Recursion L - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Recursion L


Counting rook paths on a chess board (not examinable) Find the number of non-intersecting rook paths from the top left square of an ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Recursion L

  • Recursion (LO, Chapter 12)
  • Recursion is just another way to implement
    repetition. Compare
  • while (n gt 0)
  • System.out.println(n)
  • n--
  • and
  • void countDown(int n)
  • if (n gt 0)
  • System.out.println(n)
  • countDown(n-1)
  • But it is a very powerful way to implement

  • Recursion (cont.)
  • Examples
  • Factorial
  • Fibonacci
  • Towers of Hanoi Recursively move piles of disks
  • Tree traversal
  • Quicksort Recursively sort subarrays
  • Nested pictures Recursively draw smaller
  • (Binary) tree traversal TreeSet iteration
  • Expression evaluation Recursively evaluate
  • Region growing (MineSweeper, Bubblet and AtariGo)
  • Maze searching (backtrack search)
  • Shortest path problems
  • Program compilation
  • ...

  • Factorial
  • The factorial of a nonnegative integer n, denoted
    n!, is the product of the positive integers less
    than or equal to n. E.g., 5! 5 4 3 2 1
    120. Equivalently, 0! 1, n! n(n-1)! (for
    n gt 0). The factorial numbers are thus 1, 1, 2,
    6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, ...
  • int factorial(int n) // recursive definition
  • if (n 0)
  • return 1
  • else
  • return n factorial(n-1)
  • Abbreviate factorial by f
  • f(4) 4 f(3) 4 (3 f(2)) 4 (3 (2
  • 4 (3 (2 (1 f(0))))
  • 4 (3 (2 (1 1))) ... 24
  • (Here the recursion is unnecessary.)

  • Fibonacci
  • The Fibonacci numbers are formed by starting with
    0 and 1 and then adding the latest two numbers to
    get the next one. Equivalently, f(0) 0, f(1)
    1, f(n) f(n-2) f(n-1) (for n gt 1). The
    Fibonacci numbers are thus 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
    13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...
  • int fibonacci(int n) // naive recursive
  • if (n lt 1)
  • return n
  • else
  • return fibonacci(n-2) fibonacci(n-1)
  • f(5) f(3) f(4) (f(1) f(2)) (f(2)
  • (1 (f(0) f(1))) ((f(0) f(1))
    (f(1) f(2)))
  • (1 (0 1)) ((0 1) (1 (f(0)
  • 2 (1 (1 (0 1))) ...
  • 5
  • (Here the recursion is unacceptably inefficient.
    Consider the tree for f(10). This is an
    exponential computation.)

  • Fibonacci (cont.)
  • int fibonacci(int n)
  • return f(0, 1, n)
  • int f(int prev, int curr, int n) // efficient
  • if (n 0)
  • return prev
  • else
  • return f(curr, prevcurr, n-1)
  • Now there is no repeated computation, this is a
    linear computation
  • f(0, 1, 6) f(1, 1, 5) f(1, 2, 4) f(2, 3, 3)
  • f(3, 5, 2) f(5, 8, 1) f(8, 13,
    0) 8

  • Recursion (cont.)
  • Every recursive method must have the following
  • A termination condition (e.g., n 0, n lt 1 ),
    cf. basis for induction.
  • Every recursive call must strictly approach the
    termination condition (e.g., factorial(n-1),
    fibonacci(n-2), fibonacci(n-1) ), f(curr, prev,
    curr, n-1), cf. induction step in proof
    by induction.
  • Recursion is analogous to induction.
  • Recursive methods can be proved correct by

  • Towers of Hanoi
  • (Ref. E. Rouse Ball, Mathematical Recreations )
  • How to move the pile of n disks from peg 1 to
    peg 3, one disk at a time, so that a larger disk
    is never above a smaller disk? How many moves
    are required?

  • Towers of Hanoi (cont.)
  • If n 0, we are finished, and don't need to do
    anything at all.
  • Otherwise, suppose we are moving n disks from
    peg i to peg k
  •  Move n-1 disks from peg i to peg j
  •  Move 1 disk (the largest of the n) from peg i
    to peg k
  •  Move (the top, smaller) n-1 disks from peg j
    to peg k
  • Successive states
  • ABC on peg 1
  • BC on peg 1
    A on peg 3
  • C on peg 1 B on peg 2 A
    on peg 3
  • C on peg 1 AB on peg 2
  • AB on peg 2
    C on peg 3
  • A on peg 1 B on peg 2 C
    on peg 3
  • A on peg 1
    BC on peg 3

  • ABC on peg 3

  • Towers of Hanoi (cont.)
  • / Moves n disks from from to to using other /
  • void move(int n, int from, int other, int to)
  • if (n gt 0)
  • move(n-1, from, to, other)
  • System.out.println("Move disk from "
  • " to " to)
  • move(n-1, other, from, to)
  • The initial call is, say
  • move(3, 1, 2, 3)
  • Note
  • Termination condition n 0
  • Each recursive call strictly approaches the
    termination condition move(n-1, from, to,
    other) (n-1 lt n)

  • Towers of Hanoi (cont.)
  • Output
  • Move disk (A) from 1 to 3
  • Move disk (B) from 1 to 2
  • Move disk (A) from 3 to 2
  • Move disk (C) from 1 to 3
  • Move disk (A) from 2 to 1
  • Move disk (B) from 2 to 3
  • Move disk (A) from 1 to 3

  • Towers of Hanoi (cont.)
  • Exercise Write a recursive method to move n disks
    from one peg to another using these rules that
    takes as many moves as possible without repeating
    a state.
  • Exercise Write a recursive method to move n disks
    from one peg to another under these rules when
    there are 4 pegs available in total. Try to find
    a method that takes as few moves as possible.
  • (Clearly this can be done in fewer moves than
    when there are only 3 pegs available. But no
    algorithm has been proved to always take the
    minimum possible number of moves for 4 or more
    pegs. Indeed, the minimum possible number of
    moves is unknown for arbitrary n and 4 or more

  • Inorder tree traversal (repeated)
  • Given a binary tree, consisting of a (possibly
    empty) set of nodes, each with a value, left and
    right field, visit each of node of the tree in
  • void inorder(Node t)
  • if (t ! null)
  • inorder(t.left) // traverse left
  • Visit t, e.g., System.out.println(t.value)
  • inorder(t.right) // traverse right
  • Note
  • Termination condition t null
  • Each recursive call strictly approaches the
    termination condition t.left (t.right) has
    fewer nodes than t
  • Cf. notes on TreeMap.

  • Quicksort (repeated)
  • public void quicksort(String a, int m, int n)
  • if (m lt n)
  • // Partition am..n about a "pivot"
    element x
  • // (Omitted here...)
  • // Recursively sort the "small" and "large"
    subarrays of a
  • // independently
  • quicksort(a, m, j) // sort am..j
  • quicksort(a, i, n) // sort ai..n
  • Note
  • Termination condition m gt n
  • Each call strictly approaches the termination
    condition  quicksort(a, m, j) (where j lt n),
     quicksort(a, i, n), (where m lt i )

  • Nested images I

  • Nested images I (cont.)
  • class ImagePane extends JPanel
  • public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
  • Image image
  • Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("g
  • drawPicture(g, 6, size, image)
  • private void drawPicture(Graphics g, int n,
    int size,
  • Image image)
  • if (n gt 0)
  • g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, size, size,
  • drawPicture(g, n-1, size/2, image)

  • Expression evaluation
  • During the compilation of a Java (or any other)
    program, it is common to represent expressions
    (and other program components) as trees. E.g.,
    the expression (a1)(b-2) could be represented
    by the tree

To evaluate such an expression, evaluate each
subexpression, then combine the values using the
operator at the root of the expression.
  • Expression evaluation
  • We may implement this evaluation schematically in
    Java as follows
  • double evaluate(Node e)
  • if (e.isVariable())
  • return e.variableValue()
  • else if (e.isConstant())
  • return e.constantValue()
  • else // e is operator applied to 2
  • double e1 evaluate(e.left)
  • double e2 evaluate(e.right)
  • case (e.operator)
  • return e1e2
  • - return e1-e2
  • ...

  • Region growing
  • A bitmap
  • 00000000011001111000000001111
  • 01110011011100111110000011100
  • 01111010000001111111110011000
  • 01111010001111111100110011000
  • 01111010000001111100011011000
  • 01111010000001111100111011100
  • 01111010000000011110000011110
  • 01111110011000000000100011110
  • What is the area of the "island" containing a
    given point, (row, col)? I.e., write a method
    which takes a bitmap and a point as arguments,
    and returns the number of ones connected to the
    given point.
  • (We interpret ones as "land" and zeros as "sea".)
  • (This problem arises in MineHunt, Bubblet,
    AtariGo, ...)

  • Region growing (cont.)
  • We need to look outward from the given point to
    each neighbour that we have not yet seen.
  • Initially, assign all elements of an auxiliary
    boolean array, seen, to false (unseen). (Array
    seen is just a representation of a set of
  • Main method
  • // Returns the number of unvisited points in the
  • // containing point (row, col).
  • int area (int row, int col)
  • int area 0
  • if (gridrowcol 1 ! seenrowcol)
  • area
  • seenrowcol true
  • for each neighbour (r, c) of (row, col)
  • area area(r, c)
  • return area

  • Region growing (cont.)
  • Note An alternative solution to this problem was
    given in the lecture notes on the collection
    framework. The problem can be solved equally
    easily iteratively or recursively. (Though the
    recursive solution is arguably simpler.)
  • Exercise Modify either solution to return the set
    of points in the region.

  • Maze Solving (LL, pp.455459)
  • Maze input
  • 4 8 // number of rows and columns
  • 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 // 0 blocked, 1 free
  • 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
  • 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
  • 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
  • Goal To get from the top left corner (0, 0) to
    the bottom right corner (3, 7).
  • Solution At each unvisited position, try going
    down, right, up, left, and repeating, in turn.
  • 7 7 0 7 7 7 1 0 // 1 still free
  • 0 7 7 7 0 7 0 1 // 3 visited
  • 0 3 0 3 0 7 7 7 // 7 visited and on path
  • 1 3 3 0 0 3 0 7

  • Maze Solving (cont.)
  • Maze representation
  • final int NROWS 4, NCOLS 8
  • final int grid new intNROWSNCOLS
  • Main algorithm
  • // Finds a path (if any) from (row, col) through
  • // squares to the destination (NROWS-1,NCOLS-1).
  • boolean solve (int row, int col)
  • boolean done false
  • if (valid(row, col)) // Unvisited position
  • gridrowcol 3 // Mark position visited
  • if (goal(row, col)) // Destination reached?
  • done true
  • else

  • Maze Solving (cont.)
  • // ... continuation
  • if (! done)
  • done solve(row, col1) // Try
  • if (! done)
  • done solve(row-1, col) // Try
  • if (! done)
  • done solve(row, col-1) // Try
  • if (done)
  • gridrowcol 7 // Mark
    position on path
  • return done
  • Initial call

  • Maze Solving (cont.)
  • Auxiliary methods
  • boolean valid (int row, int col)
  • return (0 lt row row lt NROWS
  • 0 lt col col lt NCOLS
  • gridrowcol 1) // position is
  • // and
  • boolean goal (int row, int col)
  • return (row NROWS-1 col NCOLS-1)
  • Exercise Write a method to print the coordinates
    of the elements of the path from the start, (0,
    0), to the goal, (nrows-1, ncols-1).
  • See sample programs on Web site. Program OnePath
    completes this implementation. Program AllPaths
    makes minor changes to count the total number of

  • Graph coloring
  • A map
  • The corresponding graph

  • Graph coloring (cont.)
  • Problem Given n colors, can we assign a different
    color to each region (vertex) so that adjacent
    regions (vertices) are assigned different colors?
  • Answer (Haken and Appel, ca. 1970) For a planar
    map, with n 4, yes!
  • But how?
  • Graph representation
  • 0 1 6 // nbrs0 lt1, 6gt
  • 1 0 2 6 // nbrs1 lt0, 2, 6gt
  • 2 1 3 6 // ...
  • 3 2 4 6
  • 4 3 6
  • 5
  • 6 0 1 2 3 4 // nvertices 7

  • Graph coloring (cont.)
  • Graph representation (cont.)
  • private int ncolors // Maximum number of colors
  • private int nvertices // Number of vertices in
  • private int nbrs
  • // List of neighbours of vertices 0, 1, ...,
  • private int colors
  • // Color of vertices 0, 1, ..., nvertices-1
  • // For all v, 0 lt colorsv lt ncolors
  • // Initially, colorsv 0, for 0 lt v lt

  • Graph coloring (cont.)
  • Main algorithm
  • // Assuming vertices 0,...,v-1 are already
    consistently colored,
  • // tests whether there is a consistent assignment
    of colors
  • // to vertices v,...,nvertices-1.
  • public boolean solve (int v)
  • if (goal(v)) // All vertices consistently
  • return true
  • else
  • // Try to color vertex v with each color c in
  • for (int c 0 c lt ncolors c)
  • if (valid(v, c))
  • colorsv c
  • if (solve(v1))
  • return true

  • Graph coloring (cont.)
  • Auxiliary methods
  • private boolean goal (int v)
  • return (v nvertices)
  • // Tests whether c is different from the colors
    of all preceding
  • // neigbours of v.
  • private boolean valid (int v, int c)
  • for (int i 0 i lt nbrsv.length i)
  • int u nbrsvi
  • if (u lt v colorsu c)
  • return false
  • return true

  • Counting rook paths on a chess board (not
  • Find the number of non-intersecting rook paths
    from the top left square of an mxn chess board to
    the bottom right square of the board. E.g., for
    mn2, there are 2 paths, for m2, n3 there are
    4 paths, for mn3 there are 12 paths.
  • This can be solved by a simple generalisation of
    the all-paths version of the maze solving
  • See the example program RookPaths on the Web
  • See the following Web site for extensive
    information on this recreational problem
  • http//
  • Exercise (difficult) Modify the program RookPaths
    so that it can count the number of solutions on
    an 8x8 board in an acceptable time.

  • Backtrack Search Single solution (not
  • The maze solving and graph colouring problems are
    examples of backtrack search for a single
    solution. There are many other examples.
  • Backtrack search arises whenever there is a need
    to make repeated choices (or assignments) subject
    to some consistency condition, possibly requiring
    undoing previous choices (or assignments). This
    "undoing", followed by a different choice (or
    assignment) is called backtracking.
  • Backtrack search is most easily implemented
    recursively, as in the previous examples.
  • It can be recognised whenever there is an
    apparent need for arbitrarily deeply nested
  • for each choice for position 0
  • for each valid choice for position 1
  • for each valid choice for position 2
  • ...
  • for each valid choice for position n
  • Print the choices for all positions,
    and exit

  • Backtrack Search Single solution (cont.)
  • Corresponding recursive schema
  • // Assuming valid choices for positions
    0,...,k-1, finds a
  • // consistent assignment of choices for positions
  • boolean solve (int k)
  • if (choice0..k-1 is a solution) // e.g.,
    k n
  • return true
  • else
  • for each valid choice c for position k,
  • given choice0..k-1
  • choicek c
  • if (solve(k1))
  • return true
  • return false

  • Backtrack Search All solutions (not examinable)
  • Backtrack search is often required to generate
    all solutions to some combinatorial problem, as
    in the rook paths problem (or the nested loops
    example). In this case we need a slight variant
    to the general schema.
  • // Assuming valid choices for positions
    0,...,k-1, finds all
  • // consistent assignment of choices for positions
  • void solve (int k)
  • if (choice0..k-1 is a solution) // e.g.,
    k n
  • print, process or count choice0..k-1
  • else
  • for each valid choice c for position k,
  • given choice0..k-1
  • choicek c
  • solve(k1)
  • Again, initially, call solve(0).

  • Backtrack Search Iterative version (not
  • Backtrack search can also be implemented
    iteratively, e.g., to generate all solutions
  • k 0
  • S0 set of possibilities for choice0
  • while (k gt 0)
  • while (Sk is not empty) // advance
  • Choose c in Sk and remove it
  • choicek c
  • if (choice0..k is a solution) // e.g.,
    k n-1
  • Print, process or count choice0..k
  • else
  • k k 1
  • Sk set of possibilities for
  • given choice0..k-1
  • k k - 1 // backtrack

  • Backtrack Search Iterative version (cont.)
  • This iterative schema may run faster than the
    corresponding recursive schema, but only by a
    small constant factor, and is more complex since
    the array S0..n-1 of sets of possible choices
    needs to be explicitly maintained.
  • Exercise Write an iterative schema for the
    iterative search to find a single solution to
    such a combinatorial problem.
  • Exercise Re-implement either solution to the Maze
    problem iteratively.

  • Backtrack Search Least solution (not examinable)
  • Often we wish to find the least or cheapest
    solution. This requires a variation on the
    all-solutions schema
  • float minCost infinity // cost of current
    min-cost solution
  • Value solution // current min-cost
  • Value choice new ValueMAX // current
    partial solution
  • void solve (int k, float cost)
  • if choice0..k-1 is a solution // new
    min-cost solution
  • minCost cost
  • solution copy(choice)
  • else
  • // Try each choice c for position k in
  • for each valid choice c for position k
  • given choice0..k-1
  • newCost f(cost, k, c) // cost of
    new partial soln
  • if (newCost lt minCost)
  • choicek c

  • Backtrack Search Shortest solution (not
  • We may adapt this schema to find the shortest
    path to a solution (cost is the number of moves)
    in a state-space exploration problem such as
  • int minMoves infinity // length of current
    shortest solution
  • Move solution // current shortest
  • Move choice new MoveMAX // current partial
  • void solve (int k, Position pos, int nMoves)
  • if p is the goal position // new shortest
  • minMoves nMoves
  • solution copy(choice)
  • else
  • for each valid move m from position pos
  • newPos apply move m to position pos
  • if we have not been to newPos before
    (on this path)
  • nMoves
  • if nMoves lt minMoves
  • choicek m // new partial

  • Backtrack Search Shortest solution (cont.)
  • Initially, call solve(0, initialPos, 0). The
    solution is array solution, length minMoves.
  • Basically, this is a classical AI problem, and
    efficient solutions are still discussed in AI
  • Warning There could be errors in the above
  • Note It may be simpler to solve this problem by
    breadth-first search, using an explicit queue of
    positions to be expanded, as with the first
    solution to the island area problem.
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