Title: Richard T' Conant
1Carbon saturation in soil fractions How can it
- Richard T. Conant
- Johan Six
- Keith Paustian
- Eldor A. Paul
Natural Resource Ecology Laboratory Colorado
State University
2Expected response to changes in C inputs
Semiarid Sites
Mesic Sites
- Linear relationships
- R2 range from 0.81 to 0.98
- Similar for mesic and semiarid sites
3- Common characteristics of SOM models
- 1st order decay dynamics
- Decay controlled by litter quality, climate
- Kinetically defined soil C pools
metabolic C
metabolic C
Litter quality
Structural C
Structural C
Active C
Active C
Litter quality
Slow C
Carbon content
Slow C
Passive C
Carbon input
4Soil C response to C inputs Melfort, Sask.
5Soil C response to different C input rates
- Why do soils become saturated with respect to C?
- How common is soil C saturation?
- What factors determine whether soils are
saturated? - Can soil C fractions become saturated?
- How does saturation influence soil C
sequestration rates and amounts?
7Silt and clay protected C
g silt clay C kg-1 soil
8Microaggregate protected C
- Aggregate stability increases to a maximum level
with - increasing clay content and free Al- and Fe-
oxide content.
2) Macroaggregate structure (gt 250 µm) exerts
minimal amount of physical protection (Pulleman
and Marinissen, 2001)
Microaggregates protect SOM more (Skjemstad et
al. 1996 Six et al. 2000)
Biochemically protected C
C pool stabilized by its inherent or acquired
biochemical resistance to decomposition capacity
seems limited since the mean age is much younger
than the pedogenic age of the soil.
9Unprotected (light fraction) C response to C
inputs Melfort, Sask.
10Four identified pools with saturation properties
Carbon content
Saturation level
Protection level
Biochemically protected
Protective capacity
Microaggregate protected
Silt clay protected
Carbon input
11Model with measurable pools that have
saturation-type behavior
Unprotected Soil C
Unprotected soil C
Litter quality
Physically protected Soil C
Aggregate turnover
Microaggregate associated soil C
Silt- and clay-associated soil C
Chemically protected Soil C
Non-hydrolyzable soil C
12Conclusions I
It seems that inherent soil physical
characteristics define C stabilization
capacity that limits sequestration of C with
increases in C inputs gt at saturation C input
C respiration
Carbon content
input respiration
Saturation level
input ? respiration
Carbon input
13Conclusions II
- The four C pools all follow saturation dynamics
- Physically separable C pools whose responses of
the various pools to different types of
management may be evaluated. - Fractions are protected from decay by varying
degrees and are not well-described by 1st order
decay dynamics. - Soil physical properties define stabilization
cap. - Silt- and clay-associated C is linked directly to
silt and clay content. - Aggregation is related to soil texture and
mediates C stabilization within aggregates - Few soils are saturated
- Maximum C sequestration potential is equal to
stabilization capacity minus current C content
(not native C content!). - Silt- plus clay-C are likely to be saturated
under most conditions - Some soil fractions may be saturated while others
are not differences related to variable
stabilization affinity. - C sequestration rate is related to the saturation
deficit (difference between capacity and content).