Title: Why did Bodhidharma come
1Why did Bodhidharma come from the West
5The quintessence of Zen as embodied in the figure
of Boddhidharma
A special transmission outside the
scriptures, Not founded upon words and
letters By pointing directly to ones mind It
lets one see into ones own true nature and thus
attain Buddhahood.
6Boddhidharmas first meeting with Emperor Wu of
Liang dynasty
The emperor asked, Since ascending to the
throne, I have had temples built, sutras
transcribed, and monks ordained. What merit have
I gained? The master answered No merit at
all. The emperor replied Why no merit at
all? The master said All these are but impure
motive for merit they mature the paltry fruit of
rebirth as a human being or a deva (a god). They
are like shadows that follow the form, having no
reality of their own. The emperor said Then of
what kind is true merit? He answered It is
pure knowing, wonderful and perfect. Its essence
is emptiness. One cannot gain such merit by
wordly means Thereupon the emperor asked What
is the sacred truths first principle? The
master replied Vast empriness, nothing
sacred. The emperor said Who is this who faces
me? The master replied I dont know.
7Statements made by Bodhidharma
A pure wind invites the universe. Where will it
find an end? Nine years had passed the he
(Bodhidharma) now wished to return Westward to
India. He called his disciples and said The
time has Now come. Why doesnt each of your say
what you have attained? Then the disciple Tao-fu
replied As I see it, the truth neither
ad- heres to words or letters, nor is it apart
from them. It functions as the Way. The master
said You have attained my skin. A nun
Tsung-chiih said As I understand it, the truth
is like the aus- Picious glimpse of the Buddha
land of Aksobhya it is seen once, but Not a
second time. The master said You have attained
my flesh.
Tao-yu said The four great elements are
originally empty, the five skandas have no
existence. As I believe, no Dharma can be
grasped. The master said You have attained my
bones. Finally there was Hui-ko. He bowed
respectfully and stood silent. The master said
You have attained my marrow. Bodhidharama sat
in zazen facing the wall. The Second
Patriarch, Who had been standing in the snow, cut
off his arm and said, Your disciples mind is
not yet at peace. I beg you my teacher, Please
give me peace. Bodhidharama said, Bring the
mind to me, and I will set it at rest. The
Second Patriarch said, I have searched for the
mind, and it is finally unattainable.
Bodhidharama said, I have thoroughly set it at
rest for you.
9A Last Conversation between Bodhidharma and his
disciples shortly before he died
The legend reports a last conversation between
Bodhidharma and his disciples shortly before he
died Nice Years had passed and he Bodhidharma
now wished to return west-ward to India. He
called his disciples and said The time has now
come. Why Doesnt each of you say what you have
attained? Then the disciple Tao-fu replied As
I see the truth neither adheres to words or
letters, nor it is apart from them. It function
as the Way. The master said You have
attained my skin. A nun Tsung chih said As I
understand it, the truth is like the auspicious
glimpse of the Buddha land of Aksobhya it is
seen once, but not a second time. The Master
said You have attained my flesh Tao-yu said
The four great elements are originally empty
the five skandhas Have no existence. As I
believe, no Dharma can be grasped. The Master
said You have attained my bones. Finally there
was Hui-ko. He bowed respectfully and stood
silent. The Master said You have attained my
10Bidhidharmas prediction of the future of Zen in
I came to this land originally to transmit the
Dharma And to bring deliverance from error. A
flower opens five petals. The fruit ripens of
11The perfect Way knows no difficultiesExcept that
it refuses to make preference.Only when freed
from Hate and LoveIt reveals itself fully and
without disguise.
Poem attributed to the Fourth Patriarch