By: Leslie J. Miller - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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By: Leslie J. Miller


To present a discussion of family problems that are responsive to the insights ... of whether the state, given its subservience to the interests of capital ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: By: Leslie J. Miller

Family Problems and Problem Families
  • By Leslie J. Miller

Table of Contents
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Home Page
Problem Families then and Now
Problematizing the Hidden Injustices of Normal
Family Life
  1. Scramble Challenge
  2. Handout Discussion
  3. Feature PowerPoint Presentation
  4. Movie
  5. Wheel of Fortune Game
  6. Discussion Questions

Goal of the Chapter
  • To present a discussion of family problems
    that are responsive to the insights that have
    emerged from two fields of scholarship Feminist
    studies and The Sociology of Deviance and Control

  • Social Constructionists
  • The sociology of deviance tell us that social
    problems are not discovered
  • This means that social conditions do not become
    social problems until some groups make them an
    issue-that is targeting them, labeling them
    deviant, and attempts to put them on the social
  • The Study of Social Problems is the Study of
    that Problematizing Process
  • By conceptualizing it as a process, we recognize
    that social problems is an interaction- often of
    struggle-between the powerful and the powerless
    over those whose ways are the right ways
  • Miller argues that the family problems of this
    century and the last can be understood only
    against the backdrop of the emergence of the
    bourgeois family ideal the patriarchal cult of
    domesticity that had the effect of sanctifying a
    single familial arrangement as the only proper
    and respectable one

Chapter Breakdown
  • Part One
  • Outlines the historical process that produced the
    modern ideal of the domestic family and reviews
    some attempts to enforce it by regulating
    alternative or unfit forms
  • Though efforts to reform the unfit family have
    taken various guises over the last century, the
    image of the normal family is still regularly
    invoked to justify the social control of a whole
    range of more or less discredited alternatives
  • Many feminists have argued that we should abandon
    the labelling of alternative arrangements as
    immoral, evil or unhealthy and except the reality
    of many forms instead of just one
  • Part Two
  • Develops the insights of feminist scholars more
  • One consequence of the rise of the domestic ideal
    was to focus on those families that failed to
    measure up
  • The main point Miller emphasizes in part two is
    that these long hidden aspects of family life
    represent forms of conduct that are currently
    being raised as problems by feminists and many
  • Family realities such as the unrecognized and
    unpaid labour of housewives, the normal
    violence of routine, the structural
    impoverishment of women are presently being
    targeted by various groups wanting to raise their
    visibility and thus societys recognition of them
    as urgent social problems

Problem Families Then and Now
The Rise of the Cult of Domesticity
  • Social historians agreed that over the 18th and
    19th century in Northern Europe, there arose in
    the burgeoning middle class, a cult of
    domesticity that made the new form an object of
  • Until the 18th century, the family existed as a
    political and public body, with little or no
    private character
  • Towards the end of the 18th Century, the
    domestic or intimate modern form of the
    family emerged and became the normal standard of

Pre-modern Family
  • Was the problem, which was seen as a parasitic
    institutional form, whose members were thought to
    be making an insufficient contribution to the
    welfare of society p. 135
  • This family was large and diverse, including
    household encompassing servants and kin etc.
  • Most of the states reform policies were not
    intended to replace the family but to improve it
  • Example The Baby Bonus

The Baby Bonus
  • Began as a state payment to any mother who was
    willing to raise illegitimate children in her own
    family, became a mechanism which allowed the
    state to oversee the physical and moral hygiene
    of the bourgeoisie and later the poor, family by
    measuring it against the standard of the new
    ideal p.135
  • The Ethos of Domesticity had its origin in
    European societies, where privilege accorded to
    the new ideal, that worked to produce a moral
    distinction between the respectable middle-class
    family and the work-class family, who were seen
    as deficient and a threat to the public order

Rearing the Vulnerability of the Child
  • The modern or domestic family is described as
    child centred
  • This family understands childhood as a distinct
    social category defined by innocence and
    vulnerability, in comparison to the past, where
    there was a tendency to ignore childhood
  • The new understanding meant that the child and
    society must be segregated, as the child was seen
    to be vulnerable to societys corrupting
  • This is linked to parenthood, whereby the fit
    parent would segregate their child from the world
    of adults (meaning men) who were bad influences

  • Failure to meet this criterion would produce an
    unruly child, a delinquent youth and a criminal
  • Thus, the unfit family, which was essentially the
    unfit mother, was labelled a social problem
  • Above all, the slum and immigrant families,
    alternative family forms (divorced, blended,
    gay/lesbian and lone parent families, as well as
    the employed mother) were all defined as
    inadequate environments to raise a child p.136

Policing the Unfit Family
  • The Slum Family
  • During the years of rapid immigration between
    1860 and the First World War, critics reserved
    the greatest concern for the urban slum families,
    where the threat to the child was considered the
  • Middle-Class definition of a slum family focused
    on the Idle Youth who were marginally employed
    as bootblacks and newsboys, neither going to
    school or work, just roaming the streets p. 137
  • Solutions to this would become the problem of
    juvenile delinquency, and included some things
    as training schools or orphanages, that were seen
    to install the child into a better home
  • During the last half of the 19th Century,
    childrens wages provided an important part of
    family income
  • In comparison with the modern family, good
    parenting came to imply the complete segregation
    of the child from the adult world of paid labour
  • There was a general belief that working-class
    girls should be at home, rather then at dance
    halls or theatres, for example

Excursus The Tyranny of the Experts
  • Prior to the rise of the modern state, the local
    community and church were the major agents of
    social control
  • Mechanisms of control were local and informal,
    and included noisy public demonstrations called
    shivarees which were designed to humiliate the
    wrongdoer into right conduct p.138
  • The rise of the modern state signalled the
    weakening of community authority and the social
    control of the family became more standardized
    and formal
  • The problem of slum families became in its
    entirety the property of the new (male)
    child-care professionals

The Dionne Sisters
  • Elzire and Olivia Dionne raised several children
    under the rural French-Catholic tradition, until
    the birth of their 5 daughters in 1934
  • They had met the requirements for exemplary
    parenthood according to their faith and culture
    (all 5 children were nourished and housed without
    public assistance)
  • The Dionne's did not have indoor plumbing or
    electricity at their farmhouse and were
    considered to have lost traditional authority
    after the birth of their 5 daughters
  • The girls were later surrender to the state,
    raised in a hospital, in a scientific environment
    under the supervision of Dr. William Blatz,
  • This is an example of state efforts to enforce
    the ideal of the bourgeois domesticity by
    influencing child-rearing practices
  • These sisters have paid for the uninvited
    scientific and popular celebrity of their early
    lives early lives with adulthoods marked by
    suicide, poverty and depression
  • First Nations families have also experienced a
    history the apprehension of their children, as
    many were considered unfit parents
  • Overall, such unilateral acts of state
    intervention continue almost always to be
    directed to societies most marginalized

The Employed Mother
The Employed Mother
  • The Ethos of Domesticity entails a figure of the
    vulnerable child together with the mother who is
    expected to make the child her first concern,
    above herself
  • The problem with working mothers is that she
    should be minding her children, instead of going
    out and working, which became a concern with the
    ethos of domesticity, whereby the role of the
    mother should become the central mission in a
    womans life
  • The working mother became a focus of anxiety, as
    recent debates in connection with the push for
    more daycare
  • Today, mothers themselves continue to show
    considerable ambivalence about the
    appropriateness of their own paid work they,
    work, or plan to while insist that their proper
    place is at home, at least while the children
    are young p.143
  • For those women who work in the labour force,
    mothering is considered their first commitment or
    primary real work

The New Problem The Lesbian Family
  • Perhaps the most obvious challenges to the
    bourgeoisie ideal of the heterosexual, male
    dominated family are the conjugal families of the
    1960s and the alternative family forms of the
    1980s and 1990s, including gay and lesbian, as
    well as single headed families
  • Arnups study of 5 courts cases dealing with
    Lesbian custody before 1984, showed that court
    decisions neither repressed nor tolerated lesbian
    families as such, but distinguished between the
    good and bad lesbian families p.145
  • This study showed the states role in controlling
    at least this alternative family form, as well as
    the goal of the states efforts
  • The state is not concerned with lesbian families
    per se, but with the way such families represent
    themselves publicly with regard to the domestic
  • In court cases, the determining factor in a
    judges decision is not what the mothers sexual
    orientation is, but rather what she does with it

Problematizing the Hidden Injustices of Normal
Family Life
  • The Feminization of Poverty Women face higher
    risks of poverty than men, which is considered a
    significant long-term trend
  • WHY?
  • Because those women who remained housewives all
    their adult years have been disadvantaged
    materially by their total economic dependence on
    their husband, whose support might suddenly
    disappear through divorce, desertion or death p.
  • The jobs for which women are hired are overall
    the worst they offer the lowest pay and the
    fewest benefits (gender segregation of the labour
  • Cultural assumptions about the nature of
    femininity also play a crucial role both in the
    causes of womens poverty and in its invisibility
    as a social problem

Family Violence
The Problem of Family Violence
  • Family violence is now seen as violence of
    several different kinds- against women, children,
    the old, and amongst children (siblings)
  • Greater visibility is currently attached to the
    abuse of women and children than to sibling abuse
    and the abuse of older family members
  • Domestic violence is sometimes woman-to-man, but
    more often women and children are the victims
  • A recent Canadian survey indicated that 29 of
    women have experience violence at the hands of
    their current or previous marital partner p. 150
  • Sociologist of the family warn that parental
    homicide is the most common killer of children,
    parents continue to fear the maniac in the
    schoolyard for example
  • Some violent acts are also normalized and
    reinterpreted as acceptable (Ex. fights between

Social Control
  • According to Miller, when we reassign severe or
    deviant violence to others, we evade the
    recognition that our intimates can also do us
    harm p. 152
  • Despite attempts to demonstrate, scientifically
    that violence is distributed throughout the ambit
    of human experience, the violent person who is
    also an intimate is not yet culturally defined as
    a category of deviant
  • The tendency to medicalize family violence by
    attributing it to physical or mental illness
    worsens the problem, by blinding us to the
    cultural roots of the way we understand the
    family and the violence within it p. 152

  • The increase attention paid to social control and
    its historical evolution has led to a
    re-evaluation of the linkage between family and
  • Feminist scholars have come to recognize that the
    various ways in which the state attempts to
    suppress or improve problem families has gone
    against the interests of women
  • According to Leslie Miller, state enforcement of
    the domestic family often entails direct or
    indirect repression of other workable
    arrangements, such as women working outside the
  • On the other hand, however, many feminists
    recognize that women today welcome state
    intervention into their homelives
  • This chapter raises the question of whether the
    state, given its subservience to the interests of
    capital (patriarchy) can be expected to act
    against those interests by taking the side of
    women in the family
  • At the present time, family theorists have begun
    to see the state as an environment within which
    family members are seen to be the agents of their
    own lives

Discussion Questions
  • 1) State intervention continues to almost always
    be directed towards societys most marginalized
    communities, and are conducted in a way that
    often provokes humiliation, confusion and often
    violence. How does the treatment of lower-class
    families differ in comparison to upper-class
    families, with respect to state intervention and
  • 2) Family violence is presently seen as violence
    of different kinds, including violence against
    children, women, the elderly and amongst
    children(siblings). Why do you feel that victims
    of domestic violence, in particular women and
    children, are reluctant to pursue justification
    when the abuser is a family member, and not when
    the abuser is a stranger?
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