Title: Presentation for: Proactief Online Netwerken
1Presentation forProactief Online Netwerken
Presented by Geert CONARD June 2006
2Why do you Network?
- Getting a job
- Pay and promotion
- Influence and effectiveness
- Venture capital and financing
- Organizational learning
- Word-of-mouth marketing
- Strategic alliances
- Financial stability
- Democracy
- Sandler Sales Institute Study
- Cold calls are successful 1 of the time
- Word of mouth is successful 15
- Referral goes up to 50
- Referral plus the person who made the referral
either participate on the sales call or attends
the meeting the success rate goes up to 80
3Proactive Networking
Proactive networking is the systematic, planned
and prepared process of managing your existing
connections and establishing relationships with
new people so that all parties can tap into their
network to reach personal and professional
objectives. (Hendrik Deckers Jan Vermeiren
4Friends, Acquaintances Contacts
- Most people have
- 2 or 3 Friends Friends are people that are
always there when you need them, whatever happens
- 200 to 300 AcquaintancesAcquaintances are people
that you can call upon for support, information
or knowledge - 2000 to 3000 ContactsContacts are people that
you have spoken, met or emailed, but cannot
directly call upon for support, information or
knowledge - Your Friends Acquaintances are your Network
5How big is your network?
- Lets make it simple and take 250 is the average
size of anyones network - Your 1st Degree Network 250 people
- Your 2nd Degree Network 250 x 250 62.500
- Your 3th Degree Network 250 x 62.500
15.625.000 - Your 4th Degree Network 250 x 15.625.000
6How big can your network be?
Networking is time consuming!
7The Importance of Online Business Networks
- Total Transaction Value Up
- Total Transaction Count Way Up
- Individual Transaction Quality - Down
Andrew Forbes earlystage.com
Cesar Brea, former CEO of Contect Network
8The (very) Long List
- 13stripes - Affinity Engines - Amigos.com - AOL
People and Chat Directory - AsiaFriendFinder -
Backwash - bianca - Bolt - BuddyPic.com -
BuddyBridge - BuddyZoo - Building an Online
Community Just Add Water - Bumi-n City - Buzznet
- Classmates.com - CNN Interactive Communities -
CommunityZero - Company of Friends - The Conneck
- Contact Network - Corporate Alumni -
CouchSurfing - CPixel.com - Cybertown -
del.icio.us - Dogster - domeus -
dudecheckthisout.com - easeek - Ecademy -
eConozco - EdGateway Communities -
Edgeofeverything - eFriendsnet - 8minuteDating -
Eliyon - enCentra - EnterNexus - EntreMate -
Eurekster!, - Everything2 - everyonesconnected.com
- eyebees - FaceParty - Findapix -
FollowMrsPoon.com - FriendFan.com FriendFinder
Friendifieds Friendity - Friend Surfer -
friendsreunited.com - Friendster - Friendzy -
Full Moon Webs - FunHi - firsttuesday.com -
GoingProfessional - Groups_at_AOL - Growth Company -
Gruuve - heiyou.com HelloWorld - hipster
Huminity - ICERED - Im Not From Here -
IndianFriendFinder - InterAction - iSawYou.com -
ItsNotWhatYouKnow - KnowMates - LianQu - LinkedIn
- Link Silicon Valley - livingdirectory.org -
Local2Me - thelunchclub.net - Makeoutclub - Many
2 Many - MapPlanet.com - matcheroo - Meatball
Wiki - Mediabistro - Mediachest - Meet Up -
MixerMixer - Monster Networking - MSN Groups -
MSN Member Directory - MySpace mrNeighborhood -
MyEMatch - New Friends in Town - NetMiner -
Netmodular Community - Netparty - Networking For
Professionals - nerve.com - nlinebusinessnetworkin
g.com - Nowwwhere - Online Community Report -
Open Business Club - OrderGenerator - orkut -
PalJunction - Paradise - Petsburg - Picit.com -
Pinoy Exchange - Pinoy Forum - Playdo Community -
PLINK - Polypol - PopMates - PowerMingle -
RateMyBody - RateOrDate - RealContacts - ReferNet
- RepCheck - Ringo - Ryze - Shortcut - Silicon
Valley Pipeline - socialcircles.com - Social Grid
SocialTree - The Spark - SmartGroups.com -
Spoke Software The Square - StayingClose -
StumbleUpon - Sullivan Executive Networking
Community - Tacit ActiveNet - Talk City - TENG -
Thefacebook - TheFence.com - There - threedegrees
- Tickle - Tribe.net - TruthBytes - UUFriends -
Virtual Communities and the Internet - Visible
Path - Volume.com - waferbaby - Wallop - Webstock
Whole Earth Festival - Well, The - WildAbout.com
- WisdomBuilder - WhizSpark - WiW -
WordofMouthConnection.com - World Lounge -
WorldShine - YeeYoo - Yahoo! Groups - Yahoo!
Member Directory - Zamboozle Zanpo Zerodegrees
Too many networks ?!!
94 Categories
Online Social Business Communities
Search engines for people and relationships
- Online Business Directories
Relationship Management Tools
10The beauty of online business networks
- Online business networks are drmatically changing
the way we do business - Time independent 24/7/365
- Place independent from you pc stay at home
- Local Global
- Targeted use keywords, companies names to find
the right people - Inbound Passive presence - While you sleep
people will search you. Make it easy for
everyone. Put your picture up. Give them
information. Tell them everything, because they
really do not know. Blog. - Competitive Stand out as you have competition.
Visit others in your field and see what they
have. Copy from the best! - New start now, then you are ahead of most of the
universe. You will be established when others
catch on. - Memory-proof you can keep track of your network.
Social Networks have online profiles so you dont
forget, some keep track of your message exchange.
- Efficient you can connect online with far more
people than you could ever meet face to face on a
daily basis.
11Online Business Directories
- What are they?
- Yellow Pages of Business People
- Referral system using the Six Degrees
- Which one should you use?
- LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com) is the clear winner
with 2.000.000 users (fall 2004) - Keep an eye on ZeroDegrees (www.zerodegrees.com)
- Spoke (www.spoke.com) has stept out of this race
- Business Networking Platform
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15Relationship Management Tools
- What are they?
- Software Tools to manage exploit your
relationships - Which one should you use?
- Personal tools Plaxo (www.plaxo.com) is the
clear winner in the personal relationship
management tools - Corporate tools No winners yet, we are still
very early in the adoption cycle.
Relationship Management Tools
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18SOCIAL Communities
- What are they?
- Online (virtual) communities where people connect
for social purposes first, business second - Which one should you use?
- For business none of these
- For pleasure try Orkut (www.orkut.com) Tribe
19BUSINESS Communities
- What are they?
- Online (virtual) communities where people connect
for business purposes first, social second - Which one should you use?
- 3 international players
- Ecademy started in UK (www.ecademy.com)
- openBC started in Germany (www.opoenbc.com)
- Ryze started in US (www.ryze.com)
- Many local players
- be Biztribe
- fr Viaduc
- sp eConozco
- sw Shortcut
- Watch out for
- Soflow
- Social BUSINESS Communities
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27Networkingfor CIOs!
28Not only for people
Networkingfor Dogs!
29Also for geeks!
Networkingfor Geeks!
30Top Ten Online Business Networking Tips
- How to build quality business relationships
online - Remember, you're connecting with people.
- Clarify what you have to give and what you want
to gain. - Become an information centre.
- Be personally visible on the Internet.
- Pick online communities that work for you.
- Review the online community as a guest before you
join. - Be prepared.
- Pace yourself.
- Manage your email.
- Be sensitive to people's time and email boxes.
Scott Allen
31Contact info
- Geert CONARDwww.geertconard.com
- Schaffensestraat 67
- B-3290 Diest België
- Tel 32 496 127710
Manager/CEO IT Consult Servicesgeert.conard_at_itc
onsult.be www.itconsult.be
Sales Manager Belgium Norman/SHARK
geert_at_norman.nl www.norman.nl
Vice chairman Ecademy Belgium geert.conard_at_eccad
emy.com benelux.ecademy.com
Trainer Speaker - Proactive Networker www.proact