully understood
  • In this study we explored the new opportunities
    provided by the ongoing revolution in information
    technology, computer science and Internet
    expansion to explore early-childhood predictors
    of exceptional longevity

Jeanne Calment (1875-1997)
Revolution in Information TechnologyWhat does
it mean for longevity studies?
  • Over 75 millions of computerized genealogical
    records are available online now!

Computerized genealogies is a promising source of
information about potential predictors of
exceptional longevity life-course events,
early-life conditions and family history of
Computerized Genealogies as a Resource for
Longevity Studies
  • Pros provide important information about family
    and life-course events, which otherwise is
    difficult to collect (including information about
    lifespan of parents and other relatives)
  • Cons Uncertain data quality
    Uncertain validity and generalizability

For longevity studies the genealogies with
detailed birth dates and death dates for
long-lived individuals (centenarians) and their
relatives are of particular interest
  • In this study 1,001 genealogy records for
    centenarians born in 1875-1899 were collected and
    used for further age validation

(No Transcript)
Steps of Centenarian Age Verification
  1. Internal consistency checks of dates
  2. Verification of death dates linkage to the
    Social Security Administration Death Master File
  3. Verification of birth dates linkage to early
    Federal censuses (1900, 1910, 1920, 1930)

Results of Centenarian Age Verification
1001 records consistency checks 990 records used for further verification
990 records were linked to the SSA Death Master File Linkage success rate 77 (80 for centenarians born after 1890) In 3 of cases centenarian status was not confirmed
548 records found in DMF for persons born in 1890-1899 were then linked to early US censuses Linkage success rate 80 when using and 91 after supplementation with In 8 of cases a 1-year disagreement between genealogy and census record was observed
Conclusions of the Age Verification Study
  • Death dates of centenarians recorded in
    genealogies always require verification because
    of strong outliers (1.3, misprints)
  • Birth dates of centenarians recorded in
    genealogies are sufficiently accurate - 92 are
    correct for the remaining 8 only one-year
  • Quality of genealogical data is good enough if
    these data are pre-selected for high data quality

Predictors of Exceptional Longevity
Within-Family Study of Exceptional Longevity
Cases - 198 Centenarians born in U.S. in
1890-1893 Controls Their own siblings Method
Conditional logistic regression Advantage
Allows researchers to eliminate confounding
effects of between-family variation
Design of the Study
A typical image of centenarian family in 1900
First-born siblings are more likely to become
centenarians (odds 1.8)
Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000
Variable Odds ratio 95 CI P-value
First-born status 1.77 1.18-2.66 0.006
Male sex 0.40 0.28-0.58 lt0.001
Birth Order and Odds to Become a Centenarian
Can the birth-order effect be a result of
selective child mortality, thus not applicable to
  • Approach
  • To compare centenarians with those siblings only
    who survived to adulthood (age 20)

First-born adult siblings (20years) are more
likely to become centenarians (odds
Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N797, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N797, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N797, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N797, Prob gt chi20.0000
Variable Odds ratio 95 CI P-value
First-born status 1.95 1.26-3.01 0.003
Male sex 0.46 0.32-0.66 lt0.001
Are young fathers responsible for birth order
Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000
Variable Odds ratio 95 CI P-value
Born to young father 1.86 0.99-3.50 0.056
Male sex 0.42 0.29-0.59 lt0.001
Birth order is more important than paternal age
for chances to become a centenarian
Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000
Variable Odds ratio 95 CI P-value
First-born status 1.64 1.03-2.61 0.039
Born to young father 1.29 0.63-2.67 0.484
Male sex 0.41 0.29-0.58 lt0.001
Are young mothers responsible for the birth order
Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000
Variable Odds ratio 95 CI P-value
Born to young mother 2.03 1.33-3.11 0.001
Male sex 0.41 0.29-0.59 lt0.001
Maternal Age at Persons Birth and Odds to Become
a Centenarian
Birth order effect explainedBeing born to young
Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N950, Prob gt chi20.0000
Variable Odds ratio 95 CI P-value
First-born status 1.36 0.86-2.15 0.189
Born to young mother 1.76 1.09-2.85 0.021
Male sex 0.41 0.29-0.58 lt0.001
Even at age 75 it still helps to be born to young
mother (age lt25)(odds 1.9)
Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N557, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N557, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N557, Prob gt chi20.0000 Conditional (fixed-effects) logistic regression N557, Prob gt chi20.0000
Variable Odds ratio 95 CI P-value
Born to young mother 1.86 1.15-3.05 0.012
Male sex 0.46 0.31-0.69 lt0.001
  • Families were quite large in the past,
    particularly those covered by genealogical
    records (large family size bias).
  • Is the "young mother effect" robust to the family
    size, and is it observed in smaller families too?
  • Or is it confined to extremely large families
  • Approach
  • To split data in two equal parts by median family
    size (9 children) and re-analyze the data in each
    group separately.

  • In smaller families (less than 9 children) the
    effect of young mother is even larger
  • Odds ratio 2.23, P0.004 95CI 1.30 - 3.98
  • Compare to larger families (more than 9
  • Odds ratio 1.72, P0.11 95CI 0.88 - 3.34
  • Conclusion
  • "Young mother effect" is not confined to
    extremely large family size

New Striking Findings Invitation for discussion
and brain-storming!
  • The favorable "Young Mother Effect" is
    particularly strong when parents have
    particularly large differences in their lifespan

Odds Ratio to live to 100 years if born to young
motheras a function of maternal and paternal
lifespans (tertiles)
MOTHER Shorter-lived Medium-lived Longer-lived
Shorter-lived 0.93 1.29 4.04
Medium-lived 3.49 3.01 1.50
Longer-lived 11.62 1.21 0.36
Being born to Young Mother Helps Laboratory Mice
to Live Longer
  • Source
  • Tarin et al., Delayed Motherhood
    Decreases Life Expectancy of Mouse Offspring.
  • Biology of Reproduction 2005 72 1336-1343.

Physical Characteristics at Young Age and
Survival to 100
A study of height and build of centenarians when
they were young using WWI civil draft
registration cards
Height What to Expect
  1. Height seems to be a good indicator of
    nutritional status and infectious disease history
    in the past.
  2. Historical studies showed a negative correlation
    between height and mortality.
  3. Hence we may expect that centenarians were taller
    than average

Build What to Expect
  1. Slender build may suggest a poor nutrition during
    childhood. We may expect that centenarians were
    less likely to be slender when young.
  2. On the other hand, biological studies suggest
    that rapid growth may be harmful and somewhat
    delayed maturation may be beneficial for

Data Sources
  1. Social Security Administration Death Master File
  2. WWI civil draft registration cards (completed for
    almost 100 percent men born between 1873 and

Study Design
  • Cases men centenarians born in 1887 (randomly
    selected from the SSA Death Master File) and
    linked to the WWI civil draft records. Out of
    120 selected men, 19 were not eligible for draft.
    The linkage success for remaining 101 records was
    75 (76 records)
  • Controls men matched on birth year, race and
    county of WWI civil draft registration

Height and Survival to 100
Body Build and Survival to 100
Results of multivariate study
Variable OR P-value
Tall and medium height vs short height 1.98 0.308
Slender and medium build vs stout build 9.96 0.032
Qualified jobs vs unqualified 1.57 0.300
Married vs unmarried 1.02 0.958
Natural born vs immigr. 1.12 0.782
  • The study of height and build among men born in
    1887 suggests that rapid growth and overweight at
    young adult age (30 years) might be harmful for
    attaining longevity

What are the Links Between Human Longevity and
Testing the evolutionary theory of aging
Founding Fathers
  • Beeton, M., Yule, G.U., Pearson, K. 1900. Data
    for the problem of evolution in man. V. On the
    correlation between duration of life and the
    number of offspring. Proc. R. Soc. London, 67
  • Data used English Quaker records and Whitney
    Family of Connectucut records for females and
    American Whitney family and Burkes Landed
    Gentry for males.

Findings and Conclusions by Beeton et al., 1900
  • They tested predictions of the Darwinian
    evolutionary theory that the fittest individuals
    should leave more offspring.
  • Findings Slightly positive relationship between
    postreproductive lifespan (50) of both mothers
    and fathers and the number of offspring.
  • Conclusion fertility is correlated with
    longevity even after the fecund period is passed
    and selective mortality reduces the numbers of
    the offspring of the less fit relatively to the

Other Studies, Which Found Positive Correlation
Between Reproduction and Postreproductive
Telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell (1918)
The longer lived parents were the most
  • Bettie Freeman (1935) Weak positive correlations
    between the duration of postreproductive life in
    women and the number of offspring borne. Human
    Biology, 7 392-418.
  • Bideau A. (1986) Duration of life in women after
    age 45 was longer for those women who borne 12 or
    more children. Population 41 59-72.

Studies that Found no Relationship Between
Postreproductive Longevity and Reproduction
  • Henry L. 1956. Travaux et Documents.
  • Gauter, E. and Henry L. 1958. Travaux et
    Documents, 26.
  • Knodel, J. 1988. Demographic Behavior in the
  • Le Bourg et al., 1993. Experimental Gerontology,
    28 217-232.

Study that Found a Trade-Off Between
Reproductive Success and Postreproductive
  • Westendorp RGJ, Kirkwood TBL. 1998. Human
    longevity at the cost of reproductive success.
    Nature 396 743-746.
  • Extensive media coverage including BBC and over
    100 citations in scientific literature as an
    established scientific fact. Previous studies
    were not quoted and discussed in this article.

Point estimates of progeny number for married
aristocratic women from different birth cohorts
as a function of age at death. The estimates of
progeny number are adjusted for trends over
calendar time using multiple regression.
  • Source Westendorp, Kirkwood, Human longevity at
    the cost of reproductive success. Nature, 1998,
    396, pp 743-746

it is not a matter of reduced fertility, but a
case of 'to have or have not'.
Source Toon Ligtenberg Henk Brand. Longevity
does family size matter? Nature, 1998, 396, pp
Number of progeny and age at first childbirth
dependent on the age at death of married
aristocratic women
  • Source Westendorp, R. G. J., Kirkwood, T. B. L.
    Human longevity at the cost of reproductive
    success. Nature, 1998, 396, pp 743-746

  • Source Westendorp, R. G. J., Kirkwood, T. B. L.
    Human longevity at the cost of reproductive
    success. Nature, 1998, 396, pp 743-746

Do longevous women have impaired fertility ?Why
is this question so important and interesting?
Scientific Significance
  • This is a testable prediction of some
    evolutionary theories of aging - disposable soma
    theory of aging (Kirkwood)

"The disposable soma theory on the evolution of
ageing states that longevity requires investments
in somatic maintenance that reduce the resources
available for reproduction (Westendorp,
Kirkwood, Nature, 1998).
Do longevous women have impaired fertility ?
  • Practical Importance.
  • Do we really wish to live a long life at the
    cost of infertility?
  • the next generations of Homo sapiens will
    have even longer life spans but at the cost of
    impaired fertility
  • Rudi Westendorp Are we becoming less
    disposable? EMBO Reports, 2004, 5 2-6.

"... increasing longevity through genetic
manipulation of the mechanisms of aging raises
deep biological and moral questions. These
questions should give us pause before we embark
on the enterprise of extending our lives
Walter Glennon "Extending the Human Life Span",
Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 2002, Vol.
27, No. 3, pp. 339-354.
  • Educational Significance
  • Do we teach our students right?
  • Impaired fertility of longevous women is
    often presented in scientific literature and mass
    media as already established fact (Brandt et al.,
    2005 Fessler et al., 2005 Schrempf et al.,
    2005 Tavecchia et al., 2005 Kirkwood, 2002
    Westendorp, 2002, 2004 Glennon, 2002 Perls et
    al., 2002, etc.).
  • This "fact" is now included in teaching
    curriculums in biology, ecology and anthropology
    world-wide (USA, UK, Denmark).
  • Is it a fact or artifact ?

General Methodological Principle
  • Before making strong conclusions, consider all
    other possible explanations, including potential
    flaws in data quality and analysis
  • Previous analysis by Westendorp and Kirkwood was
    made on the assumption of data completenessNumbe
    r of children born Number of children
  • Potential concerns data incompleteness,
    under-reporting of short-lived children, women
    (because of patrilineal structure of genealogical
    records), persons who did not marry or did not
    have children.Number of children born   gtgt
    Number of children recorded

Test for Data Completeness
  • Direct Test Cross-checking of the initial
    dataset with other data sources
  • We examined 335 claims of childlessness in
    the dataset used by Westendorp and Kirkwood.
    When we cross-checked these claims with other
    professional sources of data, we  found that at
    least 107 allegedly childless women (32) did
    have children!
  • At least 32 of childlessness claims proved to
    be wrong ("false negative claims") !
  • Some illustrative examplesHenrietta Kerr
    (16531741) was apparently childless in the
    dataset used by Westendorp and Kirkwood and lived
    88 years. Our cross-checking revealed that she
    did have at least one child, Sir William Scott
    (2nd Baronet of Thirlstane, died on October 8,
  •  Charlotte Primrose (17761864) was also
    considered childless in the initial dataset and
    lived 88 years. Our cross-checking of the data
    revealed that in fact she had as many as five
    children Charlotte (18031886), Henry
    (18061889), Charles (18071882), Arabella
    (1809-1884), and William (18151881).
  • Wilhelmina Louise von Anhalt-Bernburg
    (17991882), apparently childless, lived 83
    years. In reality, however, she had at least
    two children, Alexander (18201896) and Georg

Point estimates of progeny number for married
aristocratic women from different birth cohorts
as a function of age at death. The estimates of
progeny number are adjusted for trends over
calendar time using multiple regression.
  • Source Westendorp, R. G. J., Kirkwood, T. B. L.
    Human longevity at the cost of reproductive
    success. Nature, 1998, 396, pp 743-746

Antoinette de Bourbon(1493-1583)
  • Lived almost 90 years
  • She was claimed to have only one child in the
    dataset used by Westendorp and Kirkwood Marie
    (1515-1560), who became a mother of famous Queen
    of Scotland, Mary Stuart.
  • Our data cross-checking revealed that in fact
    Antoinette had 12 children!
  • Marie 1515-1560
  • Francois Ier 1519-1563
  • Louise 1521-1542
  • Renee 1522-1602
  • Charles 1524-1574
  • Claude 1526-1573
  • Louis 1527-1579
  • Philippe 1529-1529
  • Pierre 1529
  • Antoinette 1531-1561
  • Francois 1534-1563
  • Rene 1536-1566

Characteristics of Our Data Sample for
Reproduction-Longevity Studies
  • 3,723 married women born in 1500-1875 and
    belonging to the upper European nobility.
  • Women with two or more marriages (5) were
    excluded from the analysis in order to facilitate
    the interpretation of results (continuity of
    exposure to childbearing).
  • Every case of childlessness has been checked
    using at least two different genealogical

Childlessness is better outcome than number of
children for testing evolutionary theories of
aging on human data
  • Applicable even for population practicing birth
    control (few couple are voluntarily childless)
  • Lifespan is not affected by physiological load of
    multiple pregnancies
  • Lifespan is not affected by economic hardship
    experienced by large families

(No Transcript)
Source Gavrilova et al. Does exceptional human
longevity come with high cost of infertility?
Testing the evolutionary theories of aging.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 2004,
1019 513-517.
Source Gavrilova, Gavrilov. Human longevity and
reproduction An evolutionary perspective. In
Grandmotherhood - The Evolutionary Significance
of the Second Half of Female Life. Rutgers
University Press, 2005, 59-80.
Short Conclusion
  • Exceptional human longevity is NOT associated
    with infertility or childlessness

More Detailed Conclusions
  • We have found that previously reported high rate
    of childlessness among long-lived women is an
    artifact of data incompleteness, caused by
    under-reporting of children. After data cleaning,
    cross-checking and supplementation the
    association between exceptional longevity and
    childlessness has disappeared.
  • Thus, it is important now to revise a highly
    publicized scientific concept of heavy
    reproductive costs for human longevity. and to
    make corrections in related teaching curriculums
    for students.

More Detailed Conclusions (2)
  • It is also important to disavow the doubts and
    concerns over further extension of human
    lifespan, that were recently cast in biomedical
    ethics because of gullible acceptance of the idea
    of harmful side effects of lifespan extension,
    including infertility (Glannon, 2002).
  • There is little doubt that the number of children
    can affect human longevity through complications
    of pregnancies and childbearing, as well as
    through changes in socioeconomic status,  etc. 
    However,  the concept of heavy infertility cost
    of human longevity is not supported by data, when
    these data are carefully reanalyzed.

Parental-Age Effects in Humans (accumulation of
mutation load in parental germ cells)
  • What are the Data and the Predictions of
    Evolutionary Theory on the Quality of Offspring
    Conceived to Older Parents?
  • Does progeny conceived to older parents live
    shorter lives?

Evolutionary Justification for Parental-Age
  • "The evolutionary explanation of senescence
    proposes that selection against alleles with
    deleterious effects manifested only late in life
    is weak because most individuals die earlier for
    extrinsic reasons.
  • This argument also applies to alleles whose
    deleterious effects are nongenetically
    transmitted from mother to progeny, that is, that
    affect the performance of progeny produced at
    late ages rather than of the aging individuals
  • a decline of offspring quality with parental
    age should receive more attention in the context
    of the evolution of aging.
  • Stearns et al. "Decline in offspring
    viability as a manifestation of aging in
    Drosophila melianogaster." Evolution, 2001, Vol.
    55, No. 9, pp. 18221831.

Genetic Justification for Paternal Age Effects
  • Advanced paternal age at child conception is the
    main source of new mutations in human
  • James F. Crow, geneticist

Professor Crow (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
is recognized as a leader and statesman of
science. He is a member of the National Academy
of Sciences, the National Academy of Medicine,
The American Philosophical Society, the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences, the World Academy
of Art and Science.
Paternal Age and Risk of Schizophrenia
  • Estimated cumulative incidence and percentage of
    offspring estimated to have an onset of
    schizophrenia by age 34 years, for categories of
    paternal age. The numbers above the bars show the
    proportion of offspring who were estimated to
    have an onset of schizophrenia by 34 years of
  • Source Malaspina et al., Arch Gen

Paternal Age as a Risk Factor for Alzheimer
  • MGAD - major gene for Alzheimer Disease
  • Source L. Bertram et al. Neurogenetics, 1998, 1

Daughters' Lifespan (30) as a Functionof
Paternal Age at Daughter's Birth6,032 daughters
from European aristocratic families born in
  • Life expectancy of adult women
    (30) as a function of father's age when these
    women were born (expressed as a difference from
    the reference level for those born to fathers of
    40-44 years).
  • The data are point estimates (with standard
    errors) of the differential intercept
    coefficients adjusted for other explanatory
    variables using multiple regression with nominal
  • Daughters of parents who survived to 50

Contour plot for daughters lifespan (deviation
from cohort mean) as a function of paternal
lifespan (X axis) and paternal age at daughters
birth (Y axis)
7984 cases 1800-1880 birth cohorts European
aristocratic families Distance weighted least
squares smooth
Daughters Lifespan as a Function of
Paternal Age at Daughters Birth Data are
adjusted for other predictor variables
Daughters of shorter-lived fathers (lt80), 6727
Daughters of longer-lived fathers (80), 1349
  • Being conceived to old fathers is a risk factor,
    but it is moderated by paternal longevity
  • It is OK to be conceived to old father if he
    lives more than 80 years
  • Methodological implications Paternal lifespan
    should be taken into account in the studies of
    paternal-age effects

Heritability of Longevity
Mutation Accumulation Theory of Aging (Medawar,
  • From the evolutionary perspective, aging is an
    inevitable result of the declining force of
    natural selection with age.
  • So, over successive generations, late-acting
    deleterious mutations will accumulate, leading to
    an increase in mortality rates late in life.

Predictions of the Mutation Accumulation Theory
of Aging
  • Mutation accumulation theory predicts that those
    deleterious mutations that are expressed in later
    life should have higher frequencies (because
    mutation-selection balance is shifted to higher
    equilibrium frequencies due to smaller selection
  • Therefore, expressed genetic variability should
    increase with age (Charlesworth, 1994. Evolution
    in Age-structured Populations).
  • This should result in higher heritability
    estimates for lifespan of offspring born to
    longer-lived parents.

Linearity Principle of Inheritance in
Quantitative Genetics
  • Dependence between parental traits and offspring
    traits is linear

The Best Possible Source on Familial Longevity
Genealogies of European Royal and Noble Families
Charles IX dAnguleme (1550-1574)
Marie-Antoinette von Habsburg-Lothringen
Henry VIII Tudor (1491-1547)
Characteristic of our Dataset
  • Over 16,000 persons belonging to the European
  • 1800-1880 extinct birth cohorts
  • Adult persons aged 30
  • Data extracted from the professional genealogical
    data sources including Genealogisches Handbook
    des Adels, Almanac de Gotha, Burke Peerage and

Daughter's Lifespan(Mean Deviation from Cohort
Life Expectancy)as a Function of Paternal
  • Offspring data for adult lifespan (30 years) are
    smoothed by 5-year running average.
  • Extinct birth cohorts (born in 1800-1880)
  • European aristocratic families. 6,443

The Heritability of Life-Spans Is SmallC.E.
Finch, R.E. Tanzi, Science, 1997, p.407
Paradox of low heritability of lifespan vs high
familial clustering of longevity
long life runs in families A. Cournil, T.B.L.
Kirkwood, Trends in Genetics, 2001, p.233
Heritability Estimates of Human Lifespan
Author(s) Heritability estimate Population
McGue et al., 1993 0.22 Danish twins
Ljungquist et al., 1998 lt0.33 Swedish twins
Bocquet-Appel, Jacobi, 1990 0.10-0.30 French village
Mayer, 1991 0.10-0.33 New England families
Cournil et al., 2000 0.27 French village
Mitchell et al., 2001 0.25 Old Order Amish
Is the effect of non-linear inheritance remain
valid after controlling for other explanatory
  • Lifespan of other parent
  • Parental ages at childs conception
  • Ethnicity
  • Month of birth

Offspring Lifespan at Age 30 as a Function
of Paternal LifespanData are adjusted for
other predictor variables
Daughters, 8,284 cases
Sons, 8,322 cases
Offspring Lifespan at Age 30 as a Function
of Maternal LifespanData are adjusted for
other predictor variables
Daughters, 8,284 cases
Sons, 8,322 cases
Is the effect of non-linear inheritance observed
for non-biological relatives?
  • We need to test an alternative hypothesis that
    positive effects of long-lived parents on the
    offspring survival may be non-biological and
    caused by common environment and life style
  • What about lifespan of spouses?

Persons Lifespan as a Function of Spouse
LifespanData are adjusted for other predictor
Married Women, 4,530 cases
Married Men, 5,102 cases
  • This study was made possible thanks to
  • generous support from the National Institute on
    Aging and the Society of Actuaries

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