Church History Part IX 080506 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Church History Part IX 080506


Why should / shouldn't the church assume secular power & authority? ... Deification of humanity through Jesus. Ineffable essence of God beyond all comprehension ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Church History Part IX 080506

Church History Part IX08/05/06
  • What does Eastern Orthodoxy have to do with EP?
  • Which is the lesser of two evils? Eastern
    Orthodoxy or Roman Catholicism
  • Why should / shouldnt the church assume secular
    power authority?
  • What do Radbertus Ratramnus have to offer us
  • When is it biblical to sever fellowship from
    another body of believers?

Why does the iconoclastic controversy matter?
  • Because it deals with the broader issue of media
    in worship
  • where do YOU draw the line? Why? Why not?
  • Because one side accuses the other of sin, and we
    have an obligation to help those who are living
    in sin
  • Because new issues are quite old

Why else does the iconoclastic controversy
matter? Because it brought East West tensions to
a new height
  • Anti-Icon Emperor Constantine V called an
    Ecumenical council which met from February
    10th, 754 to August 8th.
  • 338 Bishops attended the Council despite noted
    absences from Constantinople, Rome, and the
    Patriarchs of Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem.
  • Empress Irene ascended to the throne and sought
    to mend the gap between East and West (and church
    state in the east) by calling a council to
    restore icons
  • An armed militia of Imperial iconoclasts stormed
    the council and violence was avoided when someone
    shouted we won and everybody left.
  • Irene send out invites to the 7th, and final,
    ecumenical council aka Nicea II, which began at
    the Hagia Sophia in Constantinople, 787.
  • 7 Sessions, Sept. Oct.
  • Endorsed John of Damascus arguments, overturned
    Constantine Vs council, declared anyone cursed
    who does not endorse icons.
  • Appealed to Gen. 3134 Ex. 3517 Num. 78-9
    Heb. 91

Result? Eastern Orthodoxy Won the Day
  • John of Damascus Contribution?
  • Veneration of icons a permanent fixture in EO
  • Re-emphasized key principles common to EO
  • Saving incarnation
  • Deification of humanity through Jesus
  • Ineffable essence of God beyond all comprehension
  • Centrality of worship to all EO theology
  • So how did EO spread?
  • Before the iconoclastic controversy, through the
    Emperors like Justinian who composed liturgies
    and administered the Lords Supper
  • After the iconoclastic controversy, primarily
    through civil leaders and monks

Spread of EO
  • Patriarchs of Constantinople encourages missions
    next door in Moravia, Russia, the Balkans
  • When church and state are one, wherever the
    Empire expands, so does the church!
  • Pre-Wycliffe translation efforts!
  • Vladimir (988) in Kiev
  • Sava, King of Serbia (1200s) Simeon the
  • Spread to Moscow through monasteries
    spiritually minded princes and kings
  • Icons were huge! Our Lady Vladimir
  • 1453 Turks take Constantinople, so the EO
    influenced Russia tries to rebuild the Empire
  • Ivan 4th calls himself Czar
  • Holy Mother Russia is to Eastern Orthodoxy as
    Manifest Destiny is to Christianity

Why does the spread of EO matter?
Meanwhile, the Western Church was gaining power
through mutual back scratching
  • The Pope was forging deals with the Carolingians
    in France to protect its missionary endeavors
    inside their territory
  • Charlemagne (742-814) takes over
  • Conquers a huge portion of Europe,like Roman
    Empire size!
  • Mass Conversions to Christianity!
  • Donates the Papal states
  • Christmas Day, 800, crowned King by Pope Leo III
  • Who has authority over who? And who has the power
    to give authority to whom?
  • Results?
  • Secularization of the church is its spiritual
    death knell. (Fulda owned 15,000 villas!)
  • In 1870 this power was finally reduced to Vatican
    City alone

Europe Emerges The Eastern Empire Dwindles
Meanwhile, Augustine continued to ignite
pre-Reformation reformational debates
  • The Lords Supper was being debated at Corbei
  • Radbertus (790-865)
  • Wrote Concerning the Body and Blood of our Lord
  • Argued that a miracle takes place, the substance
    of the bread wine is transformed into the
    actual historical body and blood of the Lord
  • Hence, the Lords Supper is a very real sacrifice
  • Appealed to Augustine
  • Ratramnus (? -868)
  • Argued that the Lords Supper was more of a
    spiritual communion with the spiritual
    presence of Christ
  • Appealed Hebrews 727 He has no need, like
    those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily,
    first for his own sins and then for those of the
    people, since he did this once for all when he
    offered up himself Hebrews 925-26 Nor was it
    to offer himself repeatedly, as the high priest
    enters the holy places every year with blood not
    his own, 26 for then he would have had to suffer
    repeatedly since the foundation of the world. But
    as it is, he has appeared once for all at the end
    of the ages to put away sin by the sacrifice of

Why does it matter?
  • Because were taking it today!
  • 4 Views in Church History
  • Radbertus Roman Catholicism
  • Magical transubstantiation view
  • Ratramnus Calvins view
  • spiritual presence
  • Luthers View
  • in, with, and under consubstantiation
  • Zwinglis View
  • Memorial
  • So what can we say for sure?
  • Memorial Do this in remembrance of me." 1 Cor.
  • Blessing The cup of blessing which we bless,
  • Communion is it not the communion of the blood
    of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not
    the communion of the body of Christ? 1 Cor.
  • Proclamation For as often as you eat this bread
    and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's
  • Anticipation until he comes. 1 Cor. 1126

pre-Reformation reformational debates part II
  • Predestination
  • What was embarrassing about Augustine on the
    real presence of the Lords Supper was his
    vagueness. What was embarrassing about him on
    predestination was his clarity. Jaroslav
  • Gottschalk (803-868) _at_ Fulda
  • Taught total depravity, the bondage of the will
  • Taught limited atonement, that Christ only died
    for the elect
  • Defended predestination against the charge of
  • Appealed to Rom 9-11
  • Hincmar (806-882) _at_ Rheims
  • The will is weak, but not broken
  • Distinguished between foreknowledge and
    predestination to argue against predestination

The two swords the churchs downward spiral
  • Example Pope Nicholas I (858-867)
  • Photius Controversy (meddling with the Eastern
  • Lothair II (meddling with the Western State)
  • Hincmar (meddling with the Western Church)
  • Proof that an increase in secular authority is a
    decline in spiritual authority
  • 897-955 Papal Pornocracy
  • Number of Popes
  • Titles given
  • John 23rd
  • By 1000, the Papacy was bought and sold,
    assassinations were common

Next few weeks
  • A king barefoot in the snow begging the Popes
  • Christian jihad!
  • Theology becomes enthroned amongst academics
  • The Renaissance gives birth to Reformation!
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