Title: Cerenkov Calorimeter Studies for NLC
1Cerenkov Calorimeter Studies for NLC
Oleksiy Atramentov
2NLC requirements on performance
- The NLC design luminosity places rather tight
constraints on the performance of NLC detectors
bunch-to-bunch time interval of 1.4ns suggests
almost speed-of-light response
large background of low energy e,? suggests a
detector with a 10-20 MeV energy threshold
large IR radiation dose will radioactivate the
detector mass, suggesting an energy threshold
above 8 MeV
GRad will damage detector components, requiring
radiation-hard detector
3Cerenkov light is produced by EM shower charged
particles that pass gas gaps in absorbing
10 GeV EM shower in Pb absorber with 2mm
reflective gas conduits
4Gas Cerenkov calorimeter satisfies these
- The Cerenkov photon signal exits the calorimeter
volume at the velocity of light
- Gas has index of refraction n 1?, (? ?10-3),
therefore energy threshold for electrons is high
- Decay products from radioactivation of the
calorimeter mass are below Eth and therefore
- A calorimeter made wholly of gas and metal cannot
be damaged by any dose of radiation.
5Lasagna (accordion) geometry
6Cylindrical Lasagna geometry
7Honeycomb geometry
8Honeycomb geometry
Side view
9Simulation I reflectivity
Change of reflectivity from 100 to 90 reduces
of photons by a factor of two, resolution
decreases due to depth fluctuation.
Therefore it is important to have reflectivity as
close as possible to 100
Rohit Nambyar
10Optical Surfaces
Not only do we need reflectivity 100 but also
area should be large.
It is a notoriously difficult problem.
However high reflectivity (gt95) can be achieved
with a very smooth surfaces coated with Al.
11Optical Surfaces
- Technique for obtaining optical quality of the
metallic surfaces is well underway polishing
machine is built surface roughness 30nm
reflectivity measurements at grazing angles down
to 200nm is coming (being fine tuned). -
commercial glassAlMgF mirror (100/inch2)
Polished stainless steel shim (Ukraine).
12Simulation II choice of gas
We would like to have gas with the highest
possible n.
gas n-1
CH4 0.00081
C2H6 0.00140
C3H8 0.00200
C4H8 0.00258
Watch, however, for resident light from
ß-butylene( n1.00131 NTP ) might be a better
candidate (than alkanes) scintillation/Cherenkov
13Simulation III
Conversion from number of photons to energy seems
to be independent on the energy of incoming
Time spread 11ps!
14DAQ new High Speed MPC
16(No Transcript)
Satisfies NLC luminosity monitor requirements
- Even more applications
- Beam Stabilization
- Veto SUSY gamma-gamma
- Very fast emptied every ns, resolution 10ps!
- RadiationHard
- low energy e silent
- robust