2Table 1. Major elements, their sources and
functions in bacterial cells.
3Table 2. Major nutritional types of prokaryotes
Cyanobacteria, Plants
- Almost all eukaryotes are either photoautotrophic
(e.g. plants and algae) or chemoheterotrophic
(e.g. animals, protozoa, fungi). - Lithotrophy is unique to prokaryotes and
photoheterotrophy, common in the Purple and Green
Bacteria, occurs only in a very few eukaryotic
algae. - Phototrophy has not been found in the Archaea,
except for nonphotosynthetic light-driven ATP
synthesis in the extreme halophiles.
4Table 3. Common vitamins required in the
nutrition of certain bacteria.
5Table 4a. Minimal medium for the growth of
Bacteria. An example of a chemically-defined
medium for growth of a heterotrophic bacterium.
Table 4b. Defined medium (also an enrichment
medium) for the growth of Thiobacillus
thiooxidans, a chemoautotrophic bacterium.
6Table 5a. Complex medium for the growth of
fastidious bacteria.
Table 5b. Selective enrichment medium for growth
of extreme halophiles.