Title: 40yo Woman with Painless Jaundice
140yo Woman with Painless Jaundice
- Francis W. Chan, MD
- GI Case Conference
- Feb. 15, 2008
2Admission History
- 40yo with multiple myeloma
- 2wks ago, husband noted change in color of skin
- Increased fatigue, malaise
- Mild nausea with several episodes of vomiting
- No abdominal pain
- Chronic diarrhea for past 2 months (on extended
course of oral vanco for recurrent Cdiff) - No BRBPR/melena
- No new meds. Not on chemo.
- 15 lb wt loss over past 4 months
- No fever/chills/night sweats
3Admission History
- PMHx
- Multiple myeloma
- Dx 2006
- s/p thalidomide/decadron d/c due to severe rash
- To be started on Revlamid/decadron
- Disseminated varicella 4/07
- Syncope, seizures, abdominal pain, encephalitis,
diffuse skin involvement - Treated with acycolvir with complete resolution
- Recurrent Cdiff since 8/07
- Failed flagyl. On prolonged PO vanco taper.
4Admission History
- Meds
- Vanco 125 q6
- Fentanyl patch 50mcg
- ASA 325
- Decadron 4mg qwk
- Megace
- Nexium
- SocHx
- No tobacco
- No ETOH use
- FamHx
- No GI malignancy
- No liver disease
5Admission History
- Exam
- Vitals T 98.3 HR 95 BP 102/68
RR 12 - PERL, icteric, jaundiced, op clear, mmm, no LAD
- RRR, no murmurs
- Abd soft, NDNT, 2cm below CM, no splenomegaly,
decreased BS, no stigmata of chronic liver dz - Ext WWP, trace b/l LE edema
- No rashes
- WBC 5.7
- Hct 31.9
- Plt 205
- MCV 92
- 132 102 12
- ---------------------------lt 111
- 3.8 22 1.0
- AG 8
- Ca 9.4
- Mg 1.8
- Phos 2.6
- TB/DB 9.3/6.6
- AST/ALT 65/34
- AlkP 583
- Alb 2.3
- INR 2.2
- Hepatomegaly. No hepatic masses. No ascites.
- No ductal dilatation.
- Cholelithiasis. CBD 4mm. Questionable small
echogenic filling defect in distal duct. - Patent vessels.
- Small amount of ascites. No liver lesions.
- Mild prominence of intrahepatic ducts
- CBD 4mm. No abnormal signal in CBD. PD
non-dilated - Stones/sludge in GB with small amount of
pericholecystic fluid. - Pancreatic atrophy with no definite mass
- Abnormal BM signal in thoracolumbar spine with
compression fractures and expansile 5th left rib
- HAV IgM neg
- HCV Ab neg
- HBsAg neg
- HBsAb neg
- HBcAb IgM neg
- HBeAg neg
- ANA neg
- ASMA neg
- AMA neg
- EBV IgM VCA neg
- EBV IgG VCA pos
- CMV IgM neg
- CMV IgG pos
- VZV IgM neg
- VZB IgG neg
- HSV IgM neg
- HSV IgG neg
11 12Transjugular Liver Biopsy
13Liver Bx.
14Liver Bx.
15Liver Bx.
16Liver Bx.
- Amyloid
- Fibrils oriented in antiparallel ß-pleated sheet
- Ability to bind Congo red
- Primary Amyloid (AL)
- Fibrils are composed of fragments of monoclonal
light chains - Typically seen in association with multiple
myeloma and Waldenstroms macroglobulinemia - Secondary Amyloid (AA)
- fibrils composed of acute phase reactant serum
amyloid A - Most commonly seen in association with rheumatic
18Hepatic and Gastrointestinal Amyloidosis
- Can occur with AA and AL
- Hepatic
- 70 of pts with amyloidosis have hepatic
involvement1 - Typically presents with elevation in AlkP, AST,
ALT with relatively normal bilis - Less commonly presents with severe cholestatic
pattern with elevated bilis - Rarely progresses to hepatic failure
- Gastrointestinal
- Symptomatic in 30-60 of patients with primary
amyloidosis2,3 - Typically presents with
- Malabsorption
- Intestinal dysmotility
- Protein losing enteropathy
1. Buck FS et el. Hum Pathol 1991 2. Gilat T,
Spiro H. Am J Dig Dis 1968 3. Lee JG, et
al.South Med J 1994
19Gertz MA, Kyle RA. Am J Med 1988
20Gertz MA, Kyle RA. Am J Med 1988
21Park MA, et al. Medicine 2004
22Park MA, et al. Medicine 2004
23Median survival 8 months from diagnosis
Park MA, et al. Medicine 2004
24Peters RA, et al. Gut 1994
25Median survival 3 months from onset of jaundice
Peters RA, et al. Gut 1994
26Follow up
- On hospital day 10, developed BRBPR with no
hemodynamic compromise - EGD and colonoscopy performed
- EGD w/ multiple gastric erosions. No blood seen.
Bx taken. - Colonoscopy w/ friable submucosal mass with
ulceration at splenic flexure occupying ½ of
lumen, approx 5cm in length. Copious amount of
old blood throughout colon.
27Follow up
- On hospital day 11, recurrent BRBPR with
hemodynamic compromise - EGD performed
- Blood refluxing up esophagus
- No lesions at GEJ
- ½ of gastric mucosa covered with clot. Active
oozing from underneath dependent clot. Gastric
erosion with active oozing. Injected with 4cc
Epi in 4 quadrants. Active oozing from needle
puncture from injection. Cauterized with good
hemostasis. Also with significant mucosal
28Follow up
- Progressive worsening of LFTs.
- Peak TBil 27 and AlkP 1660
- Gastric biopsies from EGD and colonoscopy.
29Stomach Bx.
30Stomach Bx.
31Stomach Bx.
32Colon Bx.
33Colon Bx.
34Follow up
- Revlamid started with initial improvement, then
worsening of LFTs - At approx hospital day 35 patient made comfort
care and expired 2days later.