Chapter 1 Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 1 Introduction


1-1 The trend of heat dissipation in electronics ... Small temperature difference between heat sink and the operation temperature of the device. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 1 Introduction

Chapter 1 Introduction
  • In this introductory chapter, we will
  • (1) The importance of thermal management
  • (2) The principle of conservation of energy
  • (3) A brief review of the heat transfer

1. The importance of thermal management in
1-1 The trend of heat dissipation in electronics
The heat generation rate by a microprocessor
is proportional to clock frequency f, chip size
A, number of metal layers L, the density of
transistors per unit area, n, and the square
operating voltage V. It can be expressed as
Power (P) ? f x A ? n x L ? V2 It is
reported by International Technology Roadmap for
Semiconductor (ITRS) the on-chip clock frequency
and the transistor density will increases
exponentially over the next decade. The power
supply voltage will decrease continually, its
decrease is not sufficient enough to compensate
for the increase in power generation due to the
increase in transistor density and the on-chip
clock frequency. As predicted by ITRS, chip
power generation will continue to increase over
the next decade, as shown in figure 1.
Figure 1 the trend of chip power dissipation rate
1-2 The difficulties in handling thermal
management in electronic
  • High power dissipation rate in a small area
  • Small temperature difference between heat sink
    and the operation temperature of the device. The
    maximum operation temperature of the devices is
    limited, usually between 80 to 120oC
  • The heat dissipation rate is described
  • A surface area of the device
  • h heat transfer coefficient
  • ?T The difference between
    junction and ambient temperatures
  • For the problem of heat dissipation in
    electronics, both ?T and A are small. If the heat
    dissipation rate is large, it requires a very
    large heat transfer coefficient. Its value has
    already exceeded the maximum limits of some of
    the convectional cooling techniques.

  • 1-3 The importance of thermal design in
  • If the heat generated by semiconductor is not
    removed, its
  • temperature will go up
  • If the temperature is too high, the device
    may fail. The failure
  • rate will increase with the increasing of
    operation temperature.
  • There are several types of failures due to
    high operation
  • temperature, such as crosstalk noise
    between the cells and
  • interconnects and mechanical failures.
  • The mechanical failure is due the difference
    of thermal expansion
  • coefficients between the bonded materials,
    such as the die and
  • substrate bond failure and cracking, etc.
  • Therefore, thermal design is an integral part
    of the whole
  • electrical system design.

2 The principle of conservation
of energy
  • 2-1 Heat and unit of heat
  • Heat is a form of energy. In SI units, the
    unit of heat is joule, J (J Nm). In
  • some cases, other units, specifically, the
    calorie (cal) and the British
  • thermal units (Btu) are still in use today.
    They are related to Joule by
  • 1 cal 4.186J heat required to raise 1
    gram of water by 1C at 14.5C
  • 1 Btu 1,055.056J 1.055056kJ heat
    required to raise 1lbm of water By
  • 1oF at 60oF
  • 2-2 Heat transfer rate and heat flux
  • Q The amount of heat transfer to an
    object during a period of time, (J)
  • q The amount of heat transfer of unit
    mass of the substance, (J/kg)
  • The heat transfer rate or the amount
    of heat transfer per unit time
  • (J/s W). It relates to total heat
    transfer by

  • (W J/s)
  • Heat flux or heat transfer rate per unit
    surface area (W/m2 or W/cm2),

  • 2.3 Similarity of heat flow rate and other forms
    of flow rate equations
  • Heat flow from a hot object (say, a electronic
    component) to its environment, must exist a
    temperature difference between them. There exists
    an analogue relationship among the flow of heat,
    the flow of electrical current and the flow of
  • The flow rate of heat, electrical current, and
    fluid from one point to another is equal to the
    ratio of potential difference between the two
    points in the system to the flow resistance
    between the two points. If there exists no
    potential difference, there is no flow. The
    general flow rate equations of heat, electrical
    current and fluid are
  • Rate of heat flow (W)
  • Rate of electric current flow (Amp)
  • Rate of fluid flow ( )
  • where Rh, Ri, Rf are the flow resistance of
    heat, electric current and flow of fluid,

2.4 Specific heat and internal energy
  • The heat required to change the temperature of
    unit mass of the substance by
  • one degree is called specific heat. Its value
    depends on the substance and the
  • process of the temperature change
  • Constant volume specific heat (cv, J/kg.K)
  • cv is defined as the amount of heat required
    to change the temperature of unit mass (1 kg) of
    a substance by one degree as the volume of the
    substance is held constant. For a temperature
    change of ?T degree, the heat required is
  • q ?u cv ?T,
  • Under such condition, the total heat
    supplied is used to change the internal energy of
    the substance, ?u. The internal energy is the
    total microscopic mode of energies of all the
    molecules of the substance, which is proportional
    to the temperature. The total change of internal
    energy of mass m kilogram is,
  • Q ?U mcv ?T, (J)
  • Constant pressure specific heat (cp , J/kg.K)
  • cp is defined as the heat required to change
    the temperature of unit mass of the substance by
    one degree as the pressure is held constant. In
    this case, part of the heat supplied is used to
    change the temperature or the internal energy of
    the substance and the rest is used to perform
    some works. The combination of the two parts is
    also called the change in enthalpy ?h.
  • q ?h cp ?T
    cv ?T p ?v, (J/kg)

  • q ?h cp ?T cv ?T p ?v,
    (J/kg) w

  • A

  • W is the weight on top of the piston and A
    is the piston area.
  • The total change in enthalpy of a substance
    with a mass of m (kg) is ?H.
  • Q ?H mcp ?T
  • For solid or liquid, cp cv

  • For ideal gas, p v RT ?p?v R?T
  • cp ?T cv ?T p
    ?v cv ?T R ?T
  • cp cv R
  • where R is gas constant. For air, R

2.4 General equations of conservation of
  • The principle of conservation of energy is
  • In any process, the rate of total energy
    entering a system, less the
  • rate of total energy leaving the system, is
    equal to the rate of change of energy within the
    system. Mathematically

  • (J/s W )
  • An alternative form can be obtained by
    integrating the above equation over a time
    interval ?t.
  • In any process during a time interval ?T,
    the total energy entering a system, less the
    total energy leaving the system, is equal to the
    change of energy within the system
  • Ei Eo ?Esys

2.5 Energy
balance for a closed system
  • A closed system consists of a fixed mass there
    is no mass flow across the boundary of the
    system. Electrical components, such as resistor,
    can be considered as closed system.
  • The only inflow and outflow of energies are due
    to heat transfer process across the boundary of
    the system and it may have energy generation
    within the system, for example, resistance
  • Neglecting the change in other types of energies,
    such as the kinetic and potential energies, the
    thermal energy balance equation, in the rate from
  • the net rate of heat input to the system is
    equal to the rate of change of internal energy of
    the system.
  • Over a time interval (?t), the thermal energy
    balance equation is
  • Under steady-state condition,

Example 1-1 Heating of a circular resistor
  • To turn on a circular resistor of diameter 1cm
    and length 2cm from temperature 10oC to 70oC in
    30 sec. The density and specific heat of the
    resistor are 1000kg/m3 and 500J/kg.K,
    respectively. Assume there is no heat loss form
    the external surface of the resistor.
  • Find a. the total heat supplied, J
  • b. the heating rate, J/s W
  • Solutions

Energy balance for an open

  • In open system, both mass and heat may flow in
    and out from the boundary of the system. In
    steady state condition, the rate of mass flow or
    the rate of energy flow to the system must be
    equal to these flow out from the system.
  • The over-head projector and computers with
    air cooling are typical examples of open systems,
    because there are cooling fluids that flows
    through these devices
  • The term steady, means that there is no
    physical quantity that changes with time at any
    position in the system. However, physical
    quantities, such as pressure, temperature, and
    flow velocity may change from one point to
    another. The opposite of steady is unsteady or
  • The mass flow rate, in a duct of cross-sectional
    area, A, can be calculated
  • by

  • The volume flow rate
  • The flow of fluids involves pressure
    loss. But, relatively, the change of the absolute
    pressure between inlet and outlet ports is very
    small in the applications of cooling electronic
    systems.Therefore it may considered as a constant
    pressure process.
  • In a steady state, the energy balance equation,
    on the rate basis
  • It indicates that the net heat input to
    a steady flow system is converted to the rate of
    increase in enthalpy of the fluid.
  • Note
  • 1. mass flow rate in a steady flow
    system is constant
  • 2. volumetric flow rate may change from
    one point to another.

Example 2- Cooling a electrical system
  • An electronic system contains 10 printed circuit
    boards each dissipates 30W. A 20W
  • fan is installed at the inlet port to draw air
    into the system to cool the boards. The total
  • heat loss through the casing of the system is
    40W. The air pressure at both ports is
  • approximately 1bar ?105Pa. The constant specific
    heat of air is 1000J/kgoC. If the
  • inlet and outlet air temperatures are,
    respectively, 30oC and 40oC, what is the air flow
  • rate in kg/s? The diameter of the inlet port is
    equal to 10cm, what is the inlet air
  • velocity? The diameter outlet port is also equal
    to 10cm, what is the outlet air velocity?
  • Assumption Steady state operation and air
    behaves as ideal gas.
  • To calculate outlet air velocity

3. Heat transfer mechanism
  • Heat transfer is energy in transit due to there
    exists a temperature gradient. If there exists no
    temperature gradient, there is no heat flow.
  • Three modes of heat transfer, conduction,
    convection, and radiation.
  • 3-1 Conduction
  • For a one-dimensional heat conduction
    through a plane wall, the rate of heat flow is
    proportional to the surface area, A, the
    temperature difference across the plane wall, and
    inversely proportional to the thickness of the
  • The proportional constant ,k, is called thermal
    conductivity of the material of
  • the wall. Physically, it means that the heat
    transfer rate across a plate of area
  • 1m2 and thickness 1m and under 1 degree
    temperature difference across the
  • two sides of the wall. It is a material

3-1 Conduction
  • The thermal conductivity of the substance has the
    unit of W/moC, or W/mK.
  • It depends on the material and the temperature.
    The minus sign is a
  • consequence of the fact that heat flow is in the
    direction of decreasing
  • Temperature, or in the direction of negative
    temperature gradient.
  • The thermal conductivity of some common
    substances at room temperature are
  • Substance Thermal conductivity,
    W/mK (25oC)
  • Diamond 2300
  • Copper 401
  • Gold
  • Aluminum 237
  • Silicon 148
  • Epoxy-glass 0.26
  • Water 0.613
  • Helium 0.152
  • Air

3-2 Convection Heat
  • It is comprised of two mechanisms
  • Conduction heat transfer due to random molecular
    motion of the fluid.
  • Bulk or macroscopic motion of the fluid.
  • It can be represented by the convection heat
    transfer coefficient, h (W/m2K), the difference
    between the the surface temperature and the bulk
    fluid temperature, ?T (K or oC), and the wetted
    surface area, A (m2), or
  • Physically, the convection heat
    transfer coefficient means that the heat transfer
    rate of wetted surface area 1m2 and under 1
    degree temperature difference between the the
    surface temperature that at the ambient, T8.
  • Natural forced convections
  • (1) Natural or free convection the
    current of the bulk motion is induced
  • by buoyancy force, which arises
    from the density gradient of the fluid
  • in the presence of gravitational
  • (2) Forced convection the current is
    caused by external means, such as
  • by fan, pump, and others, such as
    the natural wind

3-2 Convection
  • Typical values of convection heat transfer
    coefficient are listed in below
  • Type of Convection
    h( W/m2K )
  • Free convection of gases
  • Free convection of liquids
  • Forced convection of gases
  • Forced convection of liquids
  • Boiling and condensation

3-3 Radiation
  • The energy of radiation is transported by
    electromagnetic wave.
  • Radiation does not require the presence of
    material medium in between the two surfaces
  • The rate of radiation energy released per unit
    area (W/m2) is termed as the surface emissive
    power, E.
  • There is an upper limit of the surface emissive
    power from ideal radiator or blackbody. It is
    prescribed by Stefan-Boltzmann law
  • Ts is the absolute temperature (K) of the surface
    and s is called as the Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
    It is equal to
  • s 5.67x10-8 (W/m2K4)

3-3 Radiation
  • The heat flux emitted by a real surface is less
    than that of a blackbody at the same temperature
    is given by
  • is termed emissivity of the surface. It
    provides a measure of how efficiently a
    surface emits energy relative to a blackbody. It
    is a positive value less than unity.
  • A special case that occurs frequently involves
    radiation exchange between a small object at
    temperature Ts and a large surroundings at
    temperature Tsurr. The radiation heat exchange
    between the two is
  • where A and are the surface area and
    emissivity of the small object.
  • For two black parallel plates with very small gap
    between them. The radiation heat transfer rate
    from the higher temperature plate to the lower
    temperature plate is

Example 1-11 Heat transfer between two isothermal
  • Two parallel boards of dimension 50cm x 50cm and
    temperatures of T1200K
  • and T2300K,respectively. The distance between
    them is 2mm. The two surfaces
  • are black surfaces (e 1.0). What are the rate
    of heat transfer between the two
  • boards assuming the gap between the two board is
    (a) filled with air at pressure 1
  • atmosphere and (b) vacuum.
  • Solution (a) the average temperature is 250K,
    the air thermal
  • conductivity is 0.0219W/mK
  • Conduction heat transfer rate through the air
    layer is
  • Radiation heat transfer between the two boards
    with small
  • distance apart is
  • The total heat transfer rate is 273.7592265.75W
  • (b) In vacuum there is not conduction heat
    transfer. The total heat transfer rate is 92W

  • The following pages will not be taught

Example 1-2 heat loss from heating duct in
  • Given L 5m, Ac 20cm x 25cm, Pi 100kPa, Ti
    60oC, Vi 5m/s, To54oC
  • Find rate of heat loss from the surface of the
  • Assumptions
  • - Steady state operation
  • - Air behaves as ideal gas
  • The solution
  • - The average air temperature
  • - The properties of air, form Table
  • Cp 1007J/kgK
  • - The mass flow rate
  • Radiation heat transfer across the air
  • The total rate of heat transfer is 588W

A long circular resistor has a diameter 2mm
generates 2W per meter long. The ambient fluid
temperature is 20oC the convection heat
transfer coefficient is 100W/m2K. What is the
surface temperature of the resistor?

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