An Introduction to Web Engineering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Introduction to Web Engineering


An Introduction to Web Engineering. Jumana Ali Hbahbeh 20050171035. Mohammad Al-Masri 20050171021 ... The World Wide Web has a massive and permanent influence ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An Introduction to Web Engineering

An Introduction to Web Engineering
  • Jumana Ali Hbahbeh 20050171035
  • Mohammad Al-Masri 20050171021
  • Dr.Natheer Khasawneh
  • Eng.Ahmad Shatnawi

Head Lines
  • Introduction.
  • Motivation
  • Categories of Web Application.
  • Characteristics of Web Application
  • Product - related Characteristic.
  • Usage related Characteristic.
  • Development related Characteristic.
  • Evolution.
  • 4. Questions !

  • Web Engineering comprises the use of
    systematic and quantifiable approaches in order
    to accomplish the specification, implementation,
    operation, and maintenance of high quality Web

Why Web Applications?
  • The World Wide Web has a massive and permanent
    influence on our lives(education,
    healthcare.etc) and this is because of the
    nature of the Web itself.
  • While originally the Web was designed as a purely
    informational medium, it is now increasingly
    evolving into an application medium.
  • Web applications today are full-?edged, complex
    software systems providing interactive, data
    intensive, and customizable services accessible
    through different devices.

Nature of the Web
  • global and permanent availability.
  • Comfortable.
  • uniform access to often widely distributed
    information producible by anyone in the form of
    Web pages.

What is the WA?
  • A Web application is a software system based on
    technologies and standards of the World Wide Web
    Consortium (W3C) that provides Web specific
    resources such as content and services through a
    user interface, the Web browser.
  • So the main components of the WA are
  • Software(tech.), user interface, the web

How WAs are developed now?
  • The development of Web applications is often seen
    as a one-time event.
  • it is often spontaneous.
  • usually based on the knowledge, experiences, and
    development practices of individual developers.
  • limited to reuse in the sense of the Copy
    Paste paradigm.
  • ultimately characterized by inadequate
    documentation of design decisions.

What are the problems with this way of developing
  • Massive quality problems and consequently in
    great problems in operation and maintenance.
  • Applications developed are often heavily
    technology dependent and error-prone.
  • characterized by a lack of performance,
    reliability, and scalability, user-friendliness,
    and therefore also acceptance.
  • The strong interlinking of Web applications
  • additionally increases the danger of problems
    spreading from one application to the other.

What are the reasons for these problems?
  • Document-centric approach.
  • The development of Web applications is often
    still considered to be document centric.
  • The assumed simplicity of Web applications
    development. two main reasons
  • The broad availability of different tools editors
    or form generators(dont need specialized
  • emphasis is on visual design rather than internal
    structuring and programming. This results in
    inconsistencies and redundancy.
  • Know-how from relevant disciplines cannot be
    applied or is not used.

Are there Differences between the WA and the
traditional software ?
  • It is a common misconception that the development
    of Web applications is analogous to the
    development of traditional applications.
  • And there is also a misconception that the
    methods of Software Engineering can be used in
    the sense of a systematic, disciplined approach
    with adequate quality control measures.
  • This appears inadequate in many cases due to the
    special characteristics of Web applications.
  • Development standards for high-quality Web
    applications are nonexistent this is in part
    due to the relatively short history of the Web.

Web Crisis
  • A survey by the Cutter Consortium (Cutter
    Consortium 2000) found that the top problem areas
    of large-scale WA projects were
  • he failure to meet business needs (84)
  • Project schedule delays (79)
  • budget overrun (63)
  • lack of functionality (53)
  • poor quality of deliverables (52)
  • Due to the omnipresence of WAs and their strong
    cross-dependency, this Web crisis could be
    considerably more serious and widespread than the
    software crisis of the 1960s.

Web Application Engineering
  • What is Engineering?
  • What is Software Engineering?
  • And so, What is the WAE?

Web Application Engineering
  • Engineering means the practical application of
    science to commerce or industry with the goal of
    designing applications in a better, i.e. faster /
    cheaper / more secure / etc.
  • SE is an engineering discipline that is concerned
    with all aspects of software production from the
    early stages of system specification to
    maintaining the system.

Web Application Engineering
  • Web Engineering is the application of systematic
    and quantifiable approaches (concepts, methods,
    techniques, tools) to cost-effective requirements
    analysis, design, implementation, testing,
    operation, and maintenance of high-quality Web
  • Web Engineering is also the scientific discipline
    concerned with the study of these approaches.

Categories of WAs
  • We will identify the WAs depending on their
    development history and complexity.

Categories of WAs
  • Document centric Web sites, the precursor to Web
    applications, static, HTML, benefits are the
    simplicity and stability of such Web sites and
    the short response time.
  • interactive Web applications, CGI and HTML forms,
    Ex. news sites, or timetable information.
  • Transactional Web applications, gives the user
    the possibility of not only interacting with the
    application in a read-only manner, but also by
    performing updates on the underlying content,
    there must be a data base system, EX. Online
    banking, online shopping, and booking

Categories of WAs
  • 4. Work?ow-based Web applications, handling of
    work?ows within or between different companies,
    public authorities, and private users, use Web
    services to guarantee interoperability, EX. B2B
    solutions in e-commerce.
  • 5. Collaborative Web applications, cooperation
  • purposes in unstructured operations (groupware),
    While originally the Web was characterized by
    anonymity, there is an increasing trend towards a
    social Web, EX. Weblogs.

Categories of WAs
  • 6. Portal-oriented Web applications, provide a
    single point of access to separate, potentially
  • heterogeneous sources of information and
    services, there are various specialized portals
    such as business portals, marketplace portals.
  • 7. Ubiquitous Web applications, provides
    customized services anytime anywhere and for any
    device, thus facilitating ubiquitous access. Ex.
    Using mobile devices and location-aware services.
  • 8. Semantic Web present information on the Web
    not merely for humans, but also in a machine
    readable form, This would facilitate knowledge
    management on the Web and increase the
    possibility to automating tasks.

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • WA characteristics fall within three dimensions
  • Product
  • Usage
  • Development
  • Along with their ? Evolution

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • Product-related Characteristics
  • a. Content
  • Generating content, making it available,
    integrating, and updating.
  • Web application developers must therefore not
    only act as programmers but also as authors.
  • Depending on the structuring, content is provided
    as tables, text, graphics, animations, audio, or
  • Content is in part also generated and updated
  • Web application is not only subject to differing
    update frequencies, but also to different quality
    metrics regarding its being up to date, exact,
    consistent and reliable.

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • 1. Product-related Characteristics
  • b. Hypertext
  • The hypertext paradigm as a basis for the
    structuring and presentation of information.
  • Basic elements of hypertext models are nodes,
    links and anchors.
  • Non-linearity Hypertexts imply stereotypes of
    relatively systematic reading, We can distinguish
    among others between browsing, e.g. in online
    shopping applications, queries, e.g. in virtual
    exhibitions, and guided tours, e.g. in e-learning

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • Problems
  • Disorientation is the tendency to lose ones
    bearings in a non-linear document.
  • Cognitive overload is caused by the additional
    concentration required to keep in mind several
    paths or tasks simultaneously.
  • Solutions
  • Sitemaps, key word searches, Meaningful linking
    and intelligent link naming reduce cognitive
    overload and disorientation.

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • Product-related Characteristics
  • c. Presentation
  • Aesthetics, look and feel of the user interface
    plus the high competitive pressure on the Web.
  • Self-explanation, it should be possible to use
    aWeb application without documentation.

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • 2. Usage-related Characteristics
  • The usage of Web applications is extremely
    heterogeneous. Users vary in numbers and cultural
    background, devices have differing hardware and
    software characteristics.
  • And the time and location from where the
    application is accessed cannot be predicted.
  • Usage has three main contexts social context,
    technical context, and natural context.

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • 2. Usage-related Characteristics
  • a. Social Context ? Users
  • Spontaneity
  • Multi- culturality
  • b. Technical Context ? Network and Devices
  • Quality of service, The characteristics of the
    transmission medium, such as bandwidth,
    reliability, and varying stability of the
    connection are independent factors that must be
    considered when developing a Web application to
    guarantee appropriate quality of service.
  • Multi-platform delivery, Web applications usually
    offer services not only to a speci?c type of
    device, but rather any, such as different mobile
    types, different browsers

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • 2. Usage-related Characteristics
  • c. Natural Context ? Location and Time
  • Globality, The location from which a Web
    application is accessed, is important for the
  • Global availability also increases the demands on
    security of Web applications to prevent users
    from accessing deliberately or by accident
    private or con?dential areas.
  • Location-awareness imposes further difficulties
    for the testing of Web applications.
  • Availability, available all the time and stable.

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • 3. Development-related Characteristics
  • a. The Development Team
  • Multidisciplinarity , a combination of print
    publishing and software development, marketing
    and computing, and art and technology.
  • Young average age , Web application developers
    are on average signi?cantly younger and thus
    less experienced.
  • Community development , The development of open
    source software freely available on the Web and
    its integration in real applications is a very
    recent phenomenon.

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • 3. Development-related Characteristics
  • b. Technical Infrastructure
  • Inhomogeneity, between the server and the
  • Immaturity, Because of the increasing
    time-to-market pressure, components used in Web
    applications are often immature, i.e. they either
    have bugs or lack the desired functionality.

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • 3. Development-related Characteristics
  • c. Process, The development process is the
    framework for all development-related
  • Flexibility, It is vital to react ?exibly to
    changing conditions, you cant only have a rigid
  • Parallelism, Due to the necessity for short
    development times and the fact that Web
    applications can often be split up into
    autonomous components
  • design, implementation and quality assurance are
    often carried out simultaneously for different

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • 3. Development-related Characteristics
  • d. Integration
  • Internal integration
  • Web applications have to be integrated with
  • legacy systems when existing content
  • External integration
  • the integration of content and services of
    external Web applications is a special
    characteristic of Web applications.
  • integration on the Web
  • 1. there are a very large number of sources
  • 2. frequently changing
  • 3. usually only few details are known about the
    properties of these sources.
  • 4. the different sources are often very
    heterogeneous at various levels, be it at the
    data level, the schema level, or the data model

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • Evolution, evolution is a characteristic that
    governs all three dimensions of product, usage
    and development.
  • a. Continuous change, Web applications change
    rapidly due to constantly changing requirements
    or conditions, and this has two reasons users
    want the newest Web hype, and the used tools are
    also technology-driven.

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • Evolution
  • b. Competitive pressure, this due to
  • The extremely high competitive pressure.
  • the time-to market pressure .
  • the necessity for a Web presence .
  • And this leads to
  • The shorter product lifecycles
  • extremely short development cycles

Characteristics of Web Applications
  • Evolution
  • c. Fast pace
  • time pressure on Web application development
    is due to the rapid change on the Web and the
    accordingly short life spans of Web applications
    or their frequency of updates.

Questions ?
  • Q1) Mention the top problem areas of large-scale
    WA projects .
  • Q2) Talk about 3 of Web application Categories
    briefly .
  • Q3) The basic elements of hypertext models are
  • Q4) Disorientation and Cognitive overload are the
    main problems caused by the Non-linearity of the
    Hypertext model . How to solve THEM ?
  • Q5) What are the main Characteristics of the web
    application ?
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