Faith and Reason Are they compatible Answer: It depends - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Faith and Reason Are they compatible Answer: It depends


'In discussing questions of this kind two rules are to be observed, as Augustine teaches. ... This is a particularly wonderful form of worship. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Faith and Reason Are they compatible Answer: It depends

Faith and Reason-- Are they compatible?Answer
It depends!
Galileo and The Scientific Revolution
  • Subplot The relationship of Faith and Reason
  • Sub-subplot The modern analogy of Deep
    Time/Evolution vs. Creationism

In Galileos Time400 years ago
  • They were definitely incompatible!
  • Caused by flawed views of both Faith and Reason

One definition of Theology is Fide quaerens
  • Which translates
  • Faith seeking understanding
  • I think this applies aptly to the Galileo story

Another false understanding of Faith and Reason
  • Faith is believing what you know aint so - Mark

And this kind of idea exists todayamong the
evangelical Atheists
  • E.g., Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

In Galileos time, the incompatibility of Faith
and Reason was caused by
  • Faith in overly literal prooftexting of certain
    Scripture verses and the infallibility of Church
  • Reason according to the old Aristotelian (or
    Peripatetic) system

Creation versus Creationism
  • Cores 5 6 will cover this

Different categories of knowledge
  • Creation There is a Creator! (Who and Why)
  • For Christians, the Why is manifest in the
    Incarnation when the Creator becomes Creature and
    relates to us...
  • John 11-14
  • Creationism The details of How creation occurs
  • According to a literal reading of a religious
    text or tradition, whatever that may be
  • For some Christians, this means a six 24-hour
    day creation according to a particular reading of
    Genesis 11- 24a
  • And particular is very important to any
  • The Atheist acknowledges that only one category
    of knowledge exists namely Nature!
  • The Believer --- Christian or otherwise says that
    this is an incomplete view of reality

This conflict became evident with the advent of
Scientific Method
  • Dr. Jennifer Coys lecture mentioned Scientific
    Method with its systematic observation and
    testing of results.
  • (Hopefully) Cores 56 will expand upon this! ?
  • Arguably, Galileo was the first scientist in the
    modern sense of the word.
  • Observations of Nature just kept getting in the
    way of traditional ideas.
  • Important questions
  • Did these new ideas eliminate the need for Faith
    and God?
  • Is atheism the more enlightened view?

Some Wisdom from the Past
St. Thomas Aquinasfrom Summa Theologica (1273)
  • "In discussing questions of this kind two rules
    are to be observed, as Augustine teaches. The
    first is, to hold to the truth of Scripture
    without wavering. The second is that since Holy
    Scripture can be explained in a multiplicity of
    senses, one should adhere to a particular
    explanation only in such measure as to be ready
    to abandon it if it be proved with certainty to
    be false, lest Holy Scripture be exposed to the
    ridicule of unbelievers, and obstacles be placed
    to their believing."

Compare these quotes
  • The Peripatetics, as the followers of Aristotle
    were called, could not accept the view that the
    new star was located among the fixed stars. They
    believed that the celestial region was perfect
    and immutable. They said that since the star was
    new it could not be in the immutable celestial
    region, so it must be in the terrestrial region,
    closer to Earth than the moon, and Galileo must
    be wrong. Text, p. 44.

And this from a modern creationist organization
  • No apparent, perceived or claimed evidence in
    any field, including history and chronology, can
    be valid if it contradicts the Scriptural
    record. - Answers in Genesis Statement of Faith,
    Section D6

What is the Philosophy of Science?
  • Page 72 But I do not feel obliged to believe
    that that same God who has endowed us with
    senses, reason, and intellect has intended to
    forgo their use and by some other means to give
    us knowledge which we can attain by them. He
    would not require us to deny sense and reason in
    physical matters which are set before our eyes
    and minds by direct experience or necessary
    demonstrations. - Galileo

Basically, this means that observations of nature
through our senses and instruments can be trusted
  • This philosophy is foundational to the
    Scientific Method
  • Galileo referred to the Book of Nature
  • Or what I like to call the Other Book of
  • This is a typical attitude of believers of any
    faith who also accept the body of knowledge of
    science to explain the how of creation.

Galileo was also a man of Faith
  • Page 71 I think in the first place that it is
    very pious to say and prudent to affirm that the
    holy Bible can never speak untruth whenever its
    true meaning is understood. But I believe nobody
    will deny that it is often very abstruse, and may
    say things which are quite different from what
    its bare words signify. Galileo
  • Note This statement is very similar to what a
    modern Christian theistic evolutionist such as
    Francis Collins would say!
  • The Language of God A Scientist Presents
    Evidence for Belief

Scripture teaches us how to go to heaven, not
how the heavens go. The Starry Messenger, 1610
  • Are Faith and Reason completely separate areas
    with no overlap?
  • Cores 56 explore this -
  • Look for the NOMA concept

The Ancient Greeks strove for perfection
  • What are the perfect geometrical figures?
  • Lines and Circles!
  • Recall high school geometry class?

The Ancients Combined Two Ideals Perfection of
the Heavens and Importance of Earth (Geocentrism)
  • Stars and Planets including (Sun and Moon) go in
    circular orbits around Earth on crystal spheres

One problem with modelRetrograde Motion of Mars
  • This is what we saw looking at Mars in 1995
  • Note at one point it seems to go backwards
  • Ptolemy also saw this in 100 A.D. and had to
    modify the model

JAN 95
MAR 95
MAY 95
JUL 95
SEP 95
NOV 95
JAN 96
MAR 96
MAY 96
Ptolemys Model EpicyclesStill keeps SS
Earth-centered and circular orbits
  • Said the hypothesis of the Sun at the center is a
    simpler explanation of the data
  • Simplicity is also part of the philosophy of
  • New insight - he stated that perceived motion is
    relative - What appears to us as motions of the
    Sun arise not from its motion but from the motion
    of Earth.
  • The Copernican system is what Galileo found
    support for (not proof of!) with his wonderfully
    systematic observations of the heavens

The Copernican System
The Copernican System and its Flaws
  • Galileos observations contradicted Ptolemys
    system and supported (not proved!) the Copernican
  • But this system was also not completely correct!
  • Copernicus system also assumed circular orbits
    (old ideas die hard!) and added epicycles like
    Ptolemy did
  • Galileo ignored the writings of Johannes Kepler,
    who determined a more correct system elliptical
  • Galileo also was incorrect on the cause of tides
    pg. 82

Before we look at evidence for Copernicus
System, lets see Galileos use of Scientific
Method against the Peripatetics (Aristotle)
  • Galileo disproved Aristotles physics in the area
    of falling bodies by a test (Scientific Method!)
  • Aristotle believed that objects of different
    weight would fall at different rates
  • he also believed that the rate of fall and the
    ability to float would depend on shape, which is
    actually correct!
  • The following story may be apocryphal He dropped
    objects of different weights from the Leaning
    Tower of Pisa

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  • Both the stone ball and Galileos worst critic
    fell at the same speed

What Galileo did do for sure was to experiment
with pendulums
The period of the swing was the same for cork and
lead bobs this is the same result as the
Leaning Tower of Pisa experimenttv(2L/g)
Galileo and His Telescope
Galileo and His Telescope
  • Galileo builds a telescope in 1609
  • He wasnt the inventor, but he did improve the
    design, and he was the first to use it to study
    the heavens systematically
  • Brought the Cosmos 10-30 times closer and
    revealed facts that shattered some old ideas

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He found craters, mountains, and valleys on the
  • But this was really only a small problem for the
    Old view since the Moon was close to an imperfect
    Earth, but Galileo found it to be a bit more
    imperfect than Aristotle would have thought

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Now the Conflict
  • Old idea - Earth does not rotate and no other
    planet has a moon, and all bodies orbit Earth
  • Copernicus used Math to say Earth does rotate.
  • Galileo found spots on the Sun. They showed the
    Sun rotated and has imperfections
  • Galileo observed that Jupiter rotated --- and had
    moons (the Medicean Planets)
  • Galileo observed that Venus had phases like the
    Moon and it changed size with its phases,
    supporting that it orbits the Sun not Earth

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The Conflict
  • Old Idea - Everything In The Universe Orbits
    Around Earth.
  • But Galileo found planets that go around
    Jupiter, not Earth

The Galilean Moons or Medicean Planets
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The Conflict
  • Old Idea - Everything In The Universe Orbits
    Around Earth.
  • Galileo found that the planet Venus has phases,
    like our Moon.
  • Phases, by themselves only mean that Venus is
    between Earth and the Sun, which is consistent
    with the Old view
  • But, he observed the planet changes size with its
    phases, and this is only possible with a
    non-circular orbit.

The Phases of Venus
More Conflict -didnt need a telescope for this
  • OLD IDEA - The stars are attached to a giant
    sphere, in an immutable celestial region
  • OBSERVATION that got in the way in 1604 a new
    star -- a Nova -- appeared in the sky. This
    is sometimes called Keplers Star.
  • This new star showed no parallax, meaning that
    it was a great distance from Earth it was in
    the perfect stellar region
  • But according to the Peripatetics (Aristotles
    followers) this couldnt be!

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The observations must be wrong, not the
traditional views
  • Remember this quote from the text?

  • The Peripatetics, as the followers of Aristotle
    were called, could not accept the view that the
    new star was located among the fixed stars. They
    believed that the celestial region was perfect
    and immutable. They said that since the star was
    new it could not be in the immutable celestial
    region, so it must be in the terrestrial region,
    closer to Earth than the moon, and Galileo must
    be wrong. Text, p. 44.

Quotes from some ChurchmenMartin Luther
  • "People gave ear to an upstart astrologer to show
    that the earth revolves, not the heavens or the
    firmament, sun and the moon... This fool or
    fellow wants to reverse the entire science of
    astronomy but sacred Scriptures tell us that
    Joshua commanded the sun to stand still, and not
    the earth." - Table Talk (Tischreden)

Quotes from some ChurchmenJohn Calvin
  • Those that assert that 'the earth moves and
    turns'... are motivated by a spirit of
    faultfinding possessed by the devil, they aim to
    pervert the order of nature. Sermon 8 on
    First Corinthians
  • "Who will place the authority of Copernicus above
    that of the Holy Spirit?" - Commentary on Genesis

Quotes from some ChurchmenRobert Cardinal
Bellarmine from Galileos Trial
  • "To assert that the earth revolves around the sun
    is as erroneous as the claim that Jesus Christ
    was not born of a virgin."
  • "His (Galileos) pretended discovery vitiates the
    whole Christian plan of salvation.

Galileo runs afoul of the Inquisition
  • Publishes three controversial books Letters on
    Sunspots, The Assayer, and Dialogue of the Two
    Greatest Systems in the World
  • Galileo was a man who valued both Faith and
    Reason, and the culture wasnt ready for this yet
  • Two big problems for him
  • He valued both his scientific discoveries
    (reason) and his Catholic faith, and wasnt
    willing to compromise either
  • He had a witty and sarcastic style which
    irritated his politically powerful opponents, and
    he seemed a bit naïve to this effect

Fact or Theory?Evidence or Proof?
  • These terms were misunderstood in Galileos time
  • Theyre still misunderstood today!
  • See Foscarinis quote on page 74

I say that if a real proof be found that the sun
is fixed and does not revolve around the earth,
but the earth around the sun, then it will be
necessary, very carefully, to proceed to the
explanation of the passages of Scripture which
appear to be contrary, and we should say rather
that we have misunderstood these than pronounce
to be false which is demonstrated. (Emphasis
mine -RO)
Several issues are eerily similar to what one
sees in creationist arguments
  • The confusion of evidence with proof
  • The false distinction of Operational and
    Origins science - p. 75 Gods creation was
    becoming an object of direct human observation,
    which could be interpreted without the help of
    the Scriptures or religion.
  • Misrepresentation of scientific arguments See
    p. 74 for the two accusations submitted to the
    Inquisition against Galileo, neither of which
    were his own words.

Several issues are eerily similar to what one
sees in creationist arguments
  • The teach the controversy argument of the
    modern Intelligent Design Movement smacks a bit
    of Galileos forced disclaimer in Dialogue
  • The Copernican doctrine is neither true nor
    conclusive and it would be excessive boldness for
    anyone to limit and restrict the Divine Power and
    Wisdom to one particular fancy of his own. p.

Galileos sarcastic wit gets him in trouble
  • The character who stands for Church authority in
    Dialogue is named Simplicio (simpleton)
  • Simplicio can only admit arguments that come from
    traditional texts, not from physical evidence
  • Pope Urban VIII may have thought Galileo was
    referring to him
  • In any case Urban despised Galileo to the end
    p. 96

Galileos Trial in 1633
  • The way in which Galileo reacted to this action
    (the Inquisition trial) is a proof of his own
    inner conflict. Had he been less devout a
    Catholic, he could have refused to go before the
    Inquisition in Rome On the other hand, had he
    been less convinced of his scientific opinions,
    he could have given them up and remained at peace
    with the men representing the Church in his time.

Galileos Trial page 85
  • Trumped-up charges using possibly false documents
  • Galileo caved after months of moral torture and
    gave a pitiful recantation of his scientific

Galileos Trial Epilogue
  • Eppur si muove And yet it moves Did Galileo
    say this after his trial? This is an Italian
    legend from the 18th century, which at least
    shows popular support for his struggle.
  • Postponed progress in astronomy in Catholic
    countries for decades
  • Englishman Isaac Newton combined his new theories
    of gravity with the Kepler model and perfected it
    a century later
  • Some later Roman Catholic Church doctrine
  • 1757 Benedict XIV allowed teaching that Earth
  • 1893 Leo XIII issues Providentissimus Deus which
    gives a view of Science and Scripture very
    similar to Galileos
  • Today The Roman Catholic Church has a very
    open-minded view of Faith and Reason, more
    precisely Catholic Faith and Natural Science.
  • A famous statement is John Paul IIs Truth Cannot
    Contradict Truth.
  • Here are some parting words from a committed
    Christian who is also a respected scientist

Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D. Head of the Human
Genome Project
  • I think scientist-believers are the most
    fortunate. We have the opportunity to explore the
    natural world at a time in history where
    mysteries are being revealed almost on a daily
    basis. We have the opportunity to perceive the
    unraveling of those mysteries in a special
    perspective that is an uncovering of God's
    grandeur. This is a particularly wonderful form
    of worship.
  • - Faith and the Human Genome, Paper given to the
    2002 ASA convention
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