Title: Announcements%20
1Announcements Review
- Last Time
- Beauty
- Repetition
- for - the iterated loop in Java
- Announcements
- Discussion Sections PAI 5.70, quiz excercise,
problem available at 9am, due 10pm Tuesday - Reading Ch 1-4, Regis and Stepp on-line
- Lab 1 Due Thursday 10pm
- More basic program elements
- Types
- Variables
- Operators
- Conditional execution
- if (condition)
- // true action
- else
- // false action
3Programming Elements
- Type
- Set of values and operators that create and
manipulate values from the set - Values primitive types
- numeric
- double and float (size)
- Values with decimals
- int, byte, short, long (size)
- Integers
- Character char
- Characters (considered numeric)
- Boolean boolean
- Logical values
4Operators, Constants, Variables
- Basic operators
- addition - subtraction
- multiplication / division
- Constant
- Symbolic name for memory location whose value
does not change - final int MAX_HEART_RATE 220
- Variable
- Symbolic name for memory location whose value can
change - int age
5Some declarations operations
- // Computes target heart rate
- // final means the program can never change it
- final int MAX_HEART_RATE 220
- int age 18
- // target heart rates
- int aerobicZone, fatBurningZone
- aerobicZone MAX_HEART_RATE - age .75
- fatBurningZone MAX_HEART_RATE - age .65
6BlueJ Examples
7A boolean type
- Java has the logical type boolean
- Type boolean has two literal constants
- true
- false
- Operators
- The and operator is
- The or operator is
- The not operator is !
8Defining boolean variables
- Local boolean variables are uninitialized by
default - boolean isWhitespace
- boolean receivedAcknowledgement
- boolean haveFoundMissingLink
9Defining boolean variables
- Local boolean variables with initialization
- boolean canProceed true
- boolean preferCyan false
- boolean completedSecretMission true
10Truth tables
- formal specifications of operators
- It works as most of us would expect allows for
ambiguity of interpretation - Jim is smiling or Patty is smiling
- Can both Jim and Patty be smiling?
- Truth tables
- Lists all combinations of operand values and the
result of the operation for each combination
11And, Or, Not truth tables
p not p
False True True False
12Boolean algebra
- Can create complex logical expressions by
combining simple logical expressions - not (p and q)
13DeMorgans laws
- not (p and q) equals (not p) or (not q)
not (not p) or p q p and q (p
and q) ( not p) (not q) ( not q)
False False False True True
True True False True False True
True False True True False
False True False True
True True True True False False
False False
- Conditional expression must evaluate to the
boolean value true - int x, y // compute max
- if (x gt y)
- max x
- else // x lt y
- max y
boolean next false if (next)
...println(May I help you?)
15BlueJ Examples
16More Questions?