Title: The Greenhouse Effect, Who needs It
1The Greenhouse Effect,Who needs It?
2The Greenhouse Effect
- What is it?
- How does it work?
- Is it a bad thing?
- What does it have to do with global change?
3The Greenhouse Effect
- Air inside a greenhouse is warmer than air
outside even though there is no internal heat
source. - Earths surface is warmer than it should be.
- How warm should Earths surface be?
4Earth Without an Atmosphere
- Lets calculate the theoretical temperature of
Earths surface - Conservation of Energy
- First consider
- Conservation of Mass
5Conservation of Mass
In Out Change in Storage
How is change in storage measured?
Change in Storage
6Conservation of Energy
- Energy in Energy out Change in Stored Energy
How is this energy stored?
7Conservation of Mass and Energy
8Conservation of Energy
The ideal Earth/Atmosphere is in radiative
equilibrium with the sun!
9In Energy from the Sun
Gallons per Minute Cubic Feet per Second
Joules per Second Watt
10Energy from the Sun
Energy Flow ??T4
Tsun 10,400 degrees F
Energy Flow 74,000,000
11Energy from the Sun
Energy Flow 74,000,000
Area of Sun 6,000,000,000,000,000,000 m2
12Energy from the Sun
60 Watts
400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Watts 400
Septillion Watts !!!!
13Energy from the Sun
Cross-section Area of Earth 1.27 x 1014 m2
1.75 x 1017 Watts
Total energy in
1.27 x 1014 m2
1430 Reflected
1.75 x 1017 Watts
1.23 x 1017 Watts
15Conservation of Mass and Energy
1.23 x 1017 Watts
1.23 x 1017 Watts
16Temperature of Earth
Tearth 255 K -18 Celcius -0.4 Farhenheit
17Temperature of Earth
Predicted Temperature of Earth -0.4 F
Actual Average Temperature of Earth 63 F
Was our energy balance wrong?
18What is the Greenhouse Effect
19The Greenhouse Effect
- What is it?
- How does it work?
- Is it a bad thing?
- What does it have to do with global change?
20How does the Greenhouse Effect work?
- Everything with a temperature Radiates energy
- Radiant energy travels in waves
- The hotter the source the shorter the wavelength
21Energy Travels in Waves
22Energy Particle Interaction
or reflected
Energy can be absorbed
Response depends on wavelength and particle size
23Greenhouse Gases Interact with Energy
Infrared Energy
Visible Energy
24How Does the Greenhouse Effect Work?
- Shortwave energy passes through atmosphere and
heats surface - Earth radiates longwave energy into atmosphere
- Atmosphere absorbs some longwave energy
- Atmosphere radiates longwave energy back to
surface causing further heating
63.4 F
25The Greenhouse Effect
- What is it?
- How does it work?
- Is it a bad thing?
- What does it have to do with global change?
26What are we worried about?
- Without the Greenhouse Effect the planet would be
27Goldilocks' Effect
60oF /-20oF
-50oF /-130oF
Too Cold Just Right Too Hot
On Mars, the atmosphere is too thin and does not
trap enough heat On Venus, the atmosphere is too
thick and traps too much heat. Interesting,
Mercury which is closer to the sun is cooler!
28Increasing Greenhouse Gases Cause an ENHANCED
29The Big Question
- The global climate is warming
- Greenhouse gases keep Earths surface warm
- Greenhouse gas concentrations are rising and
enhancing the Greenhouse Effect - Are increases in greenhouse gases responsible for
recent warming?
30The Greenhouse Effect
Short Wave Radiation Is Passes Through Atmosphere
Some Long Wave Radiation Is Trapped,
Further Warming the Earth
The Earth Warms
31Short to Longwave Conversion
What comes IN and what goes OUT controlled by
gases in the atmosphere
32Ozone Absorbs Short Wave Radiation Carbon
Dioxide Adsorbs Long Wave Radiation
33Goldilocks' Effect
60oF /-20oF
-50oF /-130oF
Too Cold Just Right Too Hot
On Mars, the atmosphere is too thin and does not
trap enough heat On Venus, the atmosphere is too
thick and traps too much heat. Interesting,
Mercury, which is closer to the sun, is cooler
than Venus!
34What is the Evidence For Global Warming?
35The Keeling Curve CO2 Record on Mauna Loa, Hawaii
36(No Transcript)
37Industrial Revolution
Changes in Many Parameters Exhibit Trends
Consistent with Fossil Fuel Burning as Primary
Cause of Increasing CO2
Isotope Signature
39A Number of Factors Push on the Climate System
40Instrumental Records
- Increase of 0.73 0.2 C (1.3 0.4 F) in the
20th century. - 11 of last 12 years are warmest in last 100 years
Brohan, P. et al., 2006, J. Geophysical Research
41Rate of Warming Is Increasing
Source IPCC 2007 Report
42Warming is Significanton 1000 Year Time Scale
43Climate change over longer timescales Ice Core
44Global Palmer Drought Index Increase In
Frequency of Droughts
Source IPCC 2007 Report