Title: Lab 6
1Lab 6 Atms 4320 / 7320
- On the use of isentropic maps in weather analysis
and forecasting I.
2Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- Concept of Isentropic Analysis and interpretation
I. SLU method. Well examine this week, and
next week well look at SUNYA method. - Supplementary reading Market et al. (2000) NWD
Dec. pp. 31 37. - It has become commonplace to examine the
atmosphere in x,y,q coordinates.
3Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- If atmosphere is hydrostatic and adiabatic, then
as we said in Atms 4310 / 7310 potential
temperature is a conserved quantity. - If so, then parcels will follow lines of constant
q, or we must consider those parcels to be tied
to that surface!
4Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- Thus, we can
- 1) examine the motions of that surface with time
to infer vertical motions, and - 2) examine the wind fields and infer upglide
and downglide of air parcels.
5Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- This is the elevator escalator concept of
looking at atmospheric motions. Recall, we stated
that vertical motions are important to examine in
synoptics. They are part of the secondary
atmospheric circulations.
6Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- Lets start with w, which is vertical motion in
x,y,p coords. - Ok, in x,y,q coords we express as (well see this
later when we talk of coord transformations).
7Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
8Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- Thus, vertical motions are the result of
- Term 1 The change in the location of a pressure
surface. - Term 2 The isentropic upglide or advection of
P on q. - pressure advection ? w
9Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- Term 3 Diabatic Heating (product of Stability
and diabatic heating, static stab modulates)
10Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- It had been assumed that terms 1 and 3 cancelled,
however, we can show very easily that this is not
so - Start with Continuity in x,y, q.
11Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- Integrate from q level 1 to q level 2.
12Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- Aha, now rearrange and look at new LHS
13Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- Then insert into our initial equation and
- Viola!
14Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- If we choose level 1 to be our level of interest
and level 2 to be above level 1, then the
pressure tendency of the above surface will
reflect diab. Heating.
15Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- Thus, term 1 cannot completely cancel term 3. Can
show the same thing by choosing level 1 to be
below you and level 2 to be your level of
interest. Then bottom surface will reflect diab.
Heating. Typically, though we want to see
integrated diabatic heating throughout
16Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- The equation
- So there is also that pesky integrated
stability flux term.
17Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- How to get term 1 Qualitatively?
- Simply examine two maps of pressure on a theta
surface and infer the change.
18Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- How to get term 2 Qualitatively?
- How do you get temperature advection
19Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- Term 3 can calculate as well, or infer.
- Recall for heating
- Cooling
20Lab 6 - On the use of isentropic maps in weather
analysis and forecasting I.
- The end!
- Assignment time!