Her2 positive breast cancer: beyond trastuzumab - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Her2 positive breast cancer: beyond trastuzumab


Charles E. Geyer, M.D., John Forster, M.Sc. ... Perez et. al ASCO 2006 ... Geyer, Charles et al. Lapatinib plus Capecitabine for HER2-Positive Advanced Breast Cancer. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Her2 positive breast cancer: beyond trastuzumab

Her2 positive breast cancer beyond trastuzumab
  • Caron Rigden, M.D.
  • Grand Rounds 05.04.07

  • 63 y/o woman with osteoporosis but otherwise
  • 8/2005 inflammatory breast cancer
  • Modified radical mastectomy
  • 8.5 cm IDC
  • moderate-poorly differentiated
  • ER/PR negative HER2 amplified FISH
  • 10/21 LN involved
  • Stage IIIC

  • AC x 2 cycles
  • Chest wall bx progressive disease
  • Therapy switched to weekly taxol with Herceptin
  • for 12 weeks
  • Maintenance Herceptin
  • Radiation to chest and supraclavicular region
    from Jan-Feb 2006
  • July 2006 recurrent chest wall disease
  • Referral here August 2006

  • Chest wall punch biopsy extensive lymphatic
    involvement by carcinoma
  • ER/PR negative, HER2 positive by FISH
  • CT of C/A/P negative for metastatic disease
  • Started on lapatinib monotherapy phase II study
    for refractory LABC/MBC IBC

  • Humanized anti-HER2 monoclonal antibody targeting
    the extracellular domain
  • Approximately 20-25 breast cancer exhibit
    overexpression of HER2
  • Revolutionized treatment HER2 overexpressing
    breast cancers by improving survival in
    metastatic setting and improving outcomes in the
    adjuvant setting

Trastuzumab Resistance
  • Majority of metastatic patients who initially
    respond to trastuzumab will develop resistance
    within one year of treatment initiation
  • Adjuvant setting 15 of patients relapse despite
    trastuzumab-based therapy

Potential mechanisms of resistanceNahta, Rita
et al. Breast Cancer Research 2007
  • Truncated HER2 without extracellular domain (p95)
  • Therapeutic agent cannot recognize the molecule
    target disrupted interaction between HER2 and
    trastuzumab (MUC4 overexpression sterically
    hinders antibody binding)
  • Compensatory signaling increased signaling from
    HER family members
  • Compensatory signaling increased signaling from
    other receptor types (ILGF-R)
  • Altered downstream signaling (PTEN deficiency
    correlated with resistance in clinical samples)
  • Competition for binding therapeutic agent
    (increased circulating HER2 ECD)

Novel therapeutic strategies
  • Small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitors
  • Pertuzumab humanized HER2 monoclonal antibody
    sterically blocks dimerization of HER2 with EGFR
    and HER3.
  • mTOR inhibitors
  • Histone Deacetylase inhibitors (hsp90 as target)

Theoretical advantages of TKIs compared with
  • Inhibitor of one TK alone may not be as effective
    as inhibiting heterodimers containing both
  • Truncated forms (lacking extracellular domains)
    of EGFR and HER2 have been identified (ie p95)
  • Compensatory signaling may be overcome (ILGFR)

Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors blocking HER-2 kinase
in clinical developmentSpector, Neil et al.
Breast Cancer Research 2007
Lapatinib (Tykerb)
  • Oral small molecule TKI
  • Dual inhibitor
  • ErbB-1 and ErbB-2

Overview of Phase II and III Clinical Trials With
Overview of Phase II and III Clinical Trials With
Overview of Phase II and III Clinical Trials With
Overview of Phase II and III Clinical Trials With
Overview of Phase II and III Clinical Trials With
Lapatinib in Refractory Metastatic Setting
  • EGF20002 (n 78) phase II ( Blackwell KL et al.
    JCO 2005 Abstract 3004)
  • progressed on 1-2 prior herceptin containing
  • Lapatinib 1500 mg/day
  • 16 week PFS 22
  • EGF20008 (n 140) phase II (Burnstein H et al.
    Ann Oncol 2004 Abstract 1040)
  • Prior anthracycline, taxane, and capecitabine
  • Lapatinib 1500 mg/day
  • 16 week PFS 13

Lapatinib plus Capecitabine for HER2-Positive
Advanced Breast Cancer
Charles E. Geyer, M.D., John Forster, M.Sc.,
Deborah Lindquist, M.D., Stephen Chan, M.D., C.
Gilles Romieu, M.D., Tadeusz Pienkowski, M.D.,
Ph.D., Agnieszka Jagiello-Gruszfeld, M.D., John
Crown, M.D., Arlene Chan, M.D., Bella Kaufman,
M.D., Dimosthenis Skarlos, M.D., Mario Campone,
M.D., Neville Davidson, M.D., Mark Berger, M.D.,
Cristina Oliva, M.D., Stephen D. Rubin, M.D.,
Steven Stein, M.D., and David Cameron, M.D.
N Engl J Med Volume 355(26)2733-2743 December
28, 2006
Study Design
  • Progressive HER2 MBC/LABC
  • Previous tx with an anthracycline, taxane, and
  • No prior capecitabine
  • Stratification
  • disease site and stage of disease

N 528 planned
Study Design
  • Lapatinib 1250 mg po qd continuously
  • Capecitabine 2000mg/m2/d
  • D1-14 q3 weeks
  • Progressive HER2 MBC/LABC
  • Previous tx with an anthracycline, taxane, and
  • No prior capecitabine
  • Stratification
  • disease site and stage of disease

  • Capecitabine 2500 mg/m2/d
  • D1-14 q3 week cycle

Patients stayed on treatment until disease
progression or toxicity, then followed for
N 528 planned Enrollment began 3.2004
Study Design
  • Primary end point TTP
  • Secondary end points
  • Progression free survival
  • Overall survival
  • Overall response rate
  • Rate of clinical benefit (CR/PR/stable disease
    for 6 months)
  • Safety

Study Design
  • Efficacy (based upon RECIST) assessed under
    independent blinded review
  • Assessed every 6 weeks for the first 24 weeks,
    then every 12 weeks thereafter

  • HER2-positive ICH 3 or IHC 2 (confirmed by
  • Locally advanced breast cancer (T4 and Stage
    IIIB/IIIC disease) or metastatic breast cancer
  • Progression after treatment with regimens
    including an anthracycline, a taxane, and
    trastuzumab in either the adjuvant/metastatic
  • Measurable disease by RECIST
  • ECOG 0-1
  • Normal LVEF by institutions normal range
  • CNS metastases allowed if clinically stable for
    at 3 months after discontinuation of
    corticosteroids and anticonvulsant therapy

  • Prior treatment with capecitabine however, prior
    treatment with fluorouracil was permitted
  • Preexisting heart disease or conditions that may
    affect gastrointestinal absorption

Cardiac Monitoring
  • Echocardiogram/MUGA
  • Cardiac event
  • Any decline in EF that was symptomatic
  • Asymptomatic decline gt20 from baseline to a
    level below institutions lower limit of normal
  • Lapatinib d/cd any symptomatic events (Grade 3
    or 4)
  • Lapatinib held for asymptomatic events and could
    be resumed at 1000 mg if EF returned to normal

  • November 2005 reached planned number events for
    interim analysis
  • March 2006, IDMC recommended reporting results
    and providing lapatinib to the capecitabine
    monotherapy group after the primary endpoint TTP
    had been met
  • No safety/tolerability concerns were noted

most metastatic
most had prior taxane, anthracycline,
and trastuzumab
Median number wks (42 and 44)
Median number wks (5.3 and 6)
(No Transcript)
Geyer CE et al. N Engl J Med 20063552733-2743
Adverse events resulting in treatment
discontinuation Combo (13) Mono (12)
  • No symptomatic cardiac events, and therapy was
    not withheld because of decline in cardiac

Update March 2007 FDA approval
CNS as site of first progression
  • Lapatinib plus capecitabine is superior to
    capecitabine alone in women with HER2-positive
    advanced breast cancer that has progressed after
    treatment with regimens that included an
    anthracycline, a taxane, and trastuzumab
  • Well tolerated with infrequent, asymptomatic,
    reversible declines in EF
  • Observation made of decreased number of brain
    metastases in the lapatinib arm
  • These results provide the impetus for trials of
    lapatinib in earlier treatment of HER2 positive
    breast cancer.

Lapatinib for Brain Metastases in Her2
CancerLin et al. ASCO 2006 NCI-CTEP 6969 trial
  • Background
  • approximately 30 of Her2-positive breast cancer
    patients develop CNS metastases
  • Numeric increase in CNS as first site of relapse
    in adjuvant trials of trastuzumab
  • Trastuzumab does not cross the blood brain
  • XRT/SBS effective, but no effective treatment
    exists beyond progression
  • Unknown if lapatinib crosses into the CNS

Lapatinib for Brain Metastases in Her2
CancerLin et al. ASCO 2006 NCI-CTEP 6969 trial
  • Eligibility
  • Her 2
  • New/progressive measurable (gt 1 cm) brain
  • Treatment Lapatinib 750 mg po BID
  • Primary Endpoint ORR (PR CR)
  • Assessment RECIST criteria by MRI

Lapatinib for Brain Metastases in Her2
CancerLin et al. ASCO 2006 NCI-CTEP 6969 trial
  • N 39 patients (accrual 9/04-9/05)
  • Mean age 52
  • All developed CNS disease while on Herceptin
  • 38 progressed after WBXRT
  • Toxicity
  • Diarrhea (21)
  • Fatigue (16)
  • Rash (5)

Lapatinib for Brain Metastases in Her2
CancerLin et al. ASCO 2006 NCI-CTEP 6969 trial
  • Median duration of treatment 3 cycles
  • Most common reason for discontinuation tx
    progressive CNS disease
  • Based upon RECIST criteria
  • 2 patients PR
  • 1 patient had response, but did not meet RECIST
  • 5 patients SD gt 16 weeks
  • Median TTP 3.2 months
  • Did not meet hypothesized level of activity based
    upon RECIST gt 4 objective responses needed
  • Preliminary evidence to suggest a possible
    clinical effect warranting further investigation

Lapatinib monotherapy for refractory IBCSpector
et al. ASCO 2006
  • Rationale early Phase I data showed good
    response in
  • patients with IBC
    Her2 often amplified in IBC
  • Patients recurrent or refractory to prior
  • treatment
  • Primary Objective ORR
  • Secondary Objective to identify a tumor profile

  • an increased likelihood to response

Lapatinib monotherapy for refractory IBCSpector
et al. ASCO 2006
Tumor biopsy central review
Cohort A ErbB2
Cohort B ErbB1/ErbB2-
Lapatinib 1500 mg/day
Clinical Evaluation Recist and chest
wall/skin photography
Spector et al. ASCO 2006
Lapatinib monotherapy for refractory IBCSpector
et al. ASCO 2006
Results pending for 17 of patients in Cohort B
Lapatinib monotherapy for refractory IBCSpector
et al. ASCO 2006
  • Most toxicity grade 1 or 2 skin or GI
  • Biomarker analysis suggests
  • Correlation of ErbB2 IHC 3/FISH positivity with
  • Responders more likely to be p-ErbB2 positive
  • Coexpression of ILGF-R as well as PTEN deficiency
    does not appear to preclude response

Lapatinib monotherapy for IBCSpector et al. ASCO
  • Summary
  • Lapatinib monotherapy clinically active in
    heavily pretreated IBC patients
  • Well tolerated
  • ErbB2 overexpression but not ErbB1 expression,
    predicts sensitivity to lapatinib in IBC.
  • High ErbB2, p-ErbB2 predict for clinical response
    in this group of patients, illustrating selecting
    patients based on biology versus histology alone,
    to maximize clinical efficacy

Neoadjuvant paclitaxel and lapatinib for newly
diagnosed IBCCristofanilli et al. SABC 2006
Breast Cancer Res Treat 2006
  • lapatinib 1500 mg/day
    paclitaxel 80 mg/m2/weekly x 12 weeks

Lapatinib First-line Treatment in Metastatic
Breast Cancer
  • Locally advanced/metastatic
  • Randomized 500 mg bid or 1500 mg qd
  • No grade 3 or 4 toxicity
  • ORR 24
  • 6 month PFS 43
  • No difference in efficacy or toxicity between the
    two groups
  • Stein SH et
    al. Eur J Cancer 2005 3 (supp) 78
  • Gomez et al.
    JCO 2005 23 (16 supp)
  • Gomez et al.
    Breast Cancer Res Treat 2006 100 (supp1)S69
    (abstract 1090)

Cardiac function in 2,812 patients treated with
lapatinibPerez et. al ASCO 2006
  • Evaluated 2,812 patients treated with lapatinib
    in 18 phase I-III clinical trials in breast
    cancer and other malignancies
  • Methods LVEF monitored with ECHO/MUGA q8 wks
  • Cardiac Risks Collected age, prior known
    cardiac disease, previous exposure to
    mediastinal/left-sided xrt
  • Data Collected for LVEF if
  • gt grade 3 toxicity
  • gt 20 decline relative to baseline and below
    institutions lower limit of normal

Cardiac function in 2,812 patients treated with
lapatinibPerez et. al ASCO 2006
  • 1.3 (37/2812) experienced decline LVEF
  • 22/37 monotherapy 15/37 combination
  • 68 female
  • median age 59
  • 68 within 9 weeks of initiating treatment
  • 57 of cases resolved/improved
  • 50 of cases resumed lapatinib
  • Average duration of treatment 5 weeks
  • (0.1) 4/37 patients were symptomatic
  • 92 (34/37) had confounding factors (ie exposure
    to AC, XRT)
  • Overall rarely symptomatic and generally
    reversible incidence lower than the incidence of
    asymptomatic LVEF decreases observed in the
    general population or those treated with
  • Lapatinib trials excluded patients with LFEF lt
    50 at baseline, thus potentially biasing the

Examples of Ongoing Trials
  • Refractory Metastatic
  • TrastuzumabLapatinib vs. Laptinib (Phase III)
  • Lapatinib in brain metastases (Phase II)
  • First-Line advanced
  • PaclitaxelLapatinib vs. LapatinibPlacebo (Phase
  • LetrozoleLapatinib vs. LetrozolePlacebo (Phase
  • PaclitaxelTrastuzumabLapatinib vs.
    PaclitaxelTrastuzumbaPlacebo (Phase III)
  • FulvestrantLapatinib vs. FulvestrantPlacebo
    (Phase III)

Examples of Ongoing Trials
  • Adjuvant Setting
  • BIG/NCCTG (N 8000)
  • Trastuzumab (1 yr) vs. Lapatinib (1 yr) vs.
    TrastuzumabLapatinib (1 yr) vs. Sequential
    Trastuzumab -gt Lapatinib (1 yr)
  • TEACH (N 3000)
  • Lapatinib (1 yr) vs. Trastuzumab (1yr)

  • Lapatinib effective in Her2 positive breast
  • Approved with capecitabine in metastatic patients
    refractory to anthracyclines, taxanes, herceptin
  • Ongoing trials will provide more direction
  • Adjuvant studies interesting
  • oral
  • ? brain penetration
  • appears to have minimal cardiac toxicity

  • Perez, E.A. et al. Results of an analysis of
    cardiac function in 2,812 patients treated with
    lapatinib. JCO 2006 24(18S) 583.
  • Spector N.L. et al. EGF103009, a phase II trail
    of lapatinib monotherapy in patients with
    relapsed/refractory inflammatory breast cancer.
    JCO 2006 24 (18S) 502.
  • Lin, N.U. et al. Phase II trial of lapatinib for
    brain metastases in patients with HER2 breast
    cancer. JCO 2006 24 (18S) 503.
  • Moy, Beverly and Goss, Paul. Lapatinib Current
    Status and Future Directions in Breast Cancer.
    Oncologist 2006 11 1047-1057.
  • Geyer, Charles et al. Lapatinib plus
    Capecitabine for HER2-Positive Advanced Breast
    Cancer. NEJM 2006 355 2733-43.
  • Nahta, Rita et al. Molecular Mechanisms of
    Trastuzumab Resistance. Breast Cancer Research
    2006 8 215.
  • Spector, Neil. Her2 therapy Small Molecule
    Her-2 tyrosine kinase inhibitors. Breast Cancer
    Research 2007, 9 205.
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