Title: NURR 101 Nutrition Instructor: Debra Annest
1NURR 101 NutritionInstructor Debra Annest
- A state of complete physical, mental, and social
well-being and not merely the absence of disease
and infirmity. - World Health Organization
3Wellness and Nutrition
- Physical
- Intellectual
- Emotional
- Social
- Spiritual
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- The study of nutrients in foods and in the body
and human behaviors related to food.
- Medically, any substance that the body can take
in and assimilate that will enable it to stay
alive and to grow - The carrier of nourishment.
7The Human Body and Food
- Nutrients in Foods
- Food More than just Nutrients
- Non-nutrients in foods
- Cultural-Social Meanings Attached to Food
- Food as Nourishment
- Food plays an important part in
- health and Disease Prevention
8The Nutrients in Foods
- Proteins
- Carbohydrates
- Lipids
- Water
- Vitamins
- Minerals
9Food More Than Just Nutrients
- Food conveys emotional satisfaction
- Food also is involved with hormonal and chemical
stimuli - Other known/unknown disease prevention
properties (phytochemicals)
Give me all your chocolate and no one will get
10Non-nutrients in Foods
11Cultural and Social Meanings
12Food as Nourishment
- Nutrients in food support growth, maintenance,
and repair of the body - Deficiencies, excesses, and imbalances of
nutrients bring on diseases of malnutrition
13Nutrition and Disease Prevention
- Food Choices Influence Health Status
14Standards DRIsDietary Reference Intakes
- RDA Recommended Daily Allowance
- AI Adequate Intake
- UL Tolerable Upper Intake Level
- EAR Estimated Average Requirement
15Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI)
- Daily nutrient intake recommendations based on
age and gender. - DRIs updated periodically in stages
- Apply to average intake over several days, not
just one day or one meal.
16RDA Recommended Daily Allowance
- Recommended nutrient levels to meet needs of
almost all healthy people.
17AI Adequate Intake
- Similar to RDA but used when there is not quite
enough evidence to establish a firm RDA
18UL Tolerable Upper Intake Level
- The level of intake that should not be exceeded
to prevent adverse health risks.
19EAR Estimated Average Requirement
- Amount of nutrient needed to meet the basic
requirements of half the individuals in a
specific group. - EARs are basis of setting the RDAs
20 Essential Nutrients
- Carbohydrates 4 cal/g
- Fats 9 cal/g
- Proteins 4 cal/g
- Water
- Vitamins
- Minerals
21Principles of a Nutritious Diet
- Adequacy
- Balance
- Calorie Control
- Density (Nutrient)
- Moderation
- Variety
22Tools and Guidelineshttp//www.health.gov/dietar
- Guidelines 2005
- Food Labels (Daily Values)
- Food Guide Pyramid (MyPyramid)
- Exchange Lists
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